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Christina Hunt Service Learning Week 7- Writing Assignment Developing a Personal Definition of Civic Virtue The passage talks

a out patriotism an! ho" prominent it is "ithin the American societ# an! patriotism seems to e our $mascot% if #ou "ill& The American's to!a# "ere uilt upon patriotism( if "e !i! not strive to ring ourselves up an! fight for in!epen!ence "e "oul! not have an America to!a#& )ur histor# is something "e hol! !ear to us an! are prou! of ecause "e uilt the lan! up from the groun! an! fought for it ourselves& We !esigne! our o"n countr# an! s#stem to e run # an! cam up "ith the st#le on our o"n # piecing things from other societies that "e like!& )ur s#stem "as so successful that other countries re elling against suppressors egan to mimic our government st#le for their o"n countr#& The "riting supports the fact that "e are patriotic # stating* $+ must sa# that + have often seen Americans make great an! real sacrifices to the pu lic "elfare( an! + have notice! a hun!re! instances in "hich the# har!l# ever faile! to len! faithful support to one another&% ,secon! paragraph- Which is true& At ever# sports game "e stan! up an! take our hats off an! sing the national anthem& We start off school # ple!ging to the American flag as a remin!er of our free!om an! ho" "e have earne! it& We have !ail# remin!ers of ho" har! our foun!ing fathers fought for our free!om an! in!epen!ence from .nglan! an! !esigne! a s#stem that still stan!s strong to!a# an! has influence! man# countries aroun! the "orl!& + sa# "e have ever# right to e patriotic an! + hope "e never lose it ecause "e have earne! it an! !eserve ever# right to e prou! of our histor#&

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