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Cd #12 Tank Operations 1

CBT ANSWERS, CD #12, Tank Operation 1, page 1 of 3

The Boss Inc

Pre-arrival checklist
No questions.

Q: What is the safest way to complete loading (topping off)? A: ) ha!e one slac" tan" as last tan". Q: Why is it impo#tant to chec" ullages f#equently du#ing loaded passage? A: c)chec" if any inte#nal o# hull lea"age$s. Q: What is the co##ect p#ocedu#e when t#ansfe##ing of ca#go is necessa#y? A: ) % tain pe#mission f#om cha#te#e#s and not p#ocedu#es in oil #eco#d oo" and dec" log. Q: &#ee wate# in ca#go' what is the co##ect p#ocedu#e? A: ) (o not d#ain f#ee wate# to slop tan" unless inst#ucted f#om cha#te#e#s.

Inert gas system

Q: indicate the p#essu#e cont#ol !al!e

No questions.

CBT ANSWERS, CD #12, Tank Operation 1, page ) of 3

The Boss Inc

Q: Why is it impo#tant to pe#fo#m line displacement p#io# to commencing discha#ge? A: c) *ush sho#e line content to sho#e tan". Q: %pe#ation of educto#. What is co##ect? A: a) +in. , a# d#i!e p#essu#e and min. ac" p#essu#e. Q: Why is it impo#tant to ha!e minimum - a# (1.. psi) ac"p#essu#e at the ship manifold? A: a) /ha#te#e#s #equi#ement.

CBT ANSWERS, CD #12, Tank Operation 1, page 3 of 3

The Boss Inc

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