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Table of Contents of the Pink Notes

Table of Contents Chapter Page


Basic Principles of Taxation a. Inherent limitation of Taxation b. Constitutional limitation of Taxation c. Exemption from Estate Tax of by Virtue of Incidental Purpose d. International Juridical Taxation e. Doctrine of E uitable !ecoupment

1 1 6 11 16 1" 27 $% && &% !" &" )1 )$ )) )) )) &' )6 )/ 01 0$ 0) 00 +7


Taxable Persons a. Indi#idual b. Corporations c. Trust and Estate


Kinds of Inco e a. b. c. d. e. f. 'IT (IT *IT +CIT ,PCIT I-ET


$o%rces of Inco e a. b. c. d. e. f. Interest .ale of .hares and Di#idend .er#ices !oyalties and !entals .ale of !eal Property .ale of Personal Property


Capital and (rdinar) *sset


a. 2oldin3 Period b. 4oss 4imitation !ule c. 'et Capital Carry ,#er !ule #I. Tax on Indi,id%al a. b. c. d. e. #II. Tax on passi#e income Tax on di#idends Tax on .ale of .hares Tax on Distributi#e .hares in (PP Tax on .ale of !ealty

0" 61 6$ '+ 6/ %& /1 /6 /6 "+ "0 111 116 116 11" 11" 111 11' 116 1$& 1$0 121 1$/ 1&1 1!7 1&3

Tax on -C a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. Tax on Educational Institution Tax on (,CC Tax on 5an6 Interest Tax under E*CD. Intercorporate Di#idend +CIT I-ET


Tax on ./C a. (ross Philippine 5illin3 b. ,ffshore 5an6in3 unit c. Tax on 5ranch Profit !emittances


Tax on N./C a. Tax on 4essors b. Intercoporate Di#idend

0. 0I.

2xe ption fro

Tax on Corporations

Tax on 2state and Tr%st


0II. 0III.

Tax on /ringe Benefits *llo4able -ed%ctions a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. h. i. 7. Expenses Interest Taxes 4osses 5ad Debts Depreciation and Depletion Donation !esearch and De#elopment Pension and !etirement ,ptional .tandard Deductions

1&+ 1+3 101 106 161 16$ 16& 16) 166 16/ 16" 16" 173 17! 177 11+ 11" 1"' 1"6 $$) 2!! $&/

0I#. 0#. 0#I.

Personal and *ddition 2xe ption Ite s not -ed%ctible -eter ination of 5ain or 6oss

0#II. *cco%nting Period and 7ethod of *cco%nting 0#III. .et%rns and Pa) ent 0I0. 2state tax and -onor8s Tax a. Estate Tax b. Donor8s Tax 00. Tax .e edies a. Procedure for -ssessment and Protest under 'I!C


b. c. d. e. f.

Protest under 4ocal Taxation Protest under !eal Property Tax Protest under Tariff and Custom !emedies for Collection Distraint of Property

$)& $)) $)6 $0) $06

P*NI796* Para sa m3a bibili9 ma6i6ixerox9 at man3hihiram9

+a3andan3 ara: sa inyon3 lahat. +aarin3 mapansin nyo na isan3 baha3i lan3 n3 a6in3 3ina:an3 tala;aralan an3 may sulat9 ito ay upan3 ma6apa3la3ay 6ayo n3 <notes= haban3 na3tuturo an3 inyon3 m3a 3uro sa aralin3 ito at mahirapan 6ayon3 ipa;photocopy and ba:at pahina para bibili na lan3 6ayo sa a6in. >>?@ 2aban3 inaaral nyo an3 aralin3 ito9 sana ay 6atabi nyo an3 codal nyo upan3 ma36aroon 6ayo n3 <reference= haban3 ipanapali:an3 an3 ba:at 6abanata n3 CT!P. Paunawa lamang na marami pa rin3 mali sa taman3 patnubay n3 pa3sulat sa a6in3 tala;aralan n3unit an3 aralin naman3 ito ay masusi 6o n3 napa3;aralan 6aya naman masasabi 6o na mataas na din an3 <accuracy rate= n3 ba:at na6atala dito9 datap:a8t hindi 6o inaalis an3 posibilidad na mayroon3 mali sa ilan3 m3a pahina. Aun3 ma36aroon man9 maarin3 ipagbigay alam no agad sa akin. .ana ma6atulon3 an3 tala;aralan na ito upan3 lahat tayo ay maabot an3 atin3 inaasam;asam na mithiin. +abuhay 6ayo9 at tsa6a a6o9 at tsa6a yun3 a6in3 3uro sa aralin3 ito. +aramin3 salamat. pink 11233' P*$*$*6*7*T Bnan3 una 6on3 pinasasalamatan an3 sarili 6o dahil 6un3 :ala a6o9 di nyo mababasa iton3 a6in3 tala;aralan.


.yiempre9 yun3 na3bibi3ay n3 le6syon sa ara:;ara: namin3 pamumuhay9 sana8y la3in3 mala6as at maluso3 an3 m3a ala3a nyan3 tandan3 at ma3in3 masu:erte sa ba:at tupadan3 ma3daraan. .a a6in3 ina na na hindi na3sasa:an3 ma3pautan3 sa a6in 6ahit hindi a6o na3babayad sa tanan3 buhay 6o Csalamat poD. Ea3 po 6ayon3 ma3; alala9 malapit na 6on3 ma6atapos. .a m3a na3mamahal sa a6in 6un3 meron manF si3e lan39 mahalin nyo lan3 a6o n3 mahalin9 hindi 6o naman 6ayo sisin3ilin. ?@> -t hi3it sa lahat9 an3 dahilan n3 atin3 buhay9 6ahulu3an9 6atotohanan9 li3aya9 at n3 atin3 pa36atao9 :alan3 iba 6undi an3 atin3 Ta3apatnubay ... na:a8y 6ami8y inyon3 pa3palain. .a inyon3 lahat na6a6abasa9 bibili9 ma3xexerox9 man3hihiram9 ma3in3 pipi man o bin3i9 may ipin o :ala9 i6a: ma8y nalulun36ot at :alan3 ma6ausap9 na:a8y patnubayan tayo n3 may li6ha. <5e happy= lan3 m3a 6atoto at hu:a3 3a:in3 mas masalimuot an3 buhay 6aysa sa dapat nyan3 6ala3yan Cthe <!inchel8s Doctrine=D.

pink 11233'


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