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Licenciaturas en Derecho / Criminologa

LD_IN0206_G1 Nouns exercise

Nouns exercise
Underline all the nouns in the following sentences. Are they common or proper nouns? Put a checkmark in the correct box. Subraya todos los nombres en las Siguientes frases. Son Nombres comunes o propios? Marca con una palomita cual es su forma

Common nouns

proper nouns

1. Do you like cheese? 2. They stood next to the Niagara Falls. 3. May !orro" your um!rella? #. The am!ulance "as dri$ing $ery %ast. &. Carl did not agree "ith them. '. (he lo$es to $isit Disneyland. ). *ould you like some more "ater? +. The %og "as $ery thick. ,. May in$ite Tom to -oin us?

x x x x x x x x x


Licenciaturas en Derecho / Criminologa

LD_IN0206_G1 Nouns exercise

ead the following passage. !rite "S# in the space after each singular noun and "P# in the space after each plural noun. $ee el pasa%e siguiente. &scribe una "S# en el espacio en blanco 'ue corresponda a nombres en singular y una "P# despu(s de nombres en plural. .ur teacher /(/////is a $ery nice lady///(//// . (he0s $ery kind to all the children///1//// in the class ///(//// and she tells us $ery %unny stories ///1////. 2esterday3 she told a story //(///// a!out the animals///1////on a %arm///(////. They all had a race///1////. The pigs/////1// and sheep/1////// ran %aster than the ducks///1////and co"s ////1///3 !ut the heroes ///1//// o% the story ////(///"ere the mice///(//// . They "ere %aster than all the other

animals///1////3 e$en though they had the shortest legs//1///// 4 5ead the %ollo"ing passage. Notice that the plural nouns are missing. *rite the correct plural %orm o% the singular nouns in parentheses. The %irst one has !een done %or you. Three

6lady7 in pink

dresses gira%%es

6dress7 took their 6gira%%e73 three

6!a!y7 %or a "alk in the 8oo. They sa" %our 6hippo73 t"o long that their rest near some kangaroos %eet monkies

6kangaroo7 and an elephant. They "alked %or so 6%oot7 !ecame sore3 so they sat do"n on a !ench %or a 6monkey7. The monkies 6!ox7 and thro"ing ladies home. 6monkey7 stickies

"ere playing "ith card!oard !oxes 6stick7 at each other. 9%ter a "hile3 the "atches

6lady7 looked at their

:6"atch7 and decided it "as time to go


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