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Jairo Lopez Ms.

Frank Senior capstone, period 1 10/22/13

Obesity argu ent Obesity! t"e p#ague o$ t"e t%enty $irst century! &ount#ess $actors go into dea#ing %it" obesity no% a day t"an e'er be$ore. Obesity is a $ast gro%ing and counting epide ic %it"in ado#escents and adu#ts, a#t"oug" it ain#y a$$ects ( erica, it a#so p#ays a big contribution a## around t"e %or#d. Many $actors

$o##o% a#ong %it" obesity inc#uding) inacti'ity, genetics, un"ea#t"y diet, #ack o$ s#eep, depression, edica# prob#e s and t"e #ist goes on. *"ese $actors are a "uge part o$ e'eryday #i$e, ay be tired at t"e end o$ t"e day $ro sc"oo# or %ork t"at in t"e end t"ey

$or e+a p#e peop#e

,ust don-t "a'e enoug" energy, but %"at peop#e don-t kno% is t"at a .uick %orkout is better t"an an "our nap! t"e /ni'ersity o$ 0eorgia says. S#eep is anot"er aspect in obesity, because you be s#eepy during %ork and ig"t reac" $or a $e% co$$ee cups or aybe a candy bar or e'en a ay not see as uc" but at ay

donut ,ust $or t"at e+tra #itt#e ,o#t o$ energy and at t"e

o ent t"at

t"e end o$ t"e day, t"e ca#ories ,ust add up %it"out getting any nutritiona# 'a#ue. Obesity "as taken o'er any #i'es and %i## cause any to die young. *"is prob#e s"ou#d get %idespread

attention because it "as cost t"e go'ern ent o'er a bi##ion do##ars in "ea#t" care in t"e past decade and t"e a ount o$ oney %i## continue to rise i$ t"e prob#e is not so#'ed.

1uring t"e 12t" century, t"ere %ere ric" but $e% aristocrats t"at %ere so e o$ "istory-s #argest en, but at t"e ti e being #arge eant t"at t"ey %ere in a state o$ po%er, it said t"at t"ey

%ere not star'ing t"at t"ey "ad so et"ing to eat e'ery day, kings $or e+a p#e. 3n t"e ear#y 20t" century during t"e 1410-s peop#e started to purpose#y gain %eig"t 5"u$$ post6. *"e purpose o$ gaining in t"e past is t"e sa e idea o$ #osing %eig"t today in t"e present %it" supp#e ents to #ook better, t"ey %anted to #ook cur'y and a #itt#e ore t"ick t"e ain idea is t"at t"ey %anted to

#ook "ea#t"ier instead o$ under%eig"t. 7it" ta#k about t"e %ar and %it" t"e onset o$ constructing cities and cars t"e i#itary and industria# %orkers rea#ized t"at t"e nation needed to c"ange bot" ass inde+ to a ore o'er%eig"t and uscu#ar

body size and body strengt", increasing t"e body de$inition 5"u$$ post6. 8ody

ass inde+ is t"e percentage o$ $at and

usc#e in t"e body %"ic" is

re#ati'e to ones "eig"t and %eig"t and is used to ca#cu#ate %"et"er one is under%eig"t, o'er%eig"t or obese5&1&6. 0enera##y under%eig"t is considered to be 19: and #o%er, a "ea#t"y 8M3 is considered 19;2<:, o'er %eig"t %ou#d be $ro t"at is considered obese 5&1&6. Obesity "as taken t"e %or#d by stor , according to t"e %or#d "ea#t" organization t"ere are o'er one i##ion peop#e t"at are o'er%eig"t and $our "undred se'enty $i'e i##ion, and 2<;30 and any ot"er percentage abo'e

counting, t"at are obese 57=O6. Me+ico beco ing $irst p#ace in t"e %or#d %it" t"e "ig"est obesity rates since t"e /nited States step do%n to beco e nu ber t%o $ro t"e pre'ious $i'e

years 538*i e6. Me+ico "a'ing t"e "ig"est obesity rates %it" a 32.9: and in c"i#dren nu bers "as trip#ed in t"e past ten years. (ccording to researc" a percent o$ Me+ico-s $ood is cooked %it" un"ea#t"y oi#s i+ed %it" ore oi#s $ro t"e $ood a#one aking tacos and .uesadi##as b#eed oi# ain#y

at your $irst bites. *"e /nited States co es in second p#ace %it" 31.2: o$ obesity rates,

because t"e /.S in'ented t"e sport o$ co petiti'e eating and because o$ t"e spontaneous sprout o$ $ast $ood restaurants. 7it" >e% ?ea#and co ing in t"ird p#ace %it" a 22:, a#t"oug" it not see #ike uc" but sti## pretty "ig". @ecent researc" "as $ound t"at o'er 4.2 percent o$


presc"oo#ers are obese, t"at-s a# ost 30,000 c"i#dren 50a%ker6. O'er a## c"i#d"ood obesity is creating a a,or issue because t"e #onger so eone is o'er%eig"t or obese, "a'e a "ig"er risk o$

dea#ing %it" cardio'ascu#ar diseases. *"e %ay ( ericans "a'e accusto ed t"eir se#'es %it" t"ese Aco $ort $oodsB and t"e nation-s #ack o$ acti'ity are creating a,or issues and bringing "ea#t" re#ated issues in to t"is any ot"er types o$ diseases. 5A7ebM1B6

%or#d, %it" "ig"er risks o$ "eart attacks, diabetes and

For e+a p#e artery sti$$ening is, %"en t"e "eart arteries begin to bui#d up c"o#estero# p#a.ue in t"e circu $#e+ coronary, t"e bypass gra$t, t"e #e$t anterior descending coronary artery and t"e rig"t coronary artery, t"ese are t"e arteries t"at surround t"e "eart carrying b#ood t"oroug" t"e body. 3$ one is to bui#d too uc" p#a.ue so eone cou#d su$$er $ro "yper tension, "ig" b#ood

pressure, da aged organs suc" as kidney $ai#ure or %orst one-s "eart cou#d stop. 5A( erican "eart associationB6 One reason %"y obesity "as de'e#oped is t"e %ay peop#e in sc"oo#s, at %ork, and any%"ere e#se you cou#d t"ink o$ is t"e %ay t"ey prepare t"eir $ood. 8ut in so e aspects so e peop#e ay not "a'e so uc" ti e $or #unc" during %ork so t"ey ay get so et"ing .uick and

c"eap. So e dai#y

ay not "a'e enoug"

oney to get "ea#t"ier but e+pensi'e ingredients $or t"eir enus in $ast $ood restaurants "a'e ore t"an 300 ca#ories in

ea#. For e+a p#e t"e do##ar

t"e $ries a#one 5Mc1ona#ds6. 7it" t"e rise o$ united states since

any $ast $ood restaurants sprouting up a## o'er t"e

id 14<0-s, to purpose#y trying to gain body $at $or t"at cur'e, to processed t"e store and bring into our "o es are anot"er contribution to t"is

greasy $ood %e buy $ro epide ic.

(du#ts in t"e /nited States are trying to

ake a di$$erence in t"e se#'es, starting to %atc" %"at any ot"er t"ings to pre'ent

t"ey eat, started to eat "ea#t"ier, beco ing acti'e and doing t"e se#'es $ro

beco ing o'er%eig"t %"ic" o$ten #ead to obesity in t"e $uture. ain

7"at about t"e c"i#drenC @ecent researc" "as s"o%n t"at $ast $ood ad'ertise ents

target are t"e c"i#dren, a#%ays %anting so et"ing tasty $ast greasy $ood. 7"i#e t"e adu#ts kno% %"at is good $or t"e and %"at is not, c"i#dren are sti## too young to co pre"end %"at is going

on %it" t"eir bodies and "ea#t" status. Many $actors contribute to c"i#d"ood obesity suc" as) odern tec"no#ogy, and 'ideo ga es 5/S ne%s6. *"ese $actors p#ay a "uge ro#e %"ere c"i#dren under t"e age o$ 1< are no% %"at society re$ers to as couc" potatoes due to ne% ad'ance ents to tec"no#ogy, $or e+a p#e Dbo+ or t"e ES3, keeping c"i#dren $ro keeping t"e gain going outside to get acti'e! to

"o e p#aying 'ideo ga es and probab#y on#y eating ,unk $ood, causing t"e

ore %eig"t %"i#e t"ey are ,ust sitting t"ere starring at t"e te#e'ision screen. 5A7ebM1B6

(not"er contribution to t"is epide ic is boredo . &"i#dren and adu#ts can-t rea##y e'er deter ine %"et"er i$ t"ey are "ungry or ,ust bored. 8est %ay to so#'e t"e prob#e is easy, a## one

"as to do is drink a g#ass o$ %ater, peop#e o$ten need so e re"ydration causing t"e body to gi'e i+ed signa#s o$ "unger, i$ you sti## $ee# "ungry a$ter%ards go a"ead and eat but so et"ing s a## ore o$ snack t"an a %"o#e ea#. Eeop#e o$ten do t"is due to not"ing e#se to do causing cra'ing,

in situations #ike t"is try doing so et"ing e#se t"at is not $ood re#ated, or ,ust eat a cerea# bar, but abso#ute#y no gu seeing "o% gu tricks your sto ac" into t"inking you are about to s%a##o%

$ood and in t"e end causing your sto ac" to create acids t"at e'entua##y #ead to pre ature "unger and e'en acid re$#u+. 5ALi'e StrongB6 (ccording to researc", in t"e past $orty years t"ere "a'e been $ood restaurants opened in t"e /nited States a#one, ser'ing o'er <0

ore t"an 300,000 $ast i##ion peop#e eac" day

rounding t"at nu ber to 19.2< bi##ion peop#e a year and in 2002 $ast $ood restaurants esti ate o$ 1F2 bi##ion do##ars t"at year a#one, ser'ing $rozen

ade an

eats t"at a#ready contain a "ig"

a ount o$ oi# and ca#ories ,ust to be t"a%ed and cooked in boi#ing oi# again 5SF0ate6. &"i#d"ood obesity is ore o$ a prob#e t"an peop#e ig"t t"ink. &"i#d"ood obesity is a

se'ere condition t"at i$ c"i#dren can-t get passed t"at point and keep being o'er%eig"t, $act is t"at t"ey are going to be t"e obese $uture generations. =a'ing negati'e e$$ects on our country and possib#y our econo y! $uture i#itary cadets, business o%ners and creating a s"ortage on ake you #arge but it can cause you to be bed t"e go'ern ent.

anua# #abor are at stake. Obesity not on#y can it

ridden, causing #oss o$ #abor and an increase on "ea#t" insurance $ro

&"i#d"ood obesity %i## ruin $uture generations to co e, taking into account t"at obesity does run in genetics so c"ances are e'en bigger t"at a c"i#d %i## be obese. 1iet and e+ercise are t"e ans%er to co bat t"is ne% p#ague. &o itting to an e+ercise

p#an, a per$ect#y %e## ba#anced diet and nutrition o$ 'egetab#es, dairy, $ruit, and grain are t"e key to persona# "ea#t". 1ieting, %orking out and keeping track o$ ti e %it" a busy sc"edu#e di$$icu#t "o%e'er keep in sort o$ oti'ation. 3a not i p#ying t"at in order to #ose %eig"t you don-t "a'e to star'e yourse#$! you ay be aybe

ind t"at it-s a #ot easier to stick to so et"ing %"en you "a'e so e

don-t "a'e to "urt yourse#$ #i$ting "ea'y %eig"ts and running to a point t"at your body $atigue and in a#nouris"ed. Gating $i'e ti es a day is a uc"

ore "ea#t"ier a#ternati'e but on#y ake

uc" s a##er portions, your t"ree s.uare

ea#s are $ine) break$ast, #unc" and dinner but ain

sure o$ %"at you eat and "o%

uc" o$ it, and in bet%een your

ea#s a .uick ca#orie boost

snack is per$ect, as #ong it a## adding up to t"e ca#orie intake you s"ou#d be taking according to

your age "eig"t and %eig"t 5/.S. =ea#t" >e%s6. Ot"er s a## so#utions t"at can contribute at t"e end o$ t"e day cou#d be, drinking ice co#d %ater in t"e speed up your increasing your etabo#is etabo#is causing your body to %ar in t"e process. e ,ust ention orning is an easy and si p#e %ay to up t"e %ater entering your body

So e peop#e "a'e argued A3 don-t "a'e t"e ti eB, Ait-s too "ardB %e## #et

t"at any type o$ p"ysica# acti'ity or %ork out doesn-t "a'e to be an "our or t%o "ours, a 30 to 20 inutes a day is a## so eone needs to ake a di$$erence, or i$ you t"ink e+ercise is to "ard %e## aybe park your car a## t"e %ay at t"e end your destination. Many

t"ere are a#%ays baby steps, you cou#d begin %a#king

o$ t"e parking #ot, or i$ you take a bus get o$$ one or t%o stops a%ay $ro ore "a'e said A$ast $ood is a ba#anced >OH ( "a burger ea# ea#!

eat, %"eat 5buns6, 'egetab#es and potatoes. 7e##

ay on#y contain $ried potatoes and s a## a ount o$ 'egetab#es!

probab#y one or t%o s#ices o$ #ettuce or to atoes and is considered unba#anced because o$ t"e e+cess a ount o$ sa#t, $ats and sugars. (#so t"e eat ay be #o% grade and t"e 'egetab#es cou#d

be #o% grade un#ike t"e type you cou#d get at t"e store. *"e nu ber one argu ent peop#e "a'e gi'en is I%"y s"ou#d 3 do any p"ysica# acti'ityC 3a#ready s#i and #ook goodC 7e## e'eryone uscu#ar dystrop"y, %"ere does not ean you are

needs to be engaged in so e sort o$ acti'ity i$ you %ant to a'oid your

usc#es begin to #essen due to inacti'ity, ,ust because you are s#i usc#e, keep #ooking s#i

"ea#t"y, and i$ you %ant to bui#d so e sort o$ sort o$ acti'ity is t"e ans%er.

or ,ust to $ee# great any

*o $ig"t t"is batt#e %it" obesity, peop#e "a'e to c"ange t"eir eating "abits, and c"ange t"eir acti'ities. Lo%ering t"e c"ances o$ c"i#d"ood obesity and #essening t"e a ount o$ obesity orta#ity rates. Litt#e c"anges ay not see #ike uc" but in t"e end it a## o$ t"at adds up into

so et"ing better,

aking you in to so eone better, $aster, stronger. A3$ you rea##y %ant to do

so et"ing, you-## $ind a %ay. 3$ you don-t, you-## $ind an e+cuse.B


"State of Health The Florida Hospital Blog." Childhood Obesity & Technology What's the Connection? N.p., n.d. e!. 14 No". 2#13. $%plore !& Topi'." Heart & Vascular Disease. N.p., n.d. "(!esit& )nfor*ation." Obesity Information. N.p., n.d. e!. 14 No". 2#13. e!. 14 No". 2#13.

"(!esit&, +holesterol, and Heart ,isease - eighing .o/r 0is1s." Web D. e!2,, 3# ,e'. ##33. e!. 14 No". 2#13 "$*otional $ffe'ts of +hildhood (!esit&." !IV"#T$O%&'CO . N.p., n.d. 14 No". 2#13. (!esit&-("er"ie4." Web D. e!2,, 3# 5an. ####. e!. 14 No". 2#13. e!.

(!esit& Fa'ts, +a/ses, $*otional 6spe'ts and e!2,, 17 5an. ##31. e!. 14 No". 2#13

hen to See1 Help." Web D.

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