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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw

Creature Identification: (Worth 10 Points)

1. You better place a silencing charm on me, or I might just drive you crazy. Fwooper. 2. Ooooo shiny object. I'll take it! And hide it in my burrow 20 feet underground. Niffler. 3. You better watch out! One sting from me could cause you to float! Billywig. 4. I might be scarlet or blue depending on how much heat is in the room. Salamander. 5. What do you want? I have 500 eggs that are about to hatch in 2 to 3 weeks. Doxy.

Fill in the Blanks: (Worth 15 Points)

1. Now you all know this creature is a mix an eagles head and wings with a body of a horse. 2. Now these creatures are extremely smart and can help you if you get lost. 3. Plimpy's like water snails as their food, but likes to nibble on people's toes. 4. If you eat this creature you'll get a terribly high fever and a green rash. 5. They have 2 rows of razor sharp teeth with venom.

Paragraph Response: (Worth 5 Points)

A breeding Hippogriff would build a nest on the ground in which it would lay one very fragile and large egg. This egg will hatch in 24 hours. The fledgling that wouldve emerged, would be able to fly in a week and would be able to fly over long distances in only a few months.

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