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Alharbi,Mohammed Professor Sarah Baker; Laura Miller.

English 121 16 September 2013

Outsourcing the Mind According to his article Outsourcing the Mind by Gerd Gigerenzer. He mentioned about his reflection when he went to the center for advanced study in Palo in the fall of 1989.Sommething was surprised him that wasnt any users of technological. The scholars would in thinking profession would not easily let their attention be controlled from the outside. Gerd Gigerenzer think that our mind depend on the internet more than depend on ourselves because we rely on the internet more than using our mind to find a solution or figure out any problem that we may face. The searching machines effected our knowledge from using our inside mined memory to outside memory such as; using internet machine rather than using our mind. The internet teaching us a new skills to know more information. Also the internet is a kind of huge memory and our mind will know a new technology eventually replaces it. In addition, there is factor has affected our lifestyle is the internet. Gerd Gigerenzer resemblances our mind like I huge room of information exactly like our mind The human Brain as exactly the internet. Also he mentioned that the internet going to be in the future outsources our brine. In the end Gerd Gigerenzer want to say that to everybody we have to be careful about how to use the

technology without effective our mind. Also he mentioned that our mind will be outsourcing to known something new.
Moh, You have grasped the idea about outsourcing the mind, but you spend almost this whole summary writing about that, which means that you are addressing only one or two or the main points. What about the discussion of writing and the effect on memory and memorization? Did you do an outline? That will help you organize all of the main ideas and supporting points to make sure that you dont leave any out. Also, pay close attention to your sentences. Students Name & Section: AC1 MOH Date: 9/24/13 Evaluation System 6, 7 5 4 3 1, 2 = Exceptional/thought-provoking = Experienced/effective/consistent = Capable/usually consistent (Passing) = Developing/beginning to show criteria = Emerging ENGH 121/ Summary 1 (Baker/Miller)

Criteria a. Intro is logically arranged and contains authors name, article title and articles main/central idea b. Body covers significant main points from original text c. Body clearly and accurately defines key concepts d. Body connects the points logically and in your own words e. Key terms and/or concepts are repeated for emphasis throughout f. Tone is neutral and objective throughout g. Reporting verbs accurately reflect original authors tone and purpose h. Word forms, including verb structures, are correct i. j. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct Includes full reference at the end

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