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Exercise 4 Complete los recuadros con How much o How many.

eggs are there? There are eight eggs.

chocolate is there? There is a bar of chocolate.

sausages are there? There are five sausages.

bread is there? There is a kilo of bread.

students are there? There are four students.

cheese is there? There is half kilo of cheese. Exercise 1 Complete los recuadros con How much o How many.

birds are there? There are two birds.

money is there? There are three thousand dollars.

dolphins are there? There are two dolphins.

pencils are there? There are thirteen pencils.

books are there? There are three books.

milk is there? There are four litres of milk. Exercise 3 Elija la opci m adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas. Is there any milk? Yes, there is. Yes, there are. How many people are there in the cinema? There are two hundred people. There is two hundred people.

How much read is there? !o, there is not. There is a kilo. How much sugar do you need? Yes, I do. "ne kilo. How many students are there in your #rench class? There are ele$en students. Yes, there are. How many tomatoes are there? Two. Yes, there are. How much money do you ha$e? I ha$e one dollar. Yes, there is. How many cups are there? !o, there aren%t. There is only one. &re there any kids here? Yes, there are some. Yes, you are. Is there any milk in the 'ridge? Yes, there are. Yes, there are two litres.

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