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Mural Rubric

Name:___________________ Date:______________________ Grade:_______

Accurate detail and depth

Incorrect or tittle facts hardly any detail. (1-3 pts)

Apprenti ce
Some facts are accurate, some details. (4-6pts)

Proficien t
Substancial amount of facts, good amounts of details. (7-9 pts)

Exceptional amount of facts vivid descriptions. (10-12 pts)

Clear focus

Vague and Unclear. (1-3 pts)

Some focus, but not organized enough. (4-6 pts)

Simple design but layout could be more organized. (4-6 pts)

Well organized and clearly presented. (7-9 pts)

Attractive and invites the viewer. (7-9 pts)

Highly organized and easy to follow. (10-12 pts)

Exceptional design and otstanding visual appeal. (10-12 pts)


Little to no layout and desing. (1-3 pts)

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