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Part speech Veb

of Function or "job"

Example wor s

Example sentences

action or state

(to) be, have, do, is a web site. I like, work, sing, can, li!e must


thing or person

pen, music,


work, !his is m" teacher,

o". #e lives in m"

town, house. $e live in #on on.

London, ohn %d&ective describes a noun

a'an, the, (), some, *" dog is bi". I like bi" dogs. good, big, red, well, interesting



verb, +uickl", silentl", well, badl", ver", reall"

*" dog eats $uic!l%. $hen he is &er% hungr", he eats reall% +uickl".

ad&ective or adverb


replaces a noun

I, "ou, he, she, some

!ara is Indian. She is beauti-ul.


links a noun to another to, at, a-ter, on, but word

$e went to school on *onda".




or and, but, when

I like dogs an cats an don.t like cats.

I like cats. I like

sentences or words

dogs. I like dogs but I



e/clamation, oh0, ouch0, hi0, well inserted

Ouch0 !hat hurts0 Hi0 #ow are "ou1 'ell, I don.t know.

sometimes into a sentence

The wor s that we use can be i&i e into these classes( )* noun 2 % noun is a t"pe o- word that represents a person, thing, or place, like mother, apple, or valley.

+* &erb 2 % verb is a t"pe o- word that describes an action or a state o- being, like wiggle, walk, run, jump, be, do, have, or think.

,* Pronoun 2 % pronoun is a substitute -or a noun. 3ome pronouns are4 I, me, she, hers, he, him, it, you, they, them, etc.

-* a jecti&e 2 %n ad&ective is a word that describes something (a noun). 3ome ad&ectives are4 big, cold, blue, and silly. 5ne special t"pe o- ad&ective is an article, a word that introduces a noun and also limits or clari-ies it6 in English, the inde-inite articles are a and an, the de-inite article is the.

.* a &erb 2 %n adverb is a word that tells 7how,7 7when,7 7where,7 or 7how much7. 3ome adverbs are4 easily, warmly, quickly, mainly, freely, often, and unfortunately.

/* preposition 2 % preposition shows how something is related to another word. It shows the spatial (space), temporal (time), or logical relationship o- an ob&ect to the rest o- the sentence. !he words above, near, at, by, after, with and from are prepositions.

0* conjunction 2 % con&unction is a word that &oins other words, phrases, clauses or sentences. 3ome con&unctions are4 and, as, because, but, or, since, so, until, and while.


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