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Incomplete no time due to curriculum writing and erosion project pb,6/29/11 To: Scott Hange , !

!irector o" Science and #rogram !e$elpment %rom: #aula &at'er, (n$ironmental (ducation )esource Teac*er, +,((,, ,,#S )e: (nd o" ear report "or sc*ool ear 2-1-.11

Site use:
/t* grade (n$ironmental (ducation/0eaning"ul &a (1perience o$ernig*t trip in"ormation: # of Classes +,((,/2,0: 36 Student Number Chaperone Number Teacher Number 1,/32 425 62

Community group use: 2 groups, w*ic* include &o Scouts and ,ub Scouts, $isited t*e sites on o"".*ours and completed ser$ice projects7 Sout*ern 0ar land 8udubon Societ , ,*ristmas &ird ,ount, 12/1-, 5 $isitors

Outreach to CCPS sites: T*e number o" ,,#S outreac* programs pro$ided b +,((, increased "rom 4- programs in 2--6/-9 to 3programs in 2--9/2-1-, wit* o$er 2,94/ students reac*ed7 (lementar #rogram title: &ird ,lues, 1st grade, 13 programs #re.9 pilot: :ild 8nimals, 2 programs 0iddle Sc*ool #rogram titles: ;ur :aters*ed, 6t* grade, 25 programs< ;wl (colog , 3t* grade, 23 programs ;t*er: 0iddleton (lementar Sc*ool, :etland ,elebration, 5/1-, 5-- students &rown (lementar Sc*ool, :etland ,elebration, 5/1-, 3- students Green School update: =reat strides were made in t*e =reen Sc*ool e""orts, as per 0r7 )ic*mond>s wis*es7 &esides #iccowa1en and Somers 0iddle Sc*ools and 0iddleton (lementar Sc*ool se$eral sc*ools were awarded =S status t*is ear: +,((, =reen ,enter 8ward =ale. &aile (7S7 =7S7 8ward ?7,7 #ar@s (7S7 =7S7 8ward T*omas Stone H7S7 =7S78ward :estla@e H7S7. =7S7 8ward I enjo ed assisting t*ose sc*ools reAuesting *elp7 I>$e alread been contacted b ?ames ,rai@ (7S7 and met wit* t*e science teac*er and principal7 I will li@el meet wit* t*eir =S committee once it is set up7 Community/ School outreach ( aptor Conser!ation":
%amil !a at %lag #onds, 9/12/-9, 2-- participants Sout*ern 0ar land 8udubon Societ 0eeting, -2/-4/2-1-, 4(agle %esti$al at &lac@water +ational :ildli"e )e"uge, 4/12/1-, 2-- participants #atu1ent :ildli"e 8rt S*ow, 4/26/1-, 2/- participants ,*apman State %orest ;pen House, 5/11/1-, 6- participants 2a#lata Town ,elebration, 5/13/1-, // participants ,*arles ,ount (n$ironmental Summit, 5/23/1-, 1-- participants

#rincipals are generall pro$ided t*e tentati$e /t* grade trip dates b ?ul , as per t*eir reAuest7 T*is was not t*e case t*is ear as I am waiting to *ear about program "uture "rom 0rs7 (step ;ne new acti$it was piloted "or t*e /t* grade o$ernig*t program: Tras* to Treasure 8ll instructional sta"" members *a$e been trained to run all outreac* programs currentl o""ered and wor@ wit* t*e new )ed Tail Haw@ 8ll sta"" assigned to c*ose a researc* project: T*ose c*osen: 0onarc* butter"l monitoring, &lue bird monitoring, *erpitolog monitoring and p* toplan@ton monitoring7 T*ese will enric* sta"" @nowledge, e1perience and pro$ide content "or "uture programs

Staff $e!elopment
%is* sampling and identi"ication all instructional sta"", ,edar$ille State #ar@, 9/9/-9 )ed ,ross ,#) training all instructional sta"", 1/3/1)ed ,ross 1st 8id training all instructional sta"", 1/3/108(;( 2 (( assts7 attended at )oc@ =ap, 2///1-.2/6/1#roject :;:. 1 (( asst7 attended at ?, #ar@s (lementar Sc*ool, 4/19/1&o1 turtle wor@s*op . 2 (( asst7 and (()T attended at ?ug &a +ature Sanctuar , 5/1-/1Terrapins and Sea turtle wor@s*op (()T attended at Sapelo Island, 6/15/2-1-.6/16/2-10onarc* &utter"l wor@s*op 1 (( asst7 attended in #= ,ount , 6/26/2-1- 6/23/2-1;ngoing instructional and natural *istor sta"" de$elopment "or all instructional sta""

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