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Website Creation Lesson Topic: Research a Common Core Topic and the creation of a website to present data using

ng Weebly web tool. Middle Grades 6-8 Lesson Objectives: The Student will gain knowledge of website creation through an object based online software, more specifically the website. explain details and deliver information about their topic. execute proper research techniques through reinforcement of COBRA method of research for credibility determination. plan, design, and create a website to present the information discovered. Curriculum Standards Alignment: Multimedia and Webpage Design (Course 6412) 3.00 Understand multimedia production and webpage design. 52% B2 3.01 Explore multimedia systems, elements, and presentations. (25%) 3.02 Develop webpages. (27%) ITES: Research Process 7.RP.1 Apply a research process to complete given tasks. 7.RP1.1 Implement a collaborative research process activity that is group elected. Prerequisites: Exposure to the COBRA method of website credibility which can be accessed at: This method was developed by a teacher at Holly Grove Middle School to direct students through a definitive process that determines credibility of resources online. (Page ) Materials and Equipment: Computers/Laptops/iPads Internet access Directions-Handout explaining the process for the project Video on developing student website using the webware Instructional Handout for using Rubric for Website Creation Project

Rationale: With the ever evolving technology online students should be required to have working knowledge of a variety of webware opportunities. By gaining an understanding of object based online tools students make themselves more marketable on the job scene. Taking the technology and combining it with a core subject gives students exposure to real world/school application of the technology. Exercise in the use of research techniques supports student ability to access credible knowledge which will help in current course requirements along with higher education classes and workplace assignments. Procedure: Day 1 1. Scan the QRScan that states COBRA at the top with your iPad and review the techniques for determining whether or not a website is credible. (5 minutes) 2. Discuss how we have used this technique in other areas and how we might be using it for this project. Decide how you can use a website to present a topic. (10 minutes) 3. Decide on your school related topic for the website. 4. Review requirements for your project: a. Make sure that the topic from your group is being researched using websites that are credible. Using a non-credible website as a resource would be unacceptable. b. Follow directions for the set-up of the website, include your title and layout. c. You need to have at least 5 individual pages that include: i. Home page ii. Photo page with comments on individual photos iii. At least one page of your choice that is related to your topic, you can have more than one, and they can be videos or further research. iv. Forum or blog page (your choice how you set this up). The page needs to have a conversation starter or question in place that your group has composed for others to join in on a topic of discussion. v. Citation page remember that pictures/videos also need citation. d. Your webpage must: i. Define your groups chosen topic. Its possible that not everyone has an understanding of your topic. ii. Explain how your topic relates to school. e. Information is checked (cited), and attention is paid to grammar and spelling. (10minutes)

Day 2-6 1. Partners with whom you will create the website are decided.(10 minutes) 2. View video on website development at: This is an hour long movie and may take a couple days to view/review with students before they begin their website development. Figure 1: Weebly Beginner Instructions. 3. Follow-up with directions on the QRScan that are at the front tables for the proper set up on for your website. 4. Remember, when you are on the Internet we dont use last names or personal information.
Figure 1 Weebly Beginner Instructions

Evaluation: When completed (day 6) please send your websites URL to your teacher. URLs will be shared with class so students may post comments on blogs/forums of their classmates websites and join online discussions. A rubric will be used to evaluate each groups website. If you want to be more subject specific simply redefine the topic requirements. Remember that any web tools require permission from parents when the student is under the age of 13.

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