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B.B.A. (Improvement) Fourth Year Examination 2001 Management Course # 21 (Comparative Management) Fu!! Mar"s # $0 %ime # & hrs.

(A!! 'uestions are o( e'ua! va!ue. Mar"s (or ea)h 'uestions are given on the right margin. Ans*er an+ (ive o( the (o!!o*ing) 1. a. -. ). a. -. ). a. -. ,e(ine Environment. .o* environment e((e)ts -usiness enterprises. 0Management is )u!ture -oun1231is)uss 4hat are the 1i((erent mo1e!s o( management5 ,is)uss in -rie( the 6oont7 mo1e! 8ho* the 1istin)tion -et*een Farmer 3 9i)hman mo1e! an1 :egan1hi3 Esta((en mo1e! 4hat are management patterns in the )ountr+ !i"e Bang!a1esh 4hat are the o-sta)!es genera!!+ (a)e1 in the 1eve!opment o( management in the 1eve!oping )ountries !i"e Bang!a1esh. 4hat are the sa!ient (eatures o( ;apanese Management5 4rite 1o*n the histori)a! -a)"groun1 in the 1eve!opment o( management in ;apan. 4hat 1o +ou mean -+ the management pra)ti)es in the so)ia!isti) )ountries5 4rite 1o*n the (eatures o( 08e!( Management2 4hat is the )ommune management in China5 4rite 1o*n the (eatures o( =erman management 5 ,is)uss the 1eve!opment earne1 -+ =erman management in =erman+. 4rite short notes on? a) %heor+ @ -) Is!ami) management )) :AF%A 1) A8EA: 2 / $ & / / 2 $



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