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AEU Sub-Branch Executive Retreat

Birrigai 4-5 April 2014

Friday 4th April

17:00 18:00 18:30 19:30 19:40 Arrival and Birrigai walk led by Karen de Gans and Glenn Fowler Pre-dinner drink Dinner Introduction to keynote address by Glenn Fowler Keynote address by Andy Jennings - Lead Organiser

Saturday 5th April

07:00 09:00 Breakfast starts Session 1 - Persuasive Conversations: Recruiting New Members Talking to non-members about joining is really important but it isnt always easy. Isaac Astill brings a wealth of campaigning experience, with the Together union in QLD and in the climate change movement. He will take us through a very helpful methodology for structuring join conversations. 10:30 11:00 Morning Tea Session 2 - Sub-Branch Organising: Making a Difference in Your Workplace Using the sub-branch structure: six ways we can make a difference in our workplaces. Formal motions whats the point? The dispute settlement procedure in our Enterprise Agreement what it means for us

12:30 13:30

Lunch Session 3 - Campaigning Skills: Engaging Members in the Enterprise Agreement Campaign Key points in our new enterprise agreement claim Engaging members in your workplace in the campaign Maximising member support for the claim


Debrief, feedback and thank you

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