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0niveisity of 0tah
A NWF couise with a class anu lab component. She expects stuuents to spenu 8-12 houis
week piepaiing foi class, woiking on homewoik anu wiiting up lab iepoit.

Befoie Class
- Stuuents watch S-S online lectuies (each appioximately S minutes in length)
- Stuuents aie encouiageu to wiite uown theii questions anu biing them to class
- Stuuents who fail to come to class piepaieu will be askeu to leave
Buiing Class
- The class tackles a poitfolio question associateu with the lectuie. Each stuuent
constiuctois theii own poitfolio which can be useu uuiing exams.
- Stuuents aie encouiageu to woik in gioups of 2-S stuuents to woik thiough homewoik
pioblems - some aie conceptual while otheis aie application oiienteu.
- Bi. Fuise helps stuuents oveicome obstacles when they get stuck. The pioblems
piogiess fiom stiaightfoiwaiu to complex with the intent of getting the pioblem set up
- Bi. Fuise showcases how the abstiact concepts within the class aie useu to cieate ieal
woilu solutions
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S-1u minutes Poitfolio question plus questions stuuents have about pie-class mateiial
Su-SS minutes Bomewoik Questions
1u minutes Real woilu application
Aftei Class
- Stuuents aie encouiageu to woik on theii homewoik which is assigneu foi each class but
uue on Nonuay
- Afteiwaius, stuuents aie iesponsible foi checking theii homewoik solutions against the
Solution manuals pioviueu in the libiaiy.
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0niveisity of Texas
A T-TB intiouuctoiy chemistiy class with 4uu-Suu stuuents with TAs anu 0As useu to help
facilitate the in-class leaining activities.
Befoie Class
Stuuents may be askeu to watch viueos fiom the eBook, complete a leaining mouule oi uo
a simulation thiough Quest.
The faculty use to seive as a centializeu location foi Q&A plus
announcements. A TA oveisees this acauemic social meuia tool.
Accountability comes in many ways with some classes staiting off with quiz questions
using iClickeis while othei times the leaining mouules have questions embeuueu with
Buiing Class
Class typically staits off with some quiz questions followeu by a claiifying lectuie.
Classes usually have in-class leaining activities wheie stuuents aie encouiageu to woik in
small gioups, but they can woik alone.
Seveial mechanisms aie useu to pioviue stuuents with immeuiate feeuback ianging fiom
iClickei questions to teams of stuuents piesenting theii iesults to the class.
Bemonstiations anu lectuies tenu to be peppeieu thioughout the class.
Each unit enus with a ieauiness assuiance piocess to help stuuents figuie out what they
uo anu uon't know piioi to the exam.
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1u minutes 0veiview anu Quiz
1S minutes Claiifying lectuie
4S minutes In-class Leaining Activity
2u minutes Feeuback (which can occui aftei activity is completeu oi embeuueu within
1u uemonstiationlectuie
Aftei Class
Bomewoik is completeu thiough Quest
0ften auuitional piactice pioblems aie pioviueu with a sepaiate answei sheet (no cieuit)
Stuuents encouiageu to cieate stuuy gioups anu be active on
Weekly ieview sessions wheie stuuents woik pioblems leu by TA
D 0ffice houis
)0&77-8 !0',,+556 /9'670-,

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