Writing Prompts

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Unpacking a Prompt Practice

Directions: Read the writing prompts below. Circle the action verbs and underline the phrases that accompany each verb. Finally, make a T-Chart labeling one side, DO and one side WHAT. Fill in the T-Chart to deconstruct each prompt following the example from class.

1. Read "But I'm Not Tired!" Think about the ideas the author presents in this article. What changes should schools make to adjust to students' sleep patterns? Write a letter to the principal recommending changes that could be made at your school to adjust to students' sleep patterns. Be sure to include specific information from the article to support your recommendations. Do not merely summarize the article. Remember that your response will be evaluated in two wayson your understanding of the article and on the quality of your writing.

2. Write a composition for your teacher that tells which event, the talent show or carnival, you would choose to have at your school. Explain why you think this event would be the better of the two. Use details from both passages to help you explain your opinion.

3. Its no secret that sometimes great discoveries come as a result of really big mistakes. But are they always worth the problems they cause? Sometimes the mistakes lead to greatness, and sometimes they lead to disaster. Are mistakes key to making discoveries? Write an essay in which you take a position on whether or not mistakes are a key part of discovery. Use the information presented in the passages to support your points. Make sure to include information from all the passages in your essay.

4. In many countries, citizens are required to serve in the military for a year or more. Do you believe the United States should institute a similar practice? Why or why not? Use specic reasons and examples to support your answer.

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