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Institute for Excellence in Writing (I.E.W.

) Class for 6th to 9th Graders

Dates, time, and location: Mondays/Thursdays (10 meetings) May 1 to June 5 from 11:00 to 11:50 a.m. (No class meeting on May 26.) Davisson American Heritage building (room 104) on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University. Curriculum: I.E.W.s Student Writing Intensive B -- appropriate for new and continuing I.E.W. students Students: Students entering grades 6-9 in the fall of 2014 Teacher: Dr. Darin Martin, Associate Professor of Education at OK Christian University Materials: lined paper, pens, and I.E.W.s Student Writing Intensive B: Notebook and packet (available at

Tuition: $120 per student (multiple children from the same family -- $120 for the first child and $80 for each additional child) plus the I.E.W. student notebook and packet (approx. $25 if ordering the materials from I.E.W. yourself or $23 if Darin orders the packet for you). Enrollment: Please enroll your child by April 15 so materials may be ordered and on hand for day one. Send the following to Darin Martin, 1401 Sims Ave., Edmond, OK 73013 1. Information: students name, age, grade, parent(s) name(s), email, phone, and address 2. Tuition Check: $100 (check made payable to Darin Martin) 3. Optional: Additional $23 for materials packet (if Darin is ordering for you) which can be combined with deposit Course Information: Writing is a key component to students success in college. The focus of this class is writing with structure and style. The students will be exposed to many effective writing techniques and practice them in a variety of ways. Generally, each class meeting will be 50 minutes and include two writing assignments one for guided practice and one for independent practice. (On three occasions, we will cover two lessons in one class meeting. These extra lessons are for reinforcement.) Each session will consist of a lesson and then time for students to work on their assignments. For homework, the student will complete the final write-up of the guided-practice assignment and then compose an outline and first draft of the independent assignment. The day after each class meeting, the student will e-mail to the teacher the first draft of the independent assignment as a Microsoft Word attachment or as a Google doc wherein the teacher will edit the paragraph and email it back to the student with comments so he or she can complete the final write-up and bring a printed copy to the next class. Regarding editing, each student will complete the I.E.W. editing checklist before submitting his/her draft. The teacher will then edit the draft for spelling and grammatical errors. The teacher will make only subtle suggestions regarding the students usage of style and structure since the student will have already self-edited the paper for these elements via the I.E.W. checklist. Given that summer time is full of activities and schedules are sometimes unpredictable, should your child miss a class, the teacher will help get your child caught up before or after class. Also, should the teacher need to reschedule a session, a make-up class will be scheduled. About the Teacher: Dr. Darin Martin is an Associate Professor of Education at O.C. He is a registered I.E.W. instructor. And has taught I.E.W. courses since 2011. Prior to his time at O.C., Darin taught grades 5-8 for 10 years in Oklahoma public schools. He and his wife have been involved in home education for several years. Contact Information:; 870-307-1791 (cell); 405-216-8225 (home) For more information about I.E.W. and to order materials, please visit

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