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Lesson Plan for Thursday October 10 Making Connections across Texts Objective: SWBAT analyze Maya Angelous Alone

by completing a Text to Text, Text to World, and Text to Self chart to begin to understand the monsters feelings of isolation and how these feelings relate to the outside world. SWBAT analyze the importance of the stories that the monster reads through Chapter 15 of Frankenstein by taking notes and participating in a class discussion about the importance of these stories on the growth of the monster. Materials: Maya Angelous Alone Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Text to Text, Text to World, and Text to Self Worksheet

Standards: RL 1-2, RL5, W1, W9, SL1 Procedure: 1. Collect Chapter 15 summaries that were assigned for homework and do daily housework (take attendance, answer any questions about the homework, etc.) (5 min) 2. Go over Chapter 15 of Frankenstein and emphasis the importance of the three novels that the monster reads. What do students think about this? Can books actually influence who you become? What is so important about these three books in relation to the monsters story and growth? Emphasize that they take notes and that this will be on the test. (10 min) 3. Transition from talking about the novels into talking about how books in general can change our perceptions on things. (2 min) 4. Pass out the worksheet and explain how to fill it out and how they should think about how they connect things across texts and situations. (5 min) 5. Pass out the Maya Angelou poem Alone. Read through it twice. (3 min) 6. Students will read through the poem again and make connections based on their own personal beliefs and thoughts. (10 min) 7. Students will get together in groups to talk about the connections they made and add any others that they might not have thought of in the beginning. (5 min) 8. Share out as a class to see how it relates to the monster and how we in the 21st century, can still relate to this monsters feelings of isolation and loneliness. (10 min) Assessment: Collect their worksheets for a grade.

Making Connections across Texts Read Maya Angelous poem Alone and as you read write down connections between the poem and your own personal life, the poem and how it relates to things in the world, and the poem and how it relates to other texts (i.e. Frankenstein, a song, some other book, newspaper article, movie, etc.). Write down at least four examples in each column.




Lying, thinking Last night How to find my soul a home Where water is not thirsty And bread loaf is not stone I came up with one thing And I don't believe I'm wrong That nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. There are some millionaires With money they can't use Their wives run round like banshees Their children sing the blues They've got expensive doctors To cure their hearts of stone. But nobody No, nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. Now if you listen closely I'll tell you what I know Storm clouds are gathering The wind is gonna blow The race of man is suffering And I can hear the moan, 'Cause nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone.

Maya Angelou

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