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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw

Creature Diets: (Worth 10 Points)

Creature 1) Glumbumble 2) Leprechaun 3) Dugbog 4) Bundimun 5) Jarvey Diet C. Nettles B. Leaves E. Mandrakes A. Dirt D. Gnomes

Short Answer: (Worth 10 Points)

1) What colour are Mokes? Mokes have a silvery green colour. 2) Where might you find a Pogrebin? You might find a Pogrebin in Russia. 3) How long might a Sea Serpent grow to be in length? A Sea Serpent can grow to be up to a 100 feet tall. 4) How many AND of what kind of creature does the Ministry of Magic have for people to borrow to rid themselves of a Nogtail? The Ministry of Magic has 12 albino dogs for people to borrow to get rid of a Nogtail. 5) What creature has been known to decrease the quality of bee's honey? A Glumbumble is known to decrease the quality of bees honey.

True or False: (Worth 10 Points)

1) A Dugbog looks like a piece of sheet metal.

False, a Dugbog looks like a piece of dead wood. 2) There is no use for Bundimun secretion. False, their secretion can be used for household cleaners. 3) Jarveys are known to carry out long complicated discussions with people. False, Jarveys are known for only knowing short, rude phrases. 4) You can find Mokes in Britain, Ireland, and North America. False, you can find Mokes only in Britain and Ireland. 5) You can get rid of a Pogrebin by simply casting simple hexes at it, or kicking it. True.

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