Hardware Exam 2012

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Date: 29/9/2012 Full Marks =70

1) Difference between FAT and NTFS 2) Give Full Form of a) BI S b) !" S c) NTFS d) #DD e) $ ST f) !D% " &) % " ') D S i) ($S )) A*( +) !( l) S"$S ,) -./lain Di0+ "ana&ement1 4) -./lain Di0+ Defra&ement1 2) -./lain D S command0 wit' e.am/le a) attrib b) format c) 0'utdown d) co/4 con e) move f) fc &) rd ') c'+d0+ i) ren )) color

(4) (12)

4) 2) (13)

5) 6'at i0 batc' file7 create a batc' file wit' 0ome command07 u0e call command to call anot'er batc' file1 (5) 8) 6'at i0 t'e wor+in& of 0tartu/ (2) 9) 6'4 we u0e m0confi&1 (2) :) 6'4 we u0e &/edit1m0c1 (4) 13) Give in0tallation /rocedure of 6indow0 ;$1 < (13) 11) Difference between #ardware and Software1 (5) 12) =ou 'ave find out a 0olution > com/uter re0tart0 continuou0l4? &ive rea0on01(9)

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