Oct 8th: Barría - Videla Lge - Case Study 1

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Educational Policies and Curriculum Rubric to Assess Work

Barra - Videla LGE - CASE STUDY 1 Name:_________________________________________________________ Section:_______________ Date:____________________ Oct 8th

10 Depth of knowledge issues are presented in a way that full understanding of concepts is evident all the relevant aspects of the issues are included a personal view of the issues is clear and well supported work format adequate for an academic context. language is accurate enough to enhance meaning

7 issues are presented in a way that general understanding of concepts is evident the major relevant aspects of the issues are included a personal view of the issues is evident and sufciently supported. work format is generally adequate for an academic context. language is easily comprehensible

4 issues are presented in a way that understanding of concepts is not always evident some major relevant aspects of the issues are included a personal view of the issues is suggested but insufciently developed work format frequently inadequate for an academic context. language is ambiguous and prevents straightforward understanding of ideas

1 issues are presented in a way that understanding of concepts is unclear or supercial irrelevant aspects of the issues generate some confusion no personal view of the issues is presented

Breadth of knowledge Critical Point of View

Formal Aspect

work format does not meet the characteristics of an academic context. language makes text incomprehensible

MARK: 3,7

Total 19

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