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Lopez 1 Jairo Lopez Mrs.

Frank Senior capstone, period 1

The reason for doing this obesity as my capstone topic is because I want to raise awareness of how this is a serious problem to personal health, and feel that I can help people that dont know the first steps to start a healthy life style. Obesity is a term in which describes a person that is more than over weight or having an excess amount of adipose tissue. Obesity can bring many health related issues, for example type two diabetes, joint problems, and respiratory complications, strokes. A person can also be affected mentally with something called psychosocial effect; a term which is used to describe a person with low self confidence due to their attractiveness and figure. (Business Insider) My argument is, why do fast food restaurants keep menus with cheaper prices? Made with processed meats and vegetables with higher calorie count getting people addicted to the fats that their food contain and the government is not helping to control this situation. In a study made in 2010 proved that 9 out of 10 children from the ages of 4-19, eat fast food and increase up to 6 pounds increasing the risk of obesity.(CBS News) This project will be a personal challenge, the reason being that I dont want to be a hypocrite and contradict myself when I give people advice on a diet or weight watching plan. How will I be considered a hypocrite you might ask? Well first of all, I dont follow my own advices. Actually I do the exact opposite: eating junk food and not working out when I could be proving myself as an example to my peers. I. II. III. Why is obesity a huge deal? Why care? Is technology involved with obesity? What can we do to slow down/stop the rate of obesity?

Obesity is an important issue that should get wide spread attention from the government because for three years straight, in America, obesity rates have been at their highest. Reasons being: cheaper and bigger food portions are served, fast food restaurants are being built everywhere you turn, the industry in general is just getting bigger because of the demand for it.
Sponsor approved:____________ Ms.Frank:________________ Date: Date:___________

Lopez 2

Learning objectives
What I expect to learn from this project are more than a few things a few examples are: To identify the difference between overweight and obese. To identify the risk factors that may come your way for being obese. To identify genetic and environmental contributions. To learn the effects of consuming excess amount of fats. To research preventions methods. To characterize the amount and type of exercise needed for ones personal health and benefits.

Activities and time line

My time line will consist of only a few things that I will contribute to this project Time line 9/23/13 10/15/13 10/1/13 10/15/13 11/23/13 Activities I will turn in my proposal draft Start International Fitness Club Find more research about my topic Submit thesis and three pages of my rough draft to sponsor I will submit my final paper including title page and cited page Present my findings/thesis defense of my research paper to my passage comities


Starting 9/23/13 I will be starting the Insanity program up to 11/16/13 Switching from artificial sugars to natural sugars (fruits) 9/23/13 9/23/13 Start a healthier eating style (diet) Instead of staying inside the house go and play at Bayland park Attend annual health fair

Sponsor approved:____________ Ms.Frank:________________ Date:

Lopez 3

My capstone project will come in about three forms: an argument paper that will be presented to Ms. Frank, a demonstration that will be presented to my peers and teacher to go further into detail and show what we did. If possible finish our final presentation that will astonish everyone that will see our amazing product education everyone on steps to prevent. Our presentation will be in chronological order starting from the basics of what is the difference between overweight and obesity to the basics of simple dieting escalating to a better eating style, to the effects of obesity as in diseases to disabilities, coming along with prevention and recessionary measures.

To complete this project I will need: a) b) c) d) 2 flash drives A file to store my printed paper and forms My internet from home to work on my project A quiet room with no distractions

The greatest obstacle I will be facing will be my extreme level of laziness, to actually commit to what Im saying to prove to anyone that will be seeing this presentation, that if one person can follow steps and commit to what one wants can be achieved. My greatest strength with this is that this is not the first time I will be doing this, I have already completed or done a complete diet along with the insanity program that will help me reach maximum performance and get the results that I actually want.

Sponsor approved:____________ Ms.Frank:________________ Date:


Lopez 4


Adult Obesity Facts." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Aug. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013 Childhood Obesity." Childhood Obesity. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. Larry_Cohen. "The AMA Says Obesity Is a Disease. Now Can We Talk About Prevention?" The Huffington Post., 19 July 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013.

"Obesity in America: What's Driving the Epidemic?" MSN Healthy Living. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. Obesity." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013.

Sponsor approved:____________ Ms.Frank:________________ Date:


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