OSCWI Meeting Agenda, March 2014

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OSCWI Meeting Agenda March 20th, 2014, 12:00pm at the NAS Whidbey O Club Standing Items -Welcome -Speaker,

Mike Welding, Public Affairs Officers Contact info: 360-257-2962 michael.welding@navy.mil -Social Media and OPSEC -Game, Trivia!! New Business -Account Balance $4546.42 -Time and Talent -silent auction items are due -online silent auction is going live!! http://www.32auctions.com/OSCWI Must register to bid but you may peruse the items without registering. Live auction description and picture due March 28th. Old Business -Time and Talent tickets - www.brownpaperticket.com 87 tickets sold to date. Please get your tickets now to ensure you sit with your command/friends. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Ticket sales end April 5. -miscellaneous Time and Talent info, Q and A time -scholarship and charity forms have been sent out -scholarships will be due March 31 -the committee to review scholarships and charities is forming If you would like to be on the committee please contact Amanda Bong. (951) 259-2784 amanda.m.bong@gmail.com -board members for next year Please be on the lookout for future board members! OSCWI will not survive unless we have those special people to step up and serve! -nominations will be open until the end of our next regular meeting, April 17 th -voting for the 2014-2015 board will be on May 18th, absentee (email) ballots will be due by noon on May 17th -Awards Banquet, May 4thmark your calendars!! Sunday, May 4th at 2pm to 4pm. Please show your support to the recipients and attend the banquet! Miscellaneous Business

-Next meeting, April 17th at noon at the Oclub Board Members: President, EJ Moore (360) 632-4679 oscboard@yahoo.com Vice President, D Bartolf (303) 594-9543 ellisond13@gmail.com Treasurer, Erin Palmreuter (734) 674-8643 eescasw@hotmail.com Secretary, Amy Morrison (901) 634-0129 morrisonal@hotmail.com Scholarships/Charity, Amanda Bong (951) 259-2784 amanda.m.bong@gmail.com Activities Officer, Erin Norman (905) 955-0292 enorman46@yahoo.com

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