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Welcome to our Update Newsletter from Breast Cancer Care.

This newsletter aims to keep you up to date with all of our services available for breast cancer patients in the Greater Glasgow Clyde area. All services are FREE and can help support all patients with a breast cancer diagnosis. Patients can call 0141 353 8330 or email sco breastcancercare!org!u" to boo" onto sessions!

#oving $orward partnership programmes

Breast Cancer Care !cotland is working in partnership with N"! Greater Glasgow and Clyde to provide a programme of information and support for people as they move forward# ad$ust to life and self% manage after treatment for breast cancer. The & week programme is led by a variety of healthcare professionals# free to attend and is open to anyone who has had treatment for primary breast cancer within the last ' % ( years. )atients can attend regardless of where they have been treated in N"! GGC The *oving +orward programmes recently won ,!elf% *anagement )artnership of the -ear. at the '/0( 12231NC4 !elf%*anagement 1wards. We ask that patients attend the programme for the full & weeks. %pcoming programmes start on& 1 #a' (014 ) *ew +tobhill ,ospital 10am ) 1pm - August (014 ) *ew .ictoria ,ospital /!30am ) 1(!30pm 0 *ovember (014 ) *ew +tobhill ,ospital 10am ) 3n$ormation +essions 1pm 5ur 3nformation !essions cover a range of different topics to help people gain information and support 1o boo"2 call 0141 353 8330 during and after treatment. These stand alone informal sessions# led by specialist speakers# are free to attend and friends and family are also welcome. %pcoming 3n$ormation +essions& (/ #a' (014 ) +e4 5 3ntimac' a$ter 6reast 7ancer 10am ) 1pm2 15( 6ath +treet (4 +eptember (014 ) 6reast Reconstruction 10am ) 1pm2 15( 6ath +treet

3nformation and support on hair loss caused by cancer treatment +eel more confident coping with hair loss 2earn how you can make the most of scarves# hats hair pieces as an alternative to wigs 6iscover practical tips on how to look after your hair and scalp before# during and after treatment +ree private appointment with trained volunteers 7eceive a free headscarf and tie at your first appointment Appointments available ever'da' at Friends o$ the 6eatson2 8evel 42 6eatson 9est o$ +cotland :ncolog' ;$or in<patients onl'= Appointments available on 9ednesda's at 7ancer +upport +cotland ;1a"1ent=2 -5 +helle' 8iving 9ith +econdar' 6reast 7ancer Road2 >artnavel 7omple4 ;open to A88 patients=! 1o boo"meet%up direct2 call 0141 33- people 81// can This is a monthly group where chat and share e8periences with others with a secondary diagnosis. 3t.s also a uni9ue opportunity to increase knowledge as we run longer sessions with guest e8pert speakers every other month. Topics may include fatigue# benefits# hair and scalp care and an ,1sk the nurse. session with a clinical nurse specialist. )atients can attend as few or as many sessions as they like. 7efreshments are provided and all sessions are facilitated by a counsellor % 9uestions and discussions are welcome. >lasgow ) runs ever' third 9ednesda' at 11am at 6reast 7ancer 7are?s >lasgow o$$ice2 15( 6ath +treet! 7all 0845 0-- 18/3 to boo" 8iving with +econdar' 6reast 7ancer 3n$ormation @a' ) (3 April (014 15( 6ath +treet2 >lasgow 7all 0141 353 8330 to boo"

3n$ormation Points across >lasgow

5ur 3nformation )oint service provides a range of our most popular and relevant patient information and service leaflets to people having treatment for breast cancer# contained in a handy wall mounted or floor standing branded rack. )eople can browse the 3nformation )oint when they visit the breast clinic# and take leaflets and publications home with them. 4ach 3nformation )oint is maintained by our volunteers and has a dedicated clinic contact. 3n$ormation Point locations in >lasgow& New !tobhill "ospital in Glasgow# at the 1roma Caf: New ;ictoria "ospital in Glasgow# Clinic 1 ) Beatson West of !cotland Cancer Centre# 5utpatients Waiting 1rea ' )ollok "ealth Centre in )ollok# Glasgow ;ale of 2even "ospital in 6umbarton# 5utpatients Waiting 1rea 7oyal 1le8andra "ospital in )aisley# 5utpatients Waiting 1rea 3nverclyde 7oyal "ospital in Greenock# 5utpatients Waiting 1rea Western 3nfirmary# Glasgow West 4nd# 5utpatients 6epartment

8ingerie evenings
+or more confidence when choosing a bra# our 2ingerie 4venings at various high street stores provide an opportunity to be fitted by store staff and a chance to see how different lingerie looks on volunteer models who have all had breast cancer themselves. free to attend and friends and family are also welcome. %pcoming 8ingerie Evenings& 30 April (0142 0 ) /pm 6ravissimo2 3ngram +treet 30 :ctober (0142 5 ) 8pm ,ouse o$ Fraser2 6uchanan +treet

.irtual services
,elpline < our free confidential "elpline is here to answer any 9uestions about breast health and breast cancer and to provide emotional support. Calls are answered by nurses and trained staff with e8perience of breast cancer.

0808 800 0000

+omeone 8i"e #e < Telephone and email support provided by trained volunteers for people who have been diagnosed with primary breast cancer# and also their $amil' and partners. )ractical and emotional support 2istening !ignposting 0114 (03 04/0 9ebsite < on our website you can download publications# $oin in discussion forums# take part in 2ive Chat# read inspiring stories# find out about fundraising opportunities and other events and services.


3f you have any 9ueries about any of the sessions or need further information# please do not hesitate to contact us on 0141 353 8330 or sco breastcancercare!org!u"

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