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Eye Exercises and Diet Instructions:o Include eye exercise in your regular exercise schedule.

o Don t be too fast to perform the exercise. Sit down calm, relax and do the eye e xercises. o Gradually increase your exercise duration, but only about 25 minutes is necess ary. o Don t strain your eyes though. Take it slowly, but be consistent. * Eye concentration: Mark a small black spot on the wall of your home with a bla ck pen. Sit down comfortably on a blanket or a chair. Start focusing at the blac k spot for as long as you can .This will help make your eyes strong. * Eye open and close: Open your eyes widely and close it tight (Be gentle in doi ng this exercise to avoid eye pain) Repeat this exercise for ten times with a 1 second pause on each set. * Eye rolling- Roll your eyes clockwise for 5 counts, followed by anti-clockwise movement for 5 counts this strengthens your eye muscles. * Eye movement- Move your eyes up and down slowly. Then from left to right for 5 counts each. To enhance flexibility of eye movement. * Eye Twitching : blink your eyes frequently to improve nourishment to the eye m uscles to avoid dryness. * Blood circulation to eyes: Yoga too has a great impact on eye health. Food that is good for Eyes 1.Carrot 2. Eggs 3. Milk 4. Apricots 5.Berries 6.Black Currants 7_ Cold-water Fish 8.Collard Greens 9.Grapefruits 10.Grapes 11.Lemons 12.Spinach 13.Fish Oils Harmful for eyes 1.Foods and additives containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) 2.Looking directly into the sun for some time. 3. Drugs which are harmful to the eyes, Cell phone, games may also be harmful.

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