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Advanced Consultant / Engineer


Sede Legale Via Tiburtina, 1232 - 00131 Roma Tel. 0039 Fa 0039 !a"itale So#iale $ 5.000.000 i.%. - R&' n( 9425)9 *artita +V', !odi#e Fi,#ale e i,#ri-ione al Regi,tro delle +m"re,e di Roma n( 039324)0010 So#iet. ,oggetta a dire-ione e #oordinamento della 'ltran Te#/nologie, S.'.

Competences and skills

Areas - So0t1are Validation - So0t1are 2' - So0t1are 'nal3,i, and 4e,ign Activities - +ntegration 5 %alidation - 6"eration 5 #urrent a#ti%itie, - So0t1are Su""ort Disciplinary Areas - 4ataba,e - 6"erating S3,tem management - *rogramming Selenium *er,"e#ti%e - *ro7e#t 2ualit3 8anagement

Practices & Tools

- Selenium - S2L - L+9:; - ;8L - <+R' - =a,e !am" - 'ma-on &!2 !loud - :berSmit/ - 8i#ro,o0t & #el - S'* =6 - !> .9&T

Advanced Consultant / Engineer Reserved and confidential

Pagina 2 di 7 MOLFR_1977

Professional Experiences:
PROJECT : Period Role At Area Competences and requireme nts
*9&R* - 4e%elo"ed 0or *a?i,tan 9a%3 1 9o% 2012 - 30 8ar 2013 Sr. So0t1are 2ualit3 &ngineer Ser%er4Sale S3,tem 4e%elo"ment - 4ataba,e - 6"erating S3,tem management - :+ Validation - S2L +n7e#tion - !ro,, Site S#ri"ting - @3! Validation T66LSA - Selenium - "/"83'dmin - '"a#/e - "/" @it/ t/e abo%e mentioned "ro7e#t + /a%e al,o 1or?ed on man3 &-!ommer#e "ro7e#t, t/ere 1/i#/ 1ere built b3 u,ing *re,ta S/o", @ord *re,,, 6"en!art et#. 4uring t/e %alidation o0 *9&R*, + /a%e e "lored man3 o0 t/e tool, related to ,o0t1are Bualit3 but t/e one, 1/i#/ + u,ed a, in ,#o"e o0 %alidation are li,ted abo%e.

Practices & Tools

Description of activity

Advanced Consultant / Engineer Reserved and confidential

Pagina 3 di 7 MOLFR_1977

PROJECT Period Role At Area Competences and requireme nts Practices & Tools

Titan C+S Se" 2011 - Se" 2012 Re,ear#/ ',,i,tant Titan *etro#/emi#al, - Ve,,el 6"erator, - C*S - '+S - Radar - &#/o Sounder *ra#ti#e,A @riting te,t #a,e, 0or t/e "arti#ular territor3 in 1/i#/ t/e %e,,el gonna ,ail. '0ter t/e %alidation o0 re,ult, obtained 0rom Dard1are C*S and So0t1are +m"lemented C*S. @ell a1are o0 t/e #on#e"t, be/ind t/e C+S and ot/er related ,tu00. 4ata %eri0i#ation and %alidation 1a, %er3 ne#e,,ar3 t/ere be#au,e it i, e,,ential 1/ene%er t/e %e,,el i, mo%ing in +nternational @ater,.

Description of activity

Advanced Consultant / Engineer Reserved and confidential

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Advanced Consultant / Engineer Reserved and confidential

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=a#/erloo 4egree E4 3ear,F !om"uter S#ien#e raduation Degree!! 2010 raduation Mar"!! 2.65G4.0 #niversity! :ni%er,it3 o0 Hara#/i Descriptio$n! T/i, degree 0o#u,e, on all t/e a,"e#t, o0 !om"uter S#ien#e, in 1/i#/ + /a%e ,"e#iali-e, in So0t1are &ngineering.

!2 &ngli,/ +talian &lementar3 le%el- '1

#nderstanding !2 &lementar3 le%el'1 !2 &lementar3 le%el'1

%po"en !2 &lementar3 le%el'1

&ritten !2 &lementar3 le%el- '1

Advanced Consultant / Engineer Reserved and confidential

Pagina 6 di 7 MOLFR_1977

Sede Legale Via Tiburtina, 1232 - 00131 Roma Tel. 0039 Fa 0039 !a"itale So#iale $ 5.000.000 i.%. - R&' n( 9425)9 *artita +V', !odi#e Fi,#ale e i,#ri-ione al Regi,tro delle +m"re,e di Roma n( 039324)0010 So#iet. ,oggetta a dire-ione e #oordinamento della 'ltran Te#/nologie, S.'. Sede Legale Via Tiburtina, 1232 - 00131 Roma Tel. 0039 Fa 0039 !a"itale So#iale $ 5.000.000 i.%. - R&' n( 9425)9 *artita +V', !odi#e Fi,#ale e i,#ri-ione al Regi,tro delle +m"re,e di Roma n( 039324)0010 So#iet. ,oggetta a dire-ione e #oordinamento della 'ltran Te#/nologie, S.'.

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