Problem Statement

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Political Divisions have been a problematic and sometimes violent issue since the dawn of factions.

People with different political ideologies are so committed to their opinion that they become dogmatic, narrow minded, and quite aggressive in expressing and enacting their opinions and philosophies. Since people across the world with totally disparate ideologies fall into this area, people are constantly at ideological war with each other, always choosing to fight and never to understand. Especially in America, political campaigns, news networks, and other mass media incite a strong spite for the outsiders that dont share the ideals being pushed and supported, depicting the outsiders in a wrong and foolish light. If education in strongly politically polarized areas began to be enacted and rules for federal government cooperation with opposing political parties took place, the world would attempt at harmony instead of a fight to be supercilious. Questions? 1. Which issues are the most politically divisive 2. What are the effects of political polarization? 3. What type of legislation or education can remedy this problem?

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