How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social

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how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our protagonists, James and Reece King, are from a poverty stricken background. This is presented through many different forms, such as: Clothes, Clothing is vital to present our protagonists class. Dirty tracksuits show the urban background. This is based on stereotype of underclass youth struggling to survive in an urban jungle.

Dialect (sound) Both characters speak in an urban south London dialect. This is associated with the lower class as it includes linguistic evolution becoming the language of the streets and these gritty areas which these 2 boys have be brought up in.

Setting (Mise en scene) The brothers live in a unknown council estate in South London which is represented by showing a South West train service which past by in the background. (example image in the bottom right corner of this page) By not naming the area it leaves it open as a general representation . The characters running down the urban background and subway emphasiss the lower class being trapped in poverty trying to run away from what is right and in this case police officers and law . Activities The two characters are involved in the drug trade. Further falling into the stereotype of the lower class being involved in crime.

Males, such as our protagonists are presented as violent and aggressive, this gives a negative impression however we sympathize with them as this film provides an insight into the oppression young working class males receive from the outside world.

The upper class in our film are seen as the antagonists. The audience learn to sympathise with our lower class protagonists as this film highlights the oppression and negative labelling they receive. They are the faceless personification of authority. We want to present the upper class in a negative manner as they are the oppressors to our characters. The upper class are represented through the same methods. The upper class character plays a police officer yet in our opening thriller you do not see his face. This contradicts the fact in reality police are seen as protecting people by enforcing laws which in our thriller case corrupt the young brothers lifestyle.

Appearance of the police officers (even though you can not see in the opening thriller) Smart, Groomed, high end clothes. The clothes will show affluence through the direct contrast with our protagonist. Dialect (sound) Received Pronunciation, Well spoken English, speak in an undermining tone to our protagonists. Setting (mise en scene) Office buildings, police stations. And Uniform (in the police officers case) Activities A constant force against our characters endeavours to make a better life for them (selling drugs)

No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a 15 rated video. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age. No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds. Strong violence, frequent strong language (e.g. 'f**k'), portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour or drug taking may be contained within a 15 rated film Our target audience is 15-35 years old this is because the resemblance to the actors age themselves this means they can relate to the actors/actresss. The audience age group too are young adults who are capable to afford the cinema and it is a form of socialising where they go and watch the film together in social groups . People younger and older can too afford to watch the film. Our target audience will be 15 as it has violence and drugs but you do not see the use of drugs or directly see violence but it is suggested rather than shown.

Many categories in gender can be represented , but in our crime thriller only men our so, firstly men are the typical killers or in our film the people that have committed the crime. They are intelligent, powerful and in control. This is contradicted in our opening thriller as the antagonist character is under interrogation out of his own control as he is restrained in the interview room which emphasiss tension and disorientation for the audience. Such as Se7en and Kidulthood both have similar gender representation as the killing in Se7en powerful and in control. Women are inferior of this and in our thriller film case the police officers are even though intimidating the character , they are intimidated by there power and intelligence in there scheme of work; in our case distribution and shipment of drugs are breaking laws which the police offer is trying to stop for the country's protection.

Our Thriller is Culturally British and institutionally British as the production team , actors and director are all British. This too already creates a mass target audience for our thriller film. We drew inspiration from a similar thriller like Se7en which is institutionally and culturally American therefore may attract audiences from America due to the subgenre in thriller; crime. Both actors are from a mixed background which is clear which means it may appeal to a much larger audience.

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