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12 basic principles of animation

The Twelve Basic Principles of Animation is a set of principles of animation introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in their 1981 book The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation.[a [1 Johnston and Thomas in turn based their book on the !ork of the leadin" Disney animators from the 19#$s on!ards% and their effort to produce more realistic animations. The main purpose of the principles !as to produce an illusion of characters adherin" to the basic la!s of physics% but they also dealt !ith more abstract issues% such as emotional timin" and character appeal. The book and its principles ha&e become "enerally adopted% and ha&e been referred to as the '(ible of animation.'[2 )n 1999 the book !as &oted number one of the 'best animation books of all time' in an online poll. [# Thou"h ori"inally intended to apply to traditional% hand*dra!n animation% the principles still ha&e "reat rele&ance for today+s more pre&alent computer animation
1 The 12 principles

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1.1 ,-uash and stretch 1.2 .nticipation 1.# ,ta"in" 1./ ,trai"ht ahead action and pose to pose 1.0 Follo! throu"h and o&erlappin" action 1.1 ,lo! in and slo! out 1.2 .rcs 1.8 ,econdary action 1.9 Timin" 1.1$ 34a""eration 1.11 ,olid dra!in" 1.12 .ppeal

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