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The world has been ravaged by violent conflicts that have claimed the lives of millions of civilians displacing millions of people. In the country, the long-running armed conflicts have adversely affected communities in many parts of the countryside destroying the livelihood that these communities have been used to feed their families. The arm conflict between the government troops and the communist terrorists have not only resulted to direct hazards from actual combat operation but the indirect effect on the emotional and psychological well being of these civilians. Many have developed trauma which is manifested in nervousness, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, staring blankly into space, silence, absent-mindedness, recurring nightmares, depression, mood swings, impatience, irritability, withdrawal, drug addiction, and attempted suicide. Essentially, the countrys economy is getting backward because of unresolved conflicts. Civilians are always at the loss after every arm struggle. They have no other choice than to start from the beginning when they go back to their homes after fleeing for safety. This has been a long decade problem that the government is trying to resolve a deep-rooted problem that needs to be addressed. Everyone should be part of this process. It needs a collective effort by the community itself, the military, socio-civic groups, and the Local Government Unit in bringing total development to the countryside. It is not a one-time conflict resolution. But it needs for everyone to support peace-building initiatives that will address the roots of armed conflicts and avoid militarist solutions to the insurgency that only intensify adverse effects on the innocent civilians.

SAME SEX MARRIAGE The cartoon frames the religious rights activists objection to same sex marriage as an irrational way of thinking. The man in the cartoon has taken a liking to the newlywed couple, and the same sex couple is framed to look happier than the traditionally married man and wife. This only strengthens the wifes resolve that same sex marriage is wrong. The artists intent was to paint them in this light, to show the artists feelings towards people opposed to same sex marriage.

Overseas Filipino Workers and the Philippines Economy

Overseas Filipino workers contribute a lot to the growing Philippines economy. It's good that the economy is growing, but the local economy doesn't provide enough jobs for the 27.9 percent of the population who live below the poverty line.

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