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Smart View installer file should be copied on the desktop or server.

Currently, Smart View program has been installed on local machines on the desktop. Choose: Run or double click on Smart View Icon, to launch Smart View; follow prompts thru the installation!


Choose: Next

Choose: Install "hen Smart View installation is completed, you should get to this screen, and press #$inish.

Choose: Finish

%. &aunch '(cel. )o connect, go to header #*yperion +, Connection -anager .s check, you should see the *yperion menu at the top of worksheet.

%. Click on +, Connect


.dd +, 01& 2rovider + Click on the 2lus3 sign to add!

a. 2rovider )ype401&5 i. ii. 2rovider 6 *yperion 2rovider default! &ocation 6

7'V5 http544%8.9:.%.;4hfmofficeprovider4hfmofficeprovider.asp( 21<75 )=7

>. .pplication5 a. '(pand Server name to the cluster name i. 7'V5 )he cluster name for 7'V is #2?IC<1)'S). ii. 21<75 )=7

b. '(pand until you see that application you want to connect; Server +, *$-7'V +, 2?IC<1)'S).

@. &og in with your 2?I user I7 and password, click on Connect.

A. Bou will be brought to the other screen. '(pand the application name to 2?IC<1)'S) again, then click Ce(t.

:. Came5 a. )he name should be consistent companywide so that all Smart ViewDs have the same connection name. Bour administrator will provide the name to use. b. )he recommended format is5 2?IC<1)'S).

E. Click on #$inish

;. )o connect once it is configured, click on link name, and #Connect.

9. )o see your connection s!, go to *yperion +, Connection -anager

%8. Click on desired connection name, and #Connect. Bou will be prompted to log in, use your 2?I I7 and password.

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