Task Analysis/Screencasting Script

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Task Analysis/Screencasting Script Scene 1 Title Slide: Scene 2 Introduction Teachers are you ready to use less paper?

As you know with budget cuts we only get 1 case of paper per nine weeks. Let e show you how to get ore work co pleted with less paper and ore student engage ent! "eet #d odo! Scene $ %arration: &sing 'oogle chro e let(s )isit www.ed odo.co * you first setup an account in order to use ed odo with your students. ust

Scene + %arration: Scroll to the right* let(s create an ed odo account now. ,lease sign up as a teacher. ,lease click the bo- .I( a teacher/ and click enter. Scene 0 %arration: In the bo- to the right please enter your infor ation. 1nce you ha)e all your infor ation input please select title fro the dropdown bo-. #nter your e ail address and you will want to ake sure your password is one you can re e ber. 2lick the .Ter s of Ser)ice/ and .,ri)ate ,olicy/. #d odo is like a pri)ate social network used for educational purposes. 1nce you ha)e finished and agreed to the use* close the tab and you are back at the sign in page. Scene 3 %arration: &sing the sign up infor ation* please login to your account* ne-t click the find your school. If you begin typing the school(s na e it should appear. 1nce the school na e appears* click on it. 4ou are now affiliated with our school. Scene 5 %ow you will upload a profile photo. This can be changed at any ti e. 4ou ay choose your picture or use the silhouette already here. 6or ti e sake* let(s use the one already posted.

Scene 7 %arration: 2lick on the co unities and this will bring discussions you ay be interested in to your ho epage. 4ou ay click as any as you would like8 but until you know e-actly what you need* I would only click the sub9ect you teach right now. Scene : %arration: 4ou now ha)e your #d odo account. Scene 1; %arration: %e-t* we will create a class or group* so that you ay co unicate with your students. 4ou can create assign ents for a specific group8 create a study group* book club* or any other groups you desire. Scene 11 %arration: Look to the left side under 'roups and click create* enter group na e* select range of students and sub9ect* and then enter create. #d odo will gi)e you a code for the students to use to 9oin your group. 4ou are set to begin setting up your groups. Scene 12 %arration: %o ore lost papers* can be used as a center acti)ity. 1ther sites can be e bedded into #d odo* but that(s another lesson! #n9oy #d odo. Scene 1$ 2redit Slide

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