Y7 Wealth Disparity Unit Task 2014

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Subject: Year 7 Humanities! ! Date task given: ! ! ! ! Student Name: ______________!!

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Teacher: Gibbs, Wong, Brewer Date task due: Homeroom: _________________

Letter to the Chief

Now that you have studied a variety of factors that lead to wealth disparity in Hong Kong and some of the charities that work to improve peoples lives. You must write a letter to the Chief Executive Ofcer of Hong Kong to endorse () your chosen charity The problem: Your letter to the Chief Executive Ofcer must state your displeasure with the wealth disparity in Hong Kong. It must include information on the causes of wealth disparity and the problems or dangers people in poverty face. The charity: Then you must endorse your chosen charity by introducing the charity, discussing what it does and stating why this charity is more important than the others. Your objective is to win the support of the government for your chosen charity. Purpose of the task: This assessment helps students understand the wealth disparity problem faced by the residents of Hong Kong and the difcult choices the government must make. It is to encourage students to think critically about the causes of wealth disparity and develop an understanding of how to help. Students will be required to present the information that they have learnt about housing, wealth disparity and charities. Criteria:
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Maximum: 8 Criterion C: Thinking critically Maximum: 8 Criterion D: Communicating Maximum: 8

Students should be able to: use humanities terminology in context show knowledge and understanding of subject-specic content and concepts, appropriate to the age level, using descriptions, explanations and examples. Students should be able to: "identify ideas, events, issues or arguments "make connections between information to give an opinion. Students should be able to: "communicate information and ideas using an appropriate style for the audience and purpose "organize information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specied format

Process: Date for submission to Managebac:

Assessment specic rubric Criterion A: Level 1-2 Descriptor The student: Recognizes some vocabulary related to wealth disparity and charity work. Shows basic knowledge and understanding of facts and ideas through some descriptions and or examples of wealth disparity and their chosen charity. Uses some vocabulary related to wealth disparity and charity work. Shows basic knowledge and understanding of facts and ideas through simple descriptions and or examples of wealth disparity and their chosen charity. Uses relevant vocabulary related to wealth disparity and charity work often accurately Shows relevant knowledge and understanding of facts and ideas through some descriptions and or examples of wealth disparity and their chosen charity. Uses relevant vocabulary related to wealth disparity and charity work accurately. Shows detailed knowledge and understanding of facts and ideas through some descriptions and or examples of wealth disparity and their chosen charity.




Criterion C: Level 1-2 Descriptor The student: makes a limited attempt to identify the key problems associated with wealth disparity or make connections between the work that charities can do to solve these problems. makes a simple attempt to identify the key problems associated with wealth disparity and tries to make connections between the work that charities can do to solve these problems. makes a clear attempt to identify the key problems associated with wealth disparity and clearly makes connections between the work that charities can do to solve these problems. makes a detailed attempt to identify the key problems associated with wealth disparity and explains connections between the work that charities can do to solve these problems.

3-4 5-6 7-8

Criterion D: Level 1-2 Descriptor The student: tries in a limited way to communicate information in a way that is clear to others. tries in a limited way to organize information and ideas according to the task instructions. communicates information in a way that is sometimes clear to others. sometimes organizes information and ideas according to the task instructions. communicate information in a way that is often clear to others. often organizes information and ideas according to the task instructions. communicates information in a way that is clear to others. completely organizes information and ideas according to the task instructions.

3-4 5-6 7-8

Writing Frame: Introduction: This paragraph should introduce the reader to the wealth disparity problem. Discuss the problem in the letter and start with a statement or question to catch the readers attention. Question or statement about wealth disparity ex. Shouldnt we be helping the disadvantaged of Hong Kong? What does wealth disparity in Hong Kong look like? Briey describe some of the causes of poverty in Hong Kong and some of problems caused by poverty. What is your chosen charity and briey what they do? ....... (charity), helps ......... ex. SPCA helps stray animals nd a home and rescues abused pets.. Wealth Disparity: This paragraph should introduce the reader to the problem of wealth disparity and the problems and dangers caused by wealth disparity. What is wealth disparity? Wealth disparity is ...... What are the causes of wealth disparity in Hong Kong? In Hong Kong, wealth disparity is caused by ...... (causes?) What are the problems that are caused by wealth disparity? People living in poverty or the working poor suffer from ...... (dangers and problems for these people?) Charity: This paragraph should introduce the reader to the charity that you have chosen to endorse. What is the charity and how do you want the government to help it.? ....... (charity) needs your help/the governments help to ........ (list of actions to help) ex. SPCA needs the governments to fundraise, recruit volunteers, make space available. What does the charity do? .... (charity) ...... (actions the charity does commonly) ex. The SPCA works with community and pet owners to provide training for pet ownership, spaying and neutering and vet services. It also provides animal rescue services............ Identify the problems that the charity addresses and how they address it. (ADDRESSES CRITERION C) ............ (charity) works to solve the problem of ..............(problem) by .............(action to solve the problem)........... how this will benet Hong Kong / improve the wealth disparity. ex. The SPCA works to solve the problem of stray cats in Hong Kong alleyways by collecting and spaying ferrel cats. This reduces the ability of ferrel cats having kittens and producing more ferrel cats. This also means that sick and injured cats can be taken off the streets preventing the risk of infectious cat carrying diseases spreading to humans. How can the government help the charity to improve. (ADDRESSES CRITERION C) The government can help by ..... (actions the government can take to help the charity). ex. The government can help the SPCA by providing more space for SPCA facilities and promoting SPCA programs at government ofces. Conclusion List again / summarize the factors that create wealth disparity in Hong Kong. List again / summarize the problems and dangers caused by wealth disparity. List again / summarize information about your charity and list how it can help decrease the wealth disparity.

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