MCS Ed 133L05836

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Tip+ m0+t -e recei,e> -1


etro Crime &topper+<

ET%O C%" E &TOPPE%& YOU% $"%&T C!LL

Toll $ree2 1/866/3LOC4UP


Baltimore Police Department CC# 133L05836

IF YOUR TIP TO THE HOTLINE LEADS TO AN ARREST AND INDICTMENT IN THIS CASE, THEN YOU !Y BE EL"#"BLE $O% ! C!&H %E'!%D O$ UP TO ()*000 If you have information on the above crime/victim please call, text, or e-mail

etro Crime &topper+ Hotline !,aila-le )./Ho0r+ a Da1 Toll $ree2 1/866/3 LOC4UP 51/866/356/)5836 or +0-mit -1 te7tin8 9 C& pl0+ 1o0r me++a8e: to C%" E& 5)3.6336 or +0-mit -1 ;e- at ;;;<metrocrime+topper+<or8

&U&PECT& DE&C%"PT"ON& Un=no;n ale+

Eastern District Detectives need your he !" On Saturday# Dece$%er &'# ()&* at a!!ro+i$ate y (,() -.# /our victi$s were shot %y un0nown 1un$en in the &')) 2 oc0 o/ N3 Lu4erne Ave3 Anyone with in/or$ation a%out this case or anyone who $ay 0now the identity o/ the 1un$en are as0ed to contact the .etro 5ri$e Sto!!ers Hot ine at &-677-8-LO59:5reated on )*;(<;()&'

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