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Job Shadow Reflection Warren Easton High School

Rubric/Exit Sheet Name: Jabari Wilson Date Completed: 3-14-14

Reflection Questions Directions: Answer the following questions about your job shadowing experience using complete sentences. Be thorough in your answers as some of your answers may be incorporated in your senior portfolio presentation speech and or final reflection paper. 1. Was the job shadow you completed the same career field you identified in your career PowerPoint? If you completed the experience in another field, explain why there was a need to change career fields. (i.e., I was not able to set up a job shadow experience in my intended career field OR After taking a closer look at the field, I found that I was more interested in). My original carrer choice was a traveling physical therapisy, but due to their continusly traveling; I had to go to my second choice , business. 2. As a result of your job shadow experience, are you still planning to pursue the same career or has the experience led you in a new direction? Explain. Yes I am still pursuing my first career option, Even though my job shadowing project did give me some insight on business ideas for physical therapy clinics. 3. During your job shadow, what skills did you observe that are needed to be proficient at this career? The skills observed were the stong communication skills, detailed records, and friendliness towards your staff and clients.

4. What activities and or duties did you like/dislike about the experience? I liked greeting people and answering the phone. I disliked all the hand written paper work.

5. Do you see yourself doing this job for the duration of your working career? (i.e., 15 to 20 years in the same field) No I dont see myself doing the job I job shadowed but I do see myself being a physical therapist for about 20 years.

Job Shadow Reflection Warren Easton High School

Rubric/Exit Sheet
6. Aside from academic preparation in school, what are some other things that you can do in order to prepare for your intended career field? To prepare for this career I can do research over the internet, read up on books and personally speak to physical therapist 7. Is there any important tips and or advice you were given by your mentor concerning your career field? Some important tips I was given were to remain calm with every person that walks through the door, never let your emotions get the best of you. No matter whats going on outside of your work area, never let it get the best of you, work is work. And last give it your all every day, thats the only way you can stay on top every day. 8. Considering everything you have learned, what is most invaluable lesson you have learned from your job shadowing experience, and how will this help you to move forward in your intended career field? A valuable lesson I learned was that you cant let others affect you; youve got to do what you got to do. This will help me with my future career because being a physical therapist , I have to interact with people on a daily basis and its a must that I dont let people and their attitudes get the best of me.

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