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Book list- must read for a management practitioner

Books on General Management SNO. BOOK NAME 1. 2. $. *. ,. 0. 2. 6. 9. 1:. 11. 12. 1$. 1*. 1,. 10. 12. 16. 19. 2:. 21. 22. Aditya Vikram Birla - A biography rump- he art of !ur"i"al he %.B.M. &ay he !e"en habits of highly effecti"e people he Milkman from Anand (Story of #r. Verghese -urien .Amul/ Akio Morita-Made in 1apan .the story of !ony +orporation/ 3dyssey4 5epsi to Apple he 7se of (ateral hinking )"ery street is pa"ed 8ith gold .#ae8oo +orp/ &hen Giants (earn to #ance &ho says )lephants +annot #ance; he 'oad Ahead +ompeting for the future %nno"ation +ircle of %nno"ation 1ack &elsh = he G) 8ay he Adapti"e +orporation Gita 5iramal>s Business (egends ?uts-!outh &est Airlines4 +razy 'ecipe for Business and 5ersonal success he @uture !hock Marketing 8arfare he fortune at the bottom of the pyramid AUTHOR NAME Mehnaz Merchant #onald rump Buck 'odgers (urhson )hiomies !tephen +o"ey M.V. -amath Akio Morita 1ohn !kully )d8ard #e Bono -im &oo +hoong Rosabeth Moss (ouis. V. Gerstner 1r Bill Gates +.- 5rahlad and Gary <amel. om 5eters om 5eters 'obert !habar Al"in offler Gita 5iramal -el"in @ierberg 1acke Al"in offler Al 'ies and 1ack rout
CK Prahalad, Stuart L. Hart

Books on !trategy4

SNO. 1. 2. $. *. ,. 0. 2. 6. 9.

BOOK NAME Managing radical change Managing Across Borders Control your destiny or somebody else Alliance Brand Pricing on Purpose "he (ndi)iduali*ed Corporation Business + a #orce #or the good "he #uture o# Competition Business - Speed o# "hought ill

AUTHOR NAME Sumantra Ghoshal Christopher. A. Bartlett Sumantra Ghoshal Christopher. A. Bartlett !oel.M."ichy Stan#ord Sherman Mar$ %arby &onald. '. Ba$er Sumantra Ghoshal Christopher. A. Bartlett Sumantra Ghoshal Christopher. A. Bartlett C.K. Prahlad ,en$at &amas amy Bill Gates

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