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Questions: 1. Why does everyone assume Susan was shot by a terrorist? Why does the event so quickly become a political one? 2. Compare the preoccupation with revenge, retribution, and righteousness to the sel less giving o care, compassion and concern. Show e!amples rom each o the settings in the ilm. ". Why were the tourists so ear ul or their lives in the #oroccan village? What dangers did they ace? What did they really want to learn about #orocco, and what could they have learned had they stayed in the village? $. Compare the se!uality and se!ual identities o %usse , the goat&herder #oroccan boy, Chieko, the dea 'mute (apanese girl, and )melia, the middle&aged #e!ican woman. Why are these aspects o them depicted together in *u!taposition? +. Compare the western tourists and their indignation at their inconvenience to the actions o the villagers. Why were they,without hesitation,so help ul to someone they didn-t even know? Why wouldn-t the guide take any money or all he did? .. )t the end o the ilm )melia is told that she is to be deported because o her conduct. When she insists on knowing the children are okay, the /S o icial proclaims 01t-s none o your business23hey are not your children.4 1s he right? 5. Comment on the inabilities o the characters in the ilm to communicate. #ake a list o the various types. Why are they so con used? What do you think the story is telling us here, keeping in mind the story o 6abel? 7. 8ind a world map and draw lines connecting the countries and peoples involved in this one incident. Why is a story about global connections told in this way, dis*ointed in both time and space?

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