Fairtrade Powerpoint

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1. What is Fairtrade? 2. Facts and Figures about Fairtrade 3. Different types of products from the Dominican Republic 4.

Jose Peralta 5. Jose said


6. Irene Kijara 7. How does she think she has benefit from Fairtrade? 8. Where can you buy Fairtrade products? 9. Up coming event

What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

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Facts and Figures about Fairtrade

By 2011 the estimated UK retail sales of coffee was 194.3 million. By 2011 the estimated UK retail sales of bananas was 208 million. By 2011 the estimated UK retail sales of chocolate was 413.1 million.

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Different types of products from the Dominican Republic

Bananas Beauty products Cocoa

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Jose Peralta
Jose is from Dominican Republic. He is one of a producers of bananas. Jose joined ASOBANU, an organisation of small-scale banana producers, in 1999. Through Fairtrade ASOBANU is contributing to social projects which benefit members families and communities. Additional income has been invested in logistics, packing, office and transport; more staff have been employed, including two technicians and a book-keeper, and salaries have been considerably improved.

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Jose said
In my life, you know, I never thought that an organisation as important as Fairtrade could exist. For us small producer, we are very committed to Fairtrade, we hope it will continue making progress; it is our means of survival herein the Dominican Republic." We see Fairtrade as being part of a big family - it's something that came here to set our producers minds at rest - I think that something fair, Fairtrade, is something we should treasure and respect".

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Irene Kijara
Irene is from Uganda. She is 31 years old, has three children. She is a teacher by profession and is also a successful local businesswoman. Their function is to consult with members and workers to decide which projects to fund with the Fairtrade premium, an additional sum of 0.50 a kilo paid by Fairtrade buyers that is reserved for social and community development.

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How does she think she has benefit from Fairtrade?

Irene is enthusiastic about Fairtrade even though it represents a small percentage of total sales: Fairtrade is a very good benefit to us. It has helped us by building roads, schools, leaf collection sheds, and a clinic at the factory. And field extension officers trained by FLO have helped us improve the quality of our tea. FLO is Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International, the umbrella organization for Labelling Initiatives (including the Fairtrade Foundation) and Fairtrade Certified Producer Organisations

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Where can you buy Fairtrade products?

Fairtrade products are available in many major supermarkets and shops e.g. Sainsburys, Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Asda etc.

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Up coming Events
There will be a event of Fairtrade happen in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Please attend to show supports toward Fairtrade. There will be sales of foods, clothing all kinds of products in the event.

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