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A Project Report On Comparative Analysis of Private Sector Bank on Basis of Current Account, Saving Account & Fixe !


1. CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Scope of the study Research Objectives & Hypothesis . CHAPTERORGANIZATION PROFILE A !rief profi"e of the i#dustry $etai"ed profi"e of the Co%pa#y &. CHAPTER-& METHODOLOGY Research desi'# Sa%p"i#' (ethod a#d too" of data co""ectio# $ata a#a"ysis a#d Hypothesis Testi#' ). CHAPTER-) *. CHAPTER-* +. CHAPTER-+ ANALYSIS OF DATA INTERPRETATIONS & FINDINGS BIBLIOGRAPHY & ANNEXURES


!a#-s are the %ost si'#ifica#t p"ayers i# the .#dia# fi#a#cia" %ar-et. They are the bi''est purveyors of credit/ a#d they a"so attract %ost of the savi#'s fro% the popu"atio#. $o%i#ated by pub"ic sector/ the ba#-i#' i#dustry has so far acted as a# efficie#t part#er i# the 'ro0th a#d the deve"op%e#t of the cou#try. $rive# by the socia"ist ideo"o'ies a#d the 0e"fare state co#cept/ pub"ic sector ba#-s have "o#' bee# the supporters of a'ricu"ture a#d other priority sectors. They act as crucia" cha##e"s of the 'over#%e#t i# its efforts to e#sure e1uitab"e eco#o%ic deve"op%e#t. The .#dia# ba#-i#' ca# be broad"y cate'ori2ed i#to #atio#a"i2ed 3'over#%e#t o0#ed4/ private ba#-s a#d specia"i2ed ba#-i#' i#stitutio#s. The Reserve !a#- of .#dia acts a ce#tra"i2ed body %o#itori#' a#y discrepa#cies a#d shortco%i#' i# the syste%. Si#ce the #atio#a"i2atio# of ba#-s i# 15+5/ the pub"ic sector ba#-s or the #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s have ac1uired a p"ace of pro%i#e#ce a#d has si#ce the# see# tre%e#dous pro'ress. The #eed to beco%e hi'h"y custo%er focused has forced the s"o0-%ovi#' pub"ic sector ba#-s to adopt a fast trac- approach. The u#"eashi#' of products a#d services throu'h the #et has 'a"va#i2ed p"ayers at a"" "eve"s of the ba#-i#' a#d fi#a#cia" i#stitutio#s %ar-et 'rid to "oo- a#e0 at their e6isti#' portfo"io offeri#'. Co#servative ba#-i#' practices a""o0ed .#dia# ba#-s to be i#su"ated partia""y fro% the Asia# curre#cy crisis. .#dia# ba#-s are #o0 1uoti#' a" hi'her va"uatio# 0he# co%pared to ba#-s i# other Asia# cou#tries 3vi2. Ho#' 7o#'/ Si#'apore/ Phi"ippi#es etc.4 that have %ajor prob"e%s "i#-ed to hu'e 8o# Perfor%i#' Assets 38PAs4 a#d pay%e#t defau"ts. Co-operative ba#-s are #i%b"e footed i# approach a#d ar%ed 0ith efficie#t bra#ch #et0or-s focus pri%ari"y o# the 9hi'h reve#ue: #iche retai" se'%e#ts. The .#dia# ba#-i#' has fi#a""y 0or-ed up to the co%petitive dy#a%ics of the 9#e0: .#dia# %ar-et a#d is addressi#' the re"eva#t issues to ta-e o# the %u"tifarious cha""e#'es of '"oba"i2atio#. !a#-s that e%p"oy .T so"utio#s are perceived to be 9futuristic: a#d proactive p"ayers capab"e of %eeti#' the %u"tifarious re1uire%e#ts of the "ar'e custo%er:s base. Private !a#-s have bee# fast o# the upta-e a#d are reorie#ti#' their strate'ies usi#' the i#ter#et as a %ediu% The .#ter#et has e%er'ed as the #e0 a#d cha""e#'i#' fro#tier of %ar-eti#' 0ith the co#ve#tio#a" physica" 0or"d te#ets bei#' just as app"icab"e "i-e i# a#y other %ar-eti#' %ediu%.

The .#dia# ba#-i#' has co%e fro% a "o#' 0ay fro% bei#' a s"eepy busi#ess i#stitutio# to a hi'h"y proactive a#d dy#a%ic e#tity. This tra#sfor%atio# has bee# "ar'e"y brou'ht about by the "ar'e dose of "ibera"i2atio# a#d eco#o%ic refor%s that a""o0ed ba#-s to e6p"ore #e0 busi#ess opportu#ities rather tha# 'e#erati#' reve#ues fro% co#ve#tio#a" strea%s 3i.e. borro0i#' a#d "e#di#'4. The ba#-i#' i# .#dia is hi'h"y fra'%e#ted 0ith &; ba#-i#' u#its co#tributi#' to a"%ost *;< of deposits a#d +;< of adva#ces. .#dia# #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s 3ba#-s o0#ed by the 'over#%e#t4 co#ti#ue to be the %ajor "e#ders i# the eco#o%y due to their sheer si2e a#d pe#etrative #et0or-s 0hich assures the% hi'h deposit %obi"i2atio#. The .#dia# ba#-i#' ca# be broad"y cate'ori2ed i#to #atio#a"i2ed/ private ba#-s a#d specia"i2ed ba#-i#' i#stitutio#s. The Reserve !a#- of .#dia acts as a ce#tra"i2ed body %o#itori#' a#y discrepa#cies a#d shortco%i#' i# the syste%. .t is the fore%ost %o#itori#' body i# the .#dia# fi#a#cia" sector. The #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s 3i.e. 'over#%e#t-o0#ed ba#-s4 co#ti#ue to do%i#ate the .#dia# ba#-i#' are#a. .#dustry esti%ates i#dicate that out of =) co%%ercia" ba#-s operati#' i# .#dia/ & ba#-s are i# the pub"ic sector a#d *1 are i# the private sector. The private sector ba#- 'rid a"so i#c"udes ) forei'# ba#-s that have started their operatio#s here. The "ibera"i2e po"icy of >over#%e#t of .#dia per%itted e#try to private sector i# the ba#-i#'/ the i#dustry has 0it#essed the e#try of #i#e #e0 'e#eratio# private ba#-s. The major differentiating parameter that distinguishes these banks from all the other banks in the Indian banking is the level of service that is offered to the customer. Their focus has always centered around the customer understanding his needs, preempting him and consequently delighting him with various configurations of benefits and a wide portfolio of products and services. These ba#-s have 'e#era""y bee# estab"ished by pro%oters of repute or by 9hi'h va"ue: do%estic fi#a#cia" i#stitutio#s. The popu"arity of these ba#-s ca# be 'au'ed by the fact that i# a short spa# of ti%e/ these ba#-s have 'ai#ed co#siderab"e custo%er co#fide#ce a#d co#se1ue#t"y have sho0# i%pressive 'ro0th rates. Today/ the private ba#-s cor#er a"%ost four per ce#t share of the tota" share of deposits. (ost of the ba#-s i# this cate'ory are co#ce#trated i# the hi'h-'ro0th urba# areas i# %etros 3that accou#t for appro6i%ate"y =;< of the tota" ba#-i#' busi#ess4. ?ith efficie#cy bei#' the %ajor focus/ these ba#-s have "evera'ed o# their stre#'ths a#d co%pete#cies vi2. (a#a'e%e#t/ operatio#a" efficie#cy a#d f"e6ibi"ity/ superior product positio#i#' a#d hi'her e%p"oyee productivity s-i""s. The private ba#-s 0ith their focused busi#ess a#d service portfo"io have a reputatio# of bei#' #iche p"ayers i# the i#dustry. A strate'y that has a""o0ed these ba#-s to co#ce#trate o# fe0 re"iab"e hi'h #et 0orth co%pa#ies a#d i#dividua"s rather tha# cater to the %ass %ar-et. These 0e""-cha"-ed out i#te'rates strate'y p"a#s have a""o0ed %ost of these ba#-s to de"iver super"ative "eve"s of perso#a"i2ed services. ?ith the Reserve !a#of .#dia a""o0i#' these ba#-s to operate =;< of their busi#esses i# urba# areas/ this

statutory re1uire%e#t has tra#s"ated i#to "o0er deposit %obi"i2atio# costs a#d hi'her %ar'i#s re"ative to pub"ic sector ba#-s.

Sco ! o" t#! $tud%

As curre#t %ar-et p"ace is hi'h"y co%petitive a#d each corporate is e6pa#di#' its busi#ess rou#d the '"obe for its '"oba" prese#ce so they do study re"ated to %ar-et tre#d re'ardi#' to their %ar-et share i# co%pariso# to their co%petitors. This study is carried out to fi#d out the %ar-et share of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- a#d a"so co%pare it 0ith differe#t Private sector ba#-s. @or this a#a"ysis of the sa"es tre#d of @i#a#cia" product /ie Savi#' aAc / Curre#t aAc & @i6ed $eposits has co%p"eted i# Buc-#o0 city. This study is co#fi#ed to so%e of the areas "i-e Ha2rat'a#j/ >o%ti 8a'ar/ .#dira #a'ar/ Rajajipura%/ Cho0-/ Batoche Road/ Haider >a#j a#d A%i#abad etc of Buc-#o0 city.

Si&ni"ic'nc! o" t#! $tud%

This study is he"pfu" to fi#d out the stre#'ths a#d the 0ea-#ess of their deposits a#d %obi"i2atio# sche%es of ba#- a#d ho0 to overco%e its 0ea-#ess. This study provides usefu" i#puts to fi#d out the curre#t positio# of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- i# co%pariso# to its co%petitors.

O()!cti*!$ o" Stud%

The objectives of u#der'oi#' study are as fo""o0sC 1. Study a#d a#a"y2e the %ar-et share of fi#a#cia" products of differe#t ba#-s. . Possib"e i%prove%e#ts to be brou'ht i# for the deve"op%e#t of their future busi#ess.

H% ot#!$i$ o" Stud%

@or these objectives so%e of the hypothesi2es have bee# fra%ed 0hich are 'ive# be"o0C

Hypothesis 1C H;D There is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products. H1D There is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products.

Hypothesis C H;D There is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t. H1D There is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t.

Lit!r'tur! R!*i!+
There has bee# si'#ifica#t 'ro0th i# both private ba#- a#d pub"ic sector ba#-s i# past 1; years. The %ai# fu#ctio# of co%%ercia" ba#-s is to %obi"i2e deposit fro% the pub"ic for the purpose of dep"oyi#' the% profitab"y by 0ay of adva#ces a#d i#vest%e#t. The $eposits are therefore their ra0 %ateria" 0hich they co""ect fro% pub"ic throu'h various deposit %obi"i2atio# sche%es a#d "e#d the sa%e to i#dividua"s/ busi#ess e#terprises a#d bodies corporate throu'h their various "e#di#' a#d i#vest%e#t sche%esEproducts. The differe#ce bet0ee# the cost of deposits a#d the ear#i#'s o# adva#ces a#d i#vest%e#ts deter%i#es their profit %ar'i#s a#d profitabi"ity of ba#-s. !a#- depositsD The ba#- deposits are 'e#era""y c"assified as D!,'nd d! o$it$ S'*in&$ d! o$it T!r, d! o$it$ $e%a#d depositsD de%a#d deposits are %ai#"y curre#t accou#t 0herei# the accou#t ho"der ca# deposit a#d 0ithdra0 a#y a%ou#t at a#y ti%e 0ithout restricti#' the #u%ber of tra#sactio#s o# a#y day Eti%e. Curr!nt 'ccount-

.# this type of accou#t perso# ca# deposit there %o#ey a#y ti%e a#d ca# 0ithdre0 it a#yti%e. .# this -i#d of accou#t #o .#terest is paid. (oreover so%e ba#-s char'e Eta-e service char'es for providi#' the faci"ity. This type of accou#t is %ost"y ope#ed by the !usi#ess co%%u#ity. S'*in& 'ccount.# this type of accou#t accou#t ho"der ca# deposit its %o#ey a#y ti%e but ca##ot 0ithdre0 the sa%e as i# curre#t accou#t/ he ca##ot 0ithdre0 before certai# period of ti%e. .# these type of accou#t rate of .#terest is #o%i#a" 'e#era""y ) perce#t %oreover the rate of i#terest 'ive# for the deposit of the accou#t ho"der is ca"cu"ated o# the %i#i%u% ba"a#ce the accou#t ho"der had i# his accou#t fro% 1 th to "ast day of the particu"ar %o#th but rate is "o0 0he# co%pared to rate of .#terest i# Ter% deposit. T!r, d! o$it.# this type of accou#t perso# deposit it %o#ey for certai# period of ti%e say for a year a#d he 'e#era""y ca##ot 0ithdra0 it before co%p"etio# of that period. .f the curre#t accou#t or savi#' accou#t for a ba#- is "ess the# it %ea#s its cost of deposit is %ore 0hereas those ba#-s 0ho %ai#tai# a ba"a#ce i# a"" these three accou#ts 3i.e. curre#t accou#t / savi#' accou#t / ti%e deposit4 it %ea#s that they ba"a#ce to %ai#tai# a 'ood profitabi"ity a#d %i#i%u% cost of borro0i#' Ear"ier the rate of i#terest o# deposits 0as re'u"ated but #o0 they are #ot. There has bee# a proper ba"a#ce bet0ee# de%a#d deposit 3i.e. curre#t a#d savi#' deposit4 a#d ti%e deposit a#d thus for this purpose ba#-s prepare ABP( i.e. assets "iabi"ity p"a##i#' a#d %a#a'e%e#t..

Scheme of issertation This study has been carried out to find out COMPARATI.E STUDY OF PRI.ATE SECTOR BAN/S REGARDING CURRENT A0C 1 SA.ING A0C & FIXED DEPOSIT. For this market research of some areas of Lucknow has been completed. The scheme comprises of finding out the market share/sales trend of different financial products of Kotak Mahindra ank n in comparison to some other !ri"ate ank like #$#$# % &'F$ . (ample si)e of *++ is taken . For the ob,ecti"es of this whole study hypothesis ha"e been designed for testing with the use of statistical tools like $hi-s.uare and software like (!((. The layout of the dissertation is as follows/ Introduction0 #ntroduction gi"es a brief idea about anking industry% scope of study% significance of study% ob,ecti"es% hypothesis and literature re"iew part related to anks and there Financial !roducts . !rgani"ation #rofile0 This part comprises of industry profile and company profile. This part gi"e a brief idea about current trends in industry and company. $esearch methodology% This part gi"e an idea about research design% sample si)e/design and method of data collection. &nalysis and Interpretations 0 This part tells about data analysis% method carried out for data analysis and interpretations from the analysis part. iscussions and $ecommendations0 This part gi"es an idea about some inputs to e1plore some other parts of research for further studies and tells about which part is necessary for more focussed research. 'ibliography and &nne(ure0 This part comprises of references taken for this study and .uestionnaire which was framed for this study.


Indu$tr% Pro"i2!
BAN/ING SECTOR IN INDIA Introduction The "ibera"i2atio# brou'ht i# 1551 has s0ept the eco#o%ic "a#dscape of the cou#try. The auto%obi"e i#dustry is o#e of the i#visib"e faces of "ibera"i2atio# .@or the peop"e 0ho 0ere used to %a#y years of A%bassador cars 0ith various %ode"s #ot differe#t i# a#y0ay e6cept a fe0 cha#'es i# every %ode"/ the arriva" of (aruti hera"ded the be'i##i#' of a #e0 e6perie#ce i# auto%obi"e co%fort. .t 0as the sa%e 0ith !ajaj Cheta-. .ts ob#o6ious hor# a#d the ti"t a#d start sy%bo"i2ed the dep"orab"e tech#o"o'y to 0hich a# .#dia# co#su%er 0as treated. ?e are thus "ivi#' i# the era of cha#'e. !a#-i#' sector is #o differe#t. The cha#'es i# ba#-i#' i# the "ast decade are u#para""e"ed 0he# co%pared to the e#tire period of ba#-i#' history i# .#dia. Profitabi"ity/ 0hich re%ai#ed a taboo for ba#-ers for years si#ce i#depe#de#ce/ has beco%e a bu220ord today. Our ba#-s %ode"ed o# !ritish ba#-s/ 0hich erected a0eso%e bui"di#' to scare the pub"ic i# the 'arb of bei#' a se#ti#e" of pub"ic %o#ey/ today 'o for bouti1ue ba#-i#' to be as c"ose to pub"ic as possib"e. Thus/ co%petitio# fue""ed by tech#o"o'y drives ba#-i#' today. .t is beco%i#' i#creasi#'"y c"ear that F Tech#o"o'y F a"o#e ca# %a-e ba#-ers sai" throu'h the co%petitio#. Co%puteri2atio# of bra#ches/ i#troductio# of cash %a#a'e%e#t products/ re%ote access "o'i# for corporates/ B'n3in& Co, 'n% i$ d!"in!d '$ 4' co, 'n%1 +#ic# tr'n$'ct$ t#! (u$in!$$ o" ('n3in& in Indi' . The !a#-i#' Re'u"atio# Act defi#es the busi#ess of ba#-i#' by stati#' the esse#tia" fu#ctio#s of a ba#-er ..t a"so states the various other busi#esses a ba#-i#' co%pa#y %ay be e#'a'ed i# a#d prohibits certai# busi#esses to be perfor%ed by it.G%obi"e ba#-i#'/ .#ter#et ba#-i#' a#d AT( ba#-i#' are a fe0 0ays by 0hich ba#-ers use tech#o"o'y today to beat the co%petitio#.

BAN/ING SYSTEM IN INDIA Ape6 !a#-i#' .#stitutio#s

Reserve !a#- Of .#dia

.#dustria" $eve"op%e#t !a#!a#-i#' .#stitutio#s

A'ricu"tura" Refi#a#ce & $eve"op%e#t Corporatio#

E6port.%port !a#- of .#dia

Re'io#a" Rura" !a#-s @orei'# Co%%ercia" !a#-s

Co%%ercia" !a#-s

Co-operative !a#-s

.#dustria" Ba#d $eve"op%e#t $eve"op%e#t !a#-s !a#-s

State Co-operative !a#-s .#dia# Co%%ercia" !a#-s Ce#tra"E$istrict Co-operative !a#Pub"ic Sector !a#-s Private Sector !a#-s Pri%ary Credit Societies State Ba#d $eve"op%e#t !a#-s Pri%ary Ba#d $eve"op%e#t !a#-s

State !a#>roup

8atio#a"i2ed !a#-s A"" .#dia State Beve" .@C. .RC .C.C. S @ C sS . $ C s

State !a#- of .#dia

Subsidiary !a#-s


Perso#a" Services Ad%i#istratio# of Estates.

!usi#ess Services

A#ci""ary services

Private Trusts Perso#a" Service .#vest%e#t Services H#it Trusts Bife Assura#ce .#sura#ce !ro-i#' Credit Cards Hire Purchase Perso#a" Advisory !usi#ess Advisory Services Offshore Services @orei'# Trade (ercha#t !a#-i#'. Co%pa#y Re'istratio#& Co%puter Service Beasi#'& .#dustria" Hire Purchase. @actori#' Corporate Trusteeships.

Bife .#sura#ce H#it Trusts .#sura#ce Services Trave" Services. (ai" Tra#sfer Te"e'raphic Tra#sfers !a#- $rafts.

(o#ey & Trave" 3Ope# credit abroad/ overseas pay%e#t/ Te"e'raphic tra#sfers/ Post che1ues/ Trave"er:s che1ues.4





6 DIMENSIONS OF SER.ICES There are %a#y reaso#s 0hy a custo%er shou"d be 'ive# IHAB.TJ SERK.CES. The %ost of the% areD 1. .#dustry bei#' so co%petitive that a custo%er shou"d be 'ive# the best services as they have %a#y co%petitors 3the co%pa#y4 a#d if eve# a si#'"e custo%er is "ost i# today:s LBT 0or"d the# it very difficu"t to 0i# bac- the custo%er. . (ost of the custo%ers do #ot co%p"ai# as they just opt out a#d do 'et satisfied 0ith better services e"se0here. ?he# it co%es to services/ there are 1; 1ua"ity di%e#sio#s. Each of the di%e#sio#s is of ut%ost i%porta#ce si#ce hu%a# e"e%e#t is i#vo"ved a#d it re"ates to services. !ut Meitha%"/ !it#er a#d Parsura%a# have deve"oped a #e0 a#d co#cise %ode" by c"ubbi#' so%e poi#ts. This %ode" co#sists of the fo""o0i#' di%e#sio#sD Re"iabi"ity Assura#ce Ta#'ibi"ity E%pathy Respo#sive#ess






.t is defi#ed as the abi"ity to perfor% the pro%ised service depe#dab"y a#d accurate"y. .# its broadest se#se/ re"iabi"ity %ea#s that the co%pa#y de"ivers o# its pro%isesNpro%ises about de"ivery/ service provisio#/ prob"e% reso"utio#/ a#d prici#'. .t is a"so -#o0# as the O8o E6cusesG service de"ivery. .#dia# Overseas !a#- faces stiff co%petitio# fro% %a#y other ba#-s 0ithi# its vici#ity a#d so%e of these ba#-s are forei'# ba#-s. !ut the e6isti#' custo%ers have faith/ "oya"ty a#d trust i# this ba#-. The custo%ers are 0e"" a0are that the ba#- 0i"" provide the% bac- the best a#d re"iab"e services. @or e.'./ #o perso# "i-es to 0ait to 0ithdra0 hisEher %o#ey. .# order to correct this prob"e%/ .#dia# Overseas !a#- has e#sured that 0hoever co%es i# for cash 0ithdra0a" 0i"" receive hisEher cash 0ithi# five to te# %i#utes.

Assura#ce is defi#ed as e%p"oyee:s -#o0"ed'e a#d courtesy a#d the abi"ity of the fir% a#d its e%p"oyees to i#spire trust a#d co#fide#ce. .t i#c"udes the abi"ity/ -#o0"ed'e/ 'e#ui#e#ess/ a#d ho#esty to provide the best services to the custo%er fro% the fro#t"i#e staff. .# this di%e#sio# the fro#t "i#e staff is %ore i%porta#t rather tha# the o0#er. At .#dia# Overseas !a#-/ every custo%er 0ho co%es is treated 0ith ut%ost care a#d a#y prob"e% that ta-es p"ace is so"ved 0ith 'reat e#thusias%. .t assures the custo%ers co%i#' up to the ba#- that the %o#ey they i#vest is secureC the i#terest rate that is bei#' provided to the% is at par or so%eti%es eve# hi'her as co%pared to other ba#-s. A"so/ it assures the custo%ers that the %o#ey they have i#vested 0i"" be retur#ed to the% as a#d 0he# re1uired 0ith proper i#terest. .t tries to e%po0er their custo%er co#tact peop"e a#d re'u"ar"y trai# the% i# s-i""s to bui"d trust a#d "oya"ty bet0ee# e%p"oyees a#d the custo%ers. They have assi'#ed so%e of their staff %e%bers to bui"d re"atio#ships 0ith the custo%ers by 'etti#' to -#o0 the% perso#a""y.

Ta#'ib"es are defi#ed as the appeara#ces of physica" faci"ities/ e1uip%e#ts/ perso##e" a#d co%%u#icatio# %ateria"s. A"" of these provide physica" represe#tatio#s or i%a'es of the service that custo%ers/ particu"ar"y #e0 custo%ers/ 0i"" use to eva"uate 1ua"ity. At .#dia# Overseas !a#-/ the e#tire pre%ise is air-co#ditio#ed. They have co%puteri2ed syste%s i# p"ace a#d therefore 1uic-/ accurate a#d efficie#t service ca# be provided to the custo%ers. The tab"es a#d chairs are co#ve#ie#t"y "ocated for the custo%ers. The perso##e" a"0ays have a cheerfu" a#d he"pi#' ve#eer a#d are a"0ays ready to he"p out the custo%ers. The e#tire p"ace is do#e up i# bri'ht co"ors a#d thus the custo%er ca# i%%ediate"y fee" the 0ar%th a#d the radia#ce of the p"ace.

E%pathy is defi#ed as the cari#'/ i#dividua"i2ed atte#tio# the fir% provides its custo%ers. The esse#ce of e%pathy is co#veyi#'/ throu'h perso#a"i2ed or custo%i2ed service/ the custo%ers are u#i1ue a#d u#i1ue specia". The e%pathy sho0# by the e%p"oyees of the .#dia# Overseas !a#- is 'ood as they are a"0ays po"ite hu%b"e a#d he"pfu". There 0as a case 0here o#ce a custo%er %isp"aced

Rs. 1/;;/;;; 0ithi# the pre%ises of the ba#-. He pa#ic-ed but the ba#- perso##e" put hi% at rest a#d assured hi% that they 0ou"d "ocate the sa%e for hi%. Si#ce he 0as a re'u"ar custo%er/ they -#e0 hi% very 0e"" a#d too- the situatio# u#der co#tro". They 1uic-"y "ocated the cash a#d thus/ the custo%er 0as p"acated. The ba#- perso##e" 0e#t out of their 0ay to he"p this custo%er a#d thus u#derstood his predica%e#t. This ba#re'u"ar"y ho"ds se%i#ars a#d trai#i#' 0or-shops so that they ca# u#dersta#d the co#su%er better a#d thus serve hi% better.

Respo#sive#ess is the 0i""i#'#ess to he"p the custo%er a#d provide hi% 0ith i%%ediate a#d fast service. The .#dia# Overseas !a#- is pro%pt at providi#' its custo%ers 0ith the i#for%atio# a#d services that they see-. .t is e6tre%e"y pro%pt 0he# it co%es to reso"vi#' the co%p"ai#ts of the custo%ers. The custo%ers/ i# their feedbac- for%/ %e#tio#ed this as o#e of the %ost i%porta#t factor that has pro%pted the% to co#ti#ue 0ith this ba#-. A"" the five di%e#sio#s basica""y ai% at servi#' the custo%ers to the best of their abi"ity/ 'ivi#' the% 1ua"ity services a#d if thi#'s are fo""o0ed as they are de%a#ded/ 3i.e./ accordi#' to the custo%ers de%a#d4 the# there 0ou"d be #o prob"e%s i# faci#' a#y type of peop"e. The successfu" service or'a#i2atio#s set up speeds for service sta#dards.

TRADITIONAL BAN/ING Traditio#a""y the re"atio#ship bet0ee# ba#- a#d its custo%er has bee# o# a o#eto-o#e "eve" via the bra#ch #et0or-. This 0as put i#to operatio# 0ith c"eari#' a#d desi'# %a-i#' respo#sibi"ities at the i#dividua" bra#ch "eve". The head office had the respo#sibi"ity for the overa"" c"eari#' #et0or-/ the si2e of the bra#ch #et0or- a#d the trai#i#' of staff i# the bra#ch #et0or-. The bra#ch %o#itored the or'a#i2atio#s perfor%a#ce a#d set the decisio# %a-i#' para%eters/ but the i#for%atio# avai"ab"e to both bra#ch a#d their custo%ers 0as "i%ited to o#e 'eo'raphica" "ocatio#.




!a#- !ra#ch C"eari#' $ecisio#

!a#- !ra#ch C"eari#' $ecisio#

!a#- !ra#ch C"eari#' $ecisio#

Ce#tra" c"eari#'

Ce#tra" c"eari#'

Tr'dition'2 ('n3in& $tructur!


The %oder# ba#- ca##ot re"y o# its bra#ch #et0or- a"o#e. Custo%ers are #o0 de%a#di#' #e0/ %ore co#ve#ie#t/ de"ivery syste%s. A#d services such as i#ter#et ba#-i#' have a dua" ro"e for the custo%er thus i#creasi#' the productivity of this sector. They provide traditio#a" ba#-i#' service/ but additio#a""y offer %uch 'reater access to i#for%atio# o# their accou#t a#d o# the ba#-s %a#y other services. To do this ba#-i#' has to create i#for%atio# "ayers/ 0hich ca# be accessed both by ba#- staff as 0e"" as by the custo%ers the%se"ves. Today ba#-i#' i# .#dia has beco%e a# u# popu"ar i#dustry/ %uch b"a%ed for its prob"e%s of its o0# %a-i#'. The use of i#teractive e"ectro#ic "i#-s via the i#ter#et ca# 'o a "o#' 0ay i# providi#' the custo%ers 0ith 'reater dea" of i#for%atio# about both their fi#a#cia" situatio# a#d about the services offered by the ba#-.


T!2! #on!1 Br'nc#1 E2!ctronic B'n3in&1 !tc7

S#'r!d In"or,'tion

C2!'rin& $%$t!,$

H!'d O""ic! Ri$3 Monitorin&

Co, 'n% Pro"i2! COMPANY

The /ot'3 M'#indr' >roup 0as bor# i# 89:6 as /ot'3 C' it'2 M'n'&!,!nt Fin'nc! Li,it!d. This co%pa#y 0as pro%oted by Ud'% /ot'31 Sidn!% A7 A7 Pinto 'nd /ot'3 & Co, 'n%. .#dustria"ists H'ri$# M'#indr' 'nd An'nd M'#indr' too- a sta-e i# 89:;/ a#d thatFs 0he# the co%pa#y cha#'ed its #a%e to 7ota- (ahi#dra @i#a#ce Bi%ited. Si#ce the# itFs bee# a steady a#d co#fide#t jour#ey to 'ro0th a#d success. 89:; 89:< 899= 8998 899> 8996 7ota- (ahi#dra @i#a#ce Bi%ited starts the activity of !i"" $iscou#ti#' 7ota- (ahi#dra @i#a#ce Bi%ited e#ters the Bease a#d Hire Purchase %ar-et The Auto @i#a#ce divisio# is started The .#vest%e#t !a#-i#' $ivisio# is started. Ta-es over @.CO(/ o#e of .#diaFs "ar'est fi#a#cia" retai" %ar-eti#' #et0or-s E#ters the @u#ds Sy#dicatio# sector !ro-era'e a#d $istributio# busi#esses i#corporated i#to a separate co%pa#y 7ota- Securities. .#vest%e#t !a#-i#' divisio# i#corporated i#to a separate co%pa#y - 7ota- (ahi#dra Capita" Co%pa#y The Auto @i#a#ce !usi#ess is hived off i#to a separate co%pa#y - 7ota(ahi#dra Pri%e Bi%ited 3for%er"y -#o0# as 7ota- (ahi#dra Pri%us Bi%ited4. 7ota- (ahi#dra ta-es a si'#ifica#t sta-e i# @ord Credit 7ota(ahi#dra Bi%ited/ for fi#a#ci#' @ord vehic"es. The "au#ch of (atri6 .#for%atio# Services Bi%ited %ar-s the >roupFs e#try i#to i#for%atio# distributio#. E#ters the %utua" fu#d %ar-et 0ith the "au#ch of 7ota- (ahi#dra Asset (a#a'e%e#t Co%pa#y. 7ota- (ahi#dra ties up 0ith O"d (utua" p"c. for the Bife .#sura#ce busi#ess. 7otaSecurities "au#ches its o#-"i#e bro-i#' site 3#o0 Co%%e#ce%e#t of private e1uity activity throu'h setti#' up of 7ota- (ahi#dra Ke#ture Capita" @u#d. (atri6 so"d Bau#ches .#sura#ce Services to @riday Corporatio#




>==8 >==? >==@

7ota- (ahi#dra @i#a#ce Btd. co#verts to a co%%ercia" ba#- - the first .#dia# co%pa#y to do so. Bau#ches .#dia >ro0th @u#d/ a private e1uity fu#d.


7ota- >roup rea"i'#s joi#t ve#ture i# @ord CreditC !uys 7ota- (ahi#dra Pri%e 3for%er"y -#o0# as 7ota- (ahi#dra Pri%us Bi%ited4 a#d se""s @ord credit 7ota(ahi#dra. Bau#ches a rea" estate fu#d !ou'ht the *< sta-e he"d by >o"d%a# Sachs i# 7ota- (ahi#dra Capita" Co%pa#y a#d 7ota- Securities


Aourn!% $o "'r

T#! /ot'3 M'#indr' Grou

/ot'3 M'#indr' is o#e of .#diaFs "eadi#' fi#a#cia" co#'"o%erates/ offeri#' co%p"ete fi#a#cia" so"utio#s that e#co%pass every sphere of "ife. @ro% co%%ercia" ba#-i#'/ to stoc- bro-i#'/ to %utua" fu#ds/ to "ife i#sura#ce/ to i#vest%e#t ba#-i#'/ the 'roup caters to the fi#a#cia" #eeds of i#dividua"s a#d corporate. The 'roup has a #et 0orth of over R$7 61;=9 cror!/ e%p"oys arou#d 8<18== peop"e i# its various busi#esses a#d has a distributio# #et0or- of bra#ches/ fra#chisees/ represe#tative offices a#d sate""ite offices across ?@@ cities a#d to0#s i# .#dia a#d offices i# 8e0 Jor-/ Bo#do#/ $ubai/ (auritius a#d Si#'apore. The >roup services arou#d ?7; %i""io# custo%er accou#ts. .# F!(ru'r% >==?/ 7ota- (ahi#dra @i#a#ce Btd/ the 'roupFs f"a'ship co%pa#y 0as 'ive# the "ice#se to carry o# ba#-i#' busi#ess by the Reserve !a#- of .#dia 3R!.4. 7ota-

(ahi#dra @i#a#ce Btd. is the first co%pa#y i# the .#dia# ba#-i#' history to co#vert to a ba#-. Rece#t"y/ 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- Btd a#d H$@C !a#- have si'#ed a (e%ora#du% of H#dersta#di#' to share their AT( #et0or-. This a'ree%e#t 0i"" 'ive custo%ers of the t0o ba#-s access to over 1);; AT(s across the cou#try. ?hi"e H$@C !a#- has 1&&* AT(s across P "ocatio#s i# the cou#try/ 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- has =* AT(s at )1 "ocatio#s/ accessib"e ) hours a day/ &+* days a year. 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- is offeri#' access to H$@C !a#- AT( #et0or- free of cost to %ost of its custo%ers. The char'es for H$@C !a#- custo%er for usi#' 7ota- (ahi#draFs AT(s are Rs. 1P for Cash 0ithdra0a"s a#d Rs. = for Iuery-based tra#sactio#s such as ba"a#ce e#1uiry.

Cor or't! Id!ntit%

Grou M'n'&!,!nt
N',! Hday 7otaTit2! A&!

E6ecutive Kice )P Chair%a#/ (a#a'i#' $irector/ Chair%a# of 8o%i#atio#s Co%%ittee/ Chair%a# of (a#a'e%e#t Co%%ittee/ Chair%a# of Co%%ittee of the !oard of $irectors/ Chair%a# of Share Tra#sfer a#d Routi#e Tra#sactio# Co%%ittee/ Chair%a# of Credit Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of .#vestor Re"atio#s 3Shareho"dersE.#vestors >rieva#ce4 Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Co%%ittee o# @rauds/ (e%ber of Custo%er Services Co%%ittee/ $irector of 7ota- @ore6 !ro-era'e Bi%ited/ $irector of 7ota- (ahi#dra Pri%us Bi%ited/ $irector of 7ot E6ecutive $irector/ *1 (e%ber of Audit Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of 8o%i#atio#s Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of (a#a'e%e#t Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Co%%ittee of the !oard of $irectors/(e%ber of .#vestor Re"atio#s 3Shareho"dersE.#vestors >rieva#ce4 Co%%ittee/

Che#'a"ath A'%'r',

(e%ber of Share Tra#sfer & Routi#e Tra#sactio# Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Co%%ittee o# @rauds/ (e%ber of Credit Co%%ittee/ $irector of 7ota- (ahi#dra Asset (a#a'e%e#t Co%pa#y Bi%ited/ $irector of 7ota- (ahi#dra Pri%us Bi%ited a#d $irector of 7otaSecurities Bi%ited Di '3 Gu t' Head of Retai" )= !usi#ess a#d !a#-i#' Operatio#s/ E6ecutive $irector/ (e%ber of @irst Tier Audit Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of 8o%i#atio#s Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of (a#a'e%e#t Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Co%%ittee of the !oard of $irectors/ (e%ber of .#vestor Re"atio#s 3Shareho"dersE.#vestors >rieva#ce4 Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Share Tra#sfer a#d Routi#e Tra#sactio# Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Co%%ittee o# @rauds/ (e%ber of Credit Co%%ittee/ (e%ber of Custo%er Services Co%%ittee/ $irector of 7ota- @ore6 !ro-era'e Bi%ited/ $irect $irector/ (e%ber of Audit Co%%ittee/ a#d *;

S#i*')i D',

(a#a'i#' $irector of O( 7ota- (ahi#dra Bife .#sura#ce Co%pa#y Bi%ited


A0arded the 1;th !est E%p"oyer i# the rece#t"y co#ducted He0itt:s !est E%p"oyers i# .#dia ;;= Study !est .#vest%e#t !a#- i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia (ost Popu"ar .#vestor Re"atio# ?ebsite for the AsiaEPacific Re'io# co#ducted by .R >"oba" Ra#-i#'s E%er'ed 0i##er i# 1+ cate'ories i# the Euro%o#ey Private !a#-i#' Po"" ;;=/ i#c"udi#' the !est "oca" Private !a#O.T Tea% of the JearG a0ard at the a##ua" !a#-i#' Tech#o"o'y A0ards ;;+ Ru##er:s up i# the O!est Pay%e#ts .#itiativeG cate'ory at the a##ua" !a#-i#' Tech#o"o'y A0ards ;;+ 7ota- Securites 0as ra#-ed The (ost Custo%er Respo#sive Co%pa#y for ;;+ 3Cate'ory - @i#a#cia" Services4 by Avaya >"oba"co##ect A0arded the !est $o%estic .#vest%e#t !a#- a#d the !est E1uity House i# The Asset Trip"e A Cou#try A0ards A0arded Koice of Custo%ers A0ard for the !est Passe#'er Kehic"e @i#a#ce Co%pa#y i# .#dia i# ;;+ by @rost & Su""iva# ?i##er i# && cate'ories i# the Asia%o#ey Private !a#-i#' Po"" ;;+ i#c"udi#' the !est Private !a#- a0ard i# Souther# Asia Ra#-ed #o. 1 i# si6 cate'ories i# the A##ua" Euro%o#ey Private !a#-i#' Survey Po"" for ;;+ for .#dia !est .#vest%e#t !a#- i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia Ra#-ed Q 1 i# the "ea'ue tab"e for !oo- ru##erE Bead (a#a'er i# pub"ic e1uity offeri#'s i# ter%s of the va"ue of tra#sactio#s co%p"eted duri#' fisca" ;;+ accordi#' to Pri%e $atabase !est !ro-er i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia Topped the Asia%o#ey ;;+ !ro-ers Po"" as the !est Boca" !ro-er Adjud'ed the best (utua" @u#d House i# the 8$TK !usi#ess Beadership A0ard ;;+ !est !o#d @u#d >roup over Three Jears by Bipper @u#d A0ards .#dia Ra#-ed the best debt fu#d over * years by Bipper for the 7ota- !o#d Re'u"ar P"a#


Ra#-ed .CRA-(@R1 a#d 0as the recipie#t of the Si"ver A0ard by .CRA for the F7ota- !o#d Re'u"ar P"a#F Ra#-ed as the top %er'ers & ac1uisitio#s advisor i# .#dia i# ter%s of the va"ue of %er'ers & ac1uisitio#s dea"s a##ou#ced fro% La#uary to $ece%ber ;;*/ accordi#' to !"oo%ber' Topped the .#dia Advisory Part#ers .#data Bea'ue tab"e i# ter%s of the va"ue of dea"s a##ou#ced for the ca"e#dar year ;;* Ra#-ed Q 1 i# the "ea'ue tab"e for !oo- ru##erE Bead (a#a'er i# pub"ic e1uity offeri#'s i# ter%s of the va"ue of tra#sactio#s co%p"eted duri#' fisca" ;;* accordi#' to Pri%e $atabase !est !ro-er i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia !est E1uity House i# .#dia by Euro%o#ey !est .#vest%e#t !a#- i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia Ra#-ed Q 1 i# the "ea'ue tab"e for !oo- ru##erE Bead (a#a'er i# pub"ic e1uity offeri#'s i# ter%s of the va"ue of tra#sactio#s co%p"eted duri#' fisca" ;;) accordi#' to Pri%e $atabase !est .#vest%e#t !a#- i# .#dia by >"oba" @i#a#ce .#diaFs !est E1uity House i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia !est E1uity House i# .#dia by Euro%o#ey !est E1uity House i# .#dia by Asia%o#ey !est .#dia E1uity House by .@R !est .#vest%e#t !a#- i# .#dia by @i#a#ce Asia Ra#-ed Q 1 i# the "ea'ue tab"e for !oo- ru##erE Bead (a#a'er i# pub"ic e1uity offeri#'s i# ter%s of the va"ue of tra#sactio#s co%p"eted duri#' fisca" ;;&/ accordi#' to Pri%e $atabase !est E1uity House i# .#dia by Euro%o#ey




Product$ 'nd S!r*ic!$ S'*in& Account$ 1. Ed'e Savi#' Accou#t . Pro Savi#' Accou#t

&. C"assic Savi#' Accou#t ). 8ova Savi#' Accou#t *. Ace Savi#' Accou#t +. Easy Savi#' Accou#t T!r, D! o$it$ Lo'n$ 1. Perso#a" Boa#s . Ho%e Boa#s &. Ho%e Boa# !a"a#ce Tra#sfer ). Ho%e .%prove%e#t Boa#s C'rd$ 1. >o"d $ebit Card . >"oba" $ebit Card &. !est Co%p"i%e#ts Card ). 8etcRrd *. Access .#dia Card In*!$t,!nt S!r*ic!$ 1. $e%at . (utua" @u#ds &. .#sura#ce ). 7ota- >o"d Eter#ity Con*!ni!nc! B'n3in& 1. 8et !a#-i#'

. (obi"e !a#-i#' &. Pay%e#t >ate0ay ). Pho#e !a#-i#' *. AT( !a#-i#' +. S(S !a#-i#' =. A"erts

Savi#' !a#- Accou#t Savi#'s !a#- Accou#t as the very #a%e su''ests/ are i#te#ded for savi#'s for the future. The object is to save i# s%a"" or bi' a%ou#ts fro% ti%e to ti%e. O# ope#i#' a# accou#t 0ith us/ you 'et 0ide ra#'e of faci"ities as u#der i# a tota""y Co%puteri2ed !a#-i#' E#viro#%e#t. The faci"ities offered - D Fr!! @ C#!Bu! (oo3$ !r C'2!nd'r Y!'r Fr!! ATM C'rd F'ci2it% T!2!5B'n3in& & F'C5on5d!,'nd F'ci2it% DDM't F'ci2it% S'"! D! o$it Loc3!r$

@ree Che1ue !oo- @aci"ity

A# accou#tho"der 0hose accou#t is proper"y i#troduced a#d %ai#tai#i#' a %i#i%u% ba"a#ce of Rs1;;;;E- per %o#th is 'ive# a @ree che1ue boo-.

@ree AT( Card @aci"ity

?he# you ope# a savi#'s accou#t 0ith us/ you auto%atica""y 'et a free AT( card/ 0hich 'ives you i#sta#t access to your accou#t across the bra#ches/ ) hours &+* days. Jour AT( card 'ives you to co#duct tra#sactio#s such as cash 0ithdra0a" up to Rs 1*;;;E-/ Cash E Che1ue $eposit/ ba"a#ce i#1uiry/ "ast * tra#sactio#s/ P.8 cha#'e etc. free of Cost.

Te"e-!a#-i#' & @a6No#-$e%a#d @aci"ity

?he# you ope# a# accou#t at our bra#ches / you ca# e#joy the be#efits of Te"e-ba#-i#' & @a6-o#-de%a#d faci"ity. Jou 0i"" receive a P.8 3 Perso#a" .de#tificatio# 8u%ber4/ 0hich e#ab"es you to co#tact the ba#- a#d co#duct the fo""o0i#' tra#sactio#s o# your o0# over the te"epho#eD 14 !a"a#ce .#1uiry 4 Bast * Tra#sactio# &4 Che1ue boo- Re1uest )4 To record re1uest for state%e#t of accou#t *4 To s0itch to your a#other accou#t for i#for%atio# +4 To cha#'e P.8 #u%ber. =4 To 'et the state%e#t of Accou#t o# your @a6

$:(at @aci"ity
O# ope#i#' a# accou#t 0ith us you ca# a"so avai" $:%at faci"ity for de%ateria"i2atio# of shares a#d co#duct tra#sactio#s throu'h $:(at Accou#t.

.#terest Rate
.#terest o# your savi#'s accou#t is &.* < p.a a#d is ca"cu"ated o# a %o#th"y basis / based o# the %i#i%u% ba"a#ce i# your accou#t bet0ee# the 1;th a#d the "ast day of the %o#th / a#d is credited to your savi#'s ba#- accou#t at the e#d of every + %o#ths.

Savi#'s !a#- accou#ts %ay be ope#ed i# the #a%es of A# Adu"t 8E Indi*idu'2 5 $in&2! 'ccount F Aoint 'ccount

>E Minor$ G o !r't!d u on (% &u'rdi'n$ n'tur'2 or court ' ?E I22it!r't! !r$on$ G o !r't!d (% t#u,( i, r!$$ion7 @E Tru$t$ 5 Pri*'t! or Pu(2ic7 ;E Cr!dit F Hou$in& Co5o !r'ti*! Soci!ti!$ <E NRI FNRO


CHRRE8T $EPOS.TS Curre#t Accou#t D

Curre#t Accou#ts /as disti#'uished fro% Savi#'s !a#- Accou#ts are active accou#ts ope#ed %ai#"y by %e%bers of busi#ess co%%u#ity trade / corporate bodies or professio#a"s 0here the accou#t ho"ders have to receive %o#ey fre1ue#t"y a#d to %a-e a #u%ber of pay%e#ts duri#' course of their busi#ess activities or professio#. O# ope#i#' a Curre#t accou#t 0ith us /you 0i"" receive %uch %ore tha# a"" the basic faci"ities you #eed to operate your busi#ess accou#t.

The faci"ities offered - D C#!Bu! (oo3 An% Br'nc# B'n3in& Fr!! ATM C'rd F'ci2it% T!2!5B'n3in& & F'C5on5d!,'nd DDM't F'ci2it%

Che1ue !oo- @aci"ity

A"" curre#t accou#ts are i#variab"y re1uired to be i#troduced by so%e o#e -#o0# to a#d approved by the ba#-. A# accou#tho"der 0hose accou#t is proper"y i#troduced a#d %ai#tai#i#' a %i#i%u% ba"a#ce of Rs &;;;E- is 'ive# a che1ue boo- faci"ity.

A#y !ra#ch !a#-i#'

O# ope#i#' a Curre#t accou#t 0e 'ive the faci"ity of A#y !ra#ch !a#-i#' at a#y of the bra#ches / either o# the AT( upto a "i%it of Rs. 1*;;; a#d across the cou#ter upto a "i%it of Rs *;;;E-

@ree AT( Card @aci"ity

?he# you ope# a Curre#t accou#t as a so"e proprietor/ you are e#tit"ed to a free AT( card /0hich 'ives you i#sta#t access to your accou#t across the bra#ches / ) hours &+* days. Jour AT( card 'ives you to co#duct tra#sactio#s such as cash 0ithdra0a" of Rs 1*/;;; E- / Cash or Che1ue deposit / ba"a#ce i#1uiries / "ast * tra#sactio#s / P.8 cha#'e etc. at free of cost.

Te"e-!a#-i#' & @a6No#-$e%a#d @aci"ity

?he# you ope# a# accou#t at our bra#ches / you ca# e#joy the be#efits of Te"e-ba#-i#' & @a6-o#-de%a#d faci"ity.Jou 0i"" receive a P.83 Perso#a" .de#tificatio# 8u%ber4/ 0hich e#ab"es you to co#tact the ba#- a#d co#duct the fo""o0i#' tra#sactio#s o# your o0# over the te"epho#e D 14 !a"a#ce .#1uiry 4 Bast * Tra#sactio# &4 Che1ue boo- Re1uest )4 To record re1uest for state%e#t of accou#t *4 To s0itch to your a#other accou#t for i#for%atio# +4 To cha#'e P.8 #u%ber. =4 To 'et the state%e#t of accou#t o# your @a6

As disti#ct fro% a Savi#'s !a#- deposit or Curre#t Accou#t deposit / a Ter% $eposit refers to a deposit -ept for a predeter%i#ed defi#ite period of ti%e at a# a'reed rate of i#terest.

@i6ed $eposit 3I4

0hich is ordi#ari"y for a period of o#e year a#d upto * years i# co%p"ete 1uarters a#d i# %u"tip"es of Rs 1;;;; E- .#terest is payab"e at Iuarter"y rests.

Services Offered D Te"e!a#-i#' D

Te"e-!a#-i#' & @a6 o# $e%a#d Service ?e offer our custo%ers @ree Te"e-!a#-i#' a#d @a6 o# $e%a#d service to a"" our custo%ers to carry out ba#-i#' activities rou#d the c"oc-/ everydayTe"e-!a#-i#' a#d fa6 o# de%a#d service offer 0ide ra#'e of tra#sactio#s 0ithout ever e#teri#' the ba#- D

L't!$t B'2'nc! L'$t 6 Tr'n$'ction$ R!Bu!$t "or $t't!,!nt o" Account C#!Bu! Boo3 R!Bu!$t C#'n&! PIN C#'n&! S+itc# to %our 'not#!r Account

Batest !a"a#ce D
Jou ca# Te"e-!a#-i#' a#d @a6 o# $e%a#d Service to -#o0 your "atest ba"a#ce i# your savi#'s a#d curre#t Accou#ts.

Bast * Tra#sactio#s D
Jou ca# have the detai"s of the "ast * tra#sactio#s read out to you at the touch optio# .Jou ca# eve# have a %i#i accou#t state%e#t fa6ed to you.

Re1uest for a state%e#t of Accou#t D

Jou ca# re1uest for a state%e#t of accou#ts for a specific period to be %ai"ed to you or you co""ect the sa%e by co%i#' to the bra#ch.

Che1ue !oo- Re1uest D

Jou ca# re'ister a re1uest for a #e0 che1ue boo- usi#' te"eba#-i#' faci"ity. O# re'isteri#' for a #e0 che1uboo- the sa%e 0i"" be -ept ready.

P.8 Cha#'e D
Jou have the optio# to cha#'e your P.8 3Perso#a" .de#tificatio#

8u%ber4 by touch of the butto# a#d by sitti#' at your p"ace.

S0itch to a#other Accou#t for .#for%atio# D

.f you ho"d %u"tip"e accou#ts 0ith us you have the optio# to s0itch bet0ee# the accou#ts to -#o0 your accou#t detai"s.

A#y !ra#ch !a#-i#' 1. @eatures

This faci"ity 0i"" e#ab"e our c"ie#ts to 0ithdra0 %o#ey upto Rs. *;;;E- across the cou#ter or upto Rs. 1*;;; E- throu'h AT( fro% a#y of the bra#ches. ?ithdra0a" of Cash o# AT( 0i"" be avai"ab"e rou#d the c"oc-.

. !e#efits $eposit Cash - Jou ca# deposit cash usi#' a#y bra#ch ba#-i#' across the
cou#ter duri#' busi#ess hours a#d 0i"" be credited to your accou#t o# the sa%e day.

Tra#sfer of @u#ds - Jou ca# tra#sfer fu#ds bet0ee# your accou#ts fro%
o#e bra#ch to a#other across the cou#ter.

(i#i-State%e#ts - Jou ca# 'et a %i#i-state%e#t for your "ast * tra#sactio#s

of your accou#ts by usi#' AT( or across the cou#ter.

&. E"i'ibi"ity
Jou ca# use the A#y !ra#ch !a#-i#' @aci"ity if you are A savi#'s Accou#t ho"der 0ith authority to operate the accou#t i# i#dividua" capacity. A curre#t Accou#t ho"der i# i#dividua" Proprietorship or Part#ership

). App"icatio# Process
Ope# a Savi#'s or Curre#t Accou#t

@i"" up AT( App"icatio# for% avai"ab"e at the bra#ches.

AT( !a#-i#'
Jou ca# do ba#-i#' busi#ess usi#' AT( faci"ity beyo#d our ba#-i#' hours. So 0e have estab"ished a #et0or- of AT(s across the cities to 'ive you the f"e6ibi"ity to access your accou#t ) hours &+* days.At our AT(s/ you ca# co#duct the fo""o0i#' tra#sactio#sN

B'2'nc! EnBuir% C'$# Hit#dr'+'2$ St't!,!nt o" Account D! o$it$ PIN C#'n&! Tr'n$"!r o" Fund$

!a"a#ce E#1uiry
Jou ca# use your AT( card to -#o0 your ba"a#ce i# the accou#t.

Cash ?ithdra0a"s
Jou ca# 0ithdra0 up to Rs 1*/;;;E- per day o# your AT( Card . Jou ca# a"so use the fast cash optio# / 0hich a""o0s you to 0ithdra0 %o#ey i# %"tip"es of Rs *;; E-

State%e#t of Accou#t
Jou ca# re1uest a state%e#t of the "ast * tra#sactio#s o# your accou#t .Jour state%e#t of accou#t 0i"" be pri#ted o# the tra#sactio# s"ip.

Our AT(s e#ab"e you to deposit cash or che1ues i#to your accou#t at a#y ti%e. A"" you have to do is se"ect the accou#t o#to 0hich you 0a#t to %a-e your deposit / fi"" out a deposit s"ip/ put your cash or che1ue i#to the e#ve"ope provided at the AT(/ a#d i#sert it i#to the s"ot provided.

P.8 Cha#'e
Hsi#' your AT( to cha#'e your Perso#a" .de#tificatio# 8u%ber 3P.84 assures you co%p"ete security. Jour P.8 #u%ber is #ot disp"ayed o# the scree#/ bei#' rep"aced by crosses to e#sure the secrecy of the tra#sactio#.

Tra#sfer of @u#ds
Our AT(s %a-e tra#sferri#' fu#ds bet0ee# t0o of your ba#- accou#ts easy. A"" you have to do is se"ect the accou#t fro% 0hich you 0a#t to tra#sfer fu#ds/ the# i#dicate the a%ou#t of %o#ey you 0a#t to tra#sfer/ a#d the accou#t i#to 0hich you 0a#t to %a-e the tra#sfer. !oth accou#ts %ust be "i#-ed to your AT( Card.

Ter% $eposits for se#ior citi2e#

E"i'ibi"ity - A perso# 0ho has co%p"eted the a'e of +; years

%ay be treated as a se#ior citi2e# for 'etti#' the be#efit u#der the sche%e for se#ior citi2e#s.

Kerificatio# of A'e DAt the ti%e of ope#i#' of a #e0 deposit accou#t of a

se#ior citi2e#/ the bra#ch shou"d satisfy about the a'e throu'h verificatio# of a#y of the fo""o0i#' docu%e#tsD-

Sc#oo2 L!'*in& C!rti"ic't! LIC Po2ic% .ot!r$ Id!ntit% C'rd P!n$ion P'%,!nt ord!r Birt# C!rti"ic't! i$$u!d (% t#! co, !t!nt 'ut#orit% Dri*in& Lic!nc! F R'tion C'rd

Accou#t Ope#i#' Procedure

a4 .# so"e #a%e 0ith #o%i#atio# 3#o%i#atio# is %a#datory4 or .# joi#t #a%e sty"ed 9 Either or Survivor: or 9@or%er or Survivor:. The #a%e of Se#ior Citi2e# shou"d be i# the first #a%e

Additio#a" @aci"ities
b4 @ree $:%at accou#t 0ith #o a##ua" %ai#te#a#ce char'es of our !a#c4 @ree issua#ce of our !a#-:s pay order fro% Savi#' !a#- Accou#t of Se#ior Citi2e# d4 8o Pe#a"ty for Pre-%ature ?ithdra0a" of @i6ed $eposit e4 1;;< Boa# faci"ity to se#ior citi2e# a'ai#st @i6ed $eposit R 1< i#terest over fi6ed deposit rate

!a"a#ce Sheet
Mar ' 07 Sources of funds Owner's fund Equity share capital Share application money Preference share capital eser!es " surplus Secured loans (nsecured loans 'oan funds 11#000.09 6#565.92 %#299.5% %#%59.3% 256.&1 326.16 1#335.$$ 309.29 555.30 123.32 633.61 59.53 5%6.$& 59.21 0.02 %&2.2% Mar ' 06 Mar ' 05 Mar ' 04 Mar ' 03


12,662.02 (ses of funds "#$ed assets




7! .27

)ross *loc+ 'ess , re!aluation reser!e 'ess , accumulated depreciation -et *loc+ .apital /or+-in-pro0ress 1n!estments .urrent assets# loans " ad!ances 'ess , current lia*ilities " pro!isions 2otal net current assets 3iscellaneous e4penses not /ritten Total 5oo+ !alue of unquoted in!estments 3ar+et !alue of quoted in!estments .ontin0ent lia*ilities -um*er of equity sharesoutstandin0 6'acs7

2$3.5$ 132.%& 1%1.09 6#&61.96 -et current assets 692.33 2#153.65 -1#%61.32 5,541.73 -otes, 6#&61.96 1#00#&$%.15 3261.56

205.2& 100.05 105.23 2#&55.53 2$3.31 1#135.3& -&62.06 2,0! .6! 2#&55.53 %#135.36 3092.95

16&.5$ $1.%$ 9$.10 1#&26.9$ 151.26 %$0.&9 -319.63 1,604.45 3#6%1.62 1233.2%

13%.%6 %9.20 &5.26 2#&&2.$$ $3.%& 239.6$ -166.19 2, 01. 4 93&.%9 595.33

113.95 3%.16 $9.$9 $06.66 %9.1$ 213.9& -16%.&1 621.64 1&%.2% 592.13

.#terest RatesD .#terest rates o# @i6ed $eposits for .#dividua" !orro0ers .#terest Rates o# $eposits (aturity Periods Bess tha# Rs. 1* Bacs 8o Iuote ).;;< *.;;< A##ua"ised Jie"d Rs. 1* Bacs a#d Above !ut !e"o0 Rs. 1 Crore 8o Iuote ).;;< *.;;< ).*;< *.;;< *.*;<

= - 1) $ays 1* - &; $ays &1 N )* $ays

)+ N 5; $ays 51 N 1P; $ays 1P1 N =; $ays =1 $ays to "ess tha# 1 Jear 1 Jear & above but "ess tha# Jear Jear & above but "ess tha# & Jear & Jear & above but "ess tha# * Jear * Jear & above upto a#d i#c"usive of 1; Jear

*.*;< +.*;< =.*;<

*.*;< +.*;< =.=1< P.==< 5.*P<

+. *< =. *< =.*;< P.*;< 5. *<

P.*;< 5. *<

5. *<


5. *<

5. *<


5. *<




Sees 82% growth in current and savings account deposits

Co, 'r'ti*! An'2%$i$ o" Curr!nt Account F!'tur!$ 'nd B!n!"it$ o" Pri*'t! B'n3$ /ot'3 ICICI HDFC B'n3$ M'#indr' Mont#2% Rs. */;;; Rs.*;/;;; Rs.1;/;;; A*!r'&! B'2'nc! 8o "i%it C'$# D! o$it$ & Bacs per %o#th @ree upto Rs & "acs per %o#th or); tra#sactio# 0hich ever is "o0er &; @ree per (o#th Rs *;;A day 8A Rs *;;A day IDBI STANDARD CHARTERED Rs.*;/;;; Rs.1;/;;; Rs. */;;; AXIS

Rs * "acs per %o#th

Rs & Bacs 8o "i%it per %o#th

@ree / D!,'nd H#"i%ited Dr'"t$ C'$# Jes / @ree D!2i*!r% Jes B!'t S!r*ic! Jes C#!Bu! Pic3 u

@ree upto Rs + "acs Rs 1&;A day 8A Rs &;

@ree upto Rs * "acs Rs P *Aday 8A Rs P *Aday

@ree upto Rs & "acs 8A 8A 8A

@ree upto day Rs 1;;


$ai"y Rs 1;;;S %o#th Rs 1;;

/ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3 /ot'3 M'#indr' B'n3

S891-)S 8..:(-2


E-2 8..:(-2

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1;/;;; ;







;eatures and 5en efits

Sa!in0 8ccount

.urrent 8ccount

R!&u2'r S'*in& S'*in& Account

ATM F'ci2it% Mo(i2! 'nd N!t B'n3in& ATM F'ci2it% Int!rn'tion'2 D!(it C'rd P!r$on'2i$!d C#!Bu! On2in! Bi22 P'% S+!! in And Su !r S'*!r AFc St't!,!nt F'ci2it% AIB

S'*in& No M'C AFc Fri22 AFc Jes Jes Jes 8o Jes Jes 8o It"y 8i"

F',i2 % AFc Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Ity 1;;;;

P2u$ C AFc

R!&u2'r Pr!,iu, AFc C AFc


S'*in& S'*in& 8o 8o Jes 8o Jes 8o 8o 8o 8o Jes 8o Jes 8o 8o 8o 8o Jes 8o Jes 8o 8o

Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes !y %ai" *;;;

Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes

Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes

(o#th"y Jes 1;;;; *;;;

(o#th"y (o#th"y (o#th"y 1;;;;; 1;;;; );;;;;

Co, 'r'ti*! An'2%$i$ o" Di""!r!nt Fin'nci'2 Product$ o" Pri*'t! S!ctor B'n3 R!&'rdin& Curr!nt A0c 1 S'*in& A0c B'n3$ HDFC B'n3 ICICI B'n3 ING .SAYA Curr!nt A0c < ; @ S'*in& A0c 8> > <

/OTA/ ? ; MAHINDRA Co, 'r'ti*! An'2%$i$ o" Mini,u, B'2'nc!$ o" Di""!r!nt Pri*'t! S!ctor B'n3 R!&'rdin& Curr!nt A0c 1 S'*in& A0c & FiC!d D! o$it B'n3$ HDFC ICICI ACi$ St'nd'rd C#'rt!r!d /ot'3 M'#indr' Curr!nt '0c ,ini,u, D! o$it R$7 8=1=== R$7 6=1=== R$7 8=1=== R$7 >61=== R$7 >61=== S'*in& '0c ,ini,u, D! o$it R$7 6=== R$7 8=1=== R$7 6=== R$7 861=== R$7 8=1=== FiC!d D! o$it R$7 >61=== R$7 >61=== R$7 8=1=== R$7 6=1=== R$7 >61===

B'n3$ /ot'3 M'#indr' ICICI ABN AMRO HSBC St'nd'rd C#'rt!r!d ING .$'%' IDBI

R't! o" Int!r!$t on S'*in& A0C ?76K >7>6K ?76K ?76K ?7>6K ?76K ?76K

R't! o" Int!r!$t on FiC!d D! o$itJ,or! t#'n 8 %!'r$E 976: K :7>6K :K <76K ;76K 976K :7<6K

B'n3$ /ot'3 M'#indr' ICICI HDFC Ot#!r$

Curr!nt & S'*in& Account JCASAE D! o$it$ >1>@: cr ;?1<:8 cr 6@98@ cr >>;8> cr

.<8P2E -=== Research Methodology

Introduction- This study is carried out to fi#d sa"es tre#dEpote#tia" of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- a#d its fi#a#cia" Products i# Buc-#o0 city for this pri%ary data has bee# co""ected by co#ducti#' %ar-et survey. R!$!'rc# D!$i&n- A descriptive research desi'# is adopted for this study. Survey has bee# co#ducted 0ith the he"p of 1uestio##aire to co""ect pri%ary data. The data has bee# co""ected fro% retai"ers a#d doctors fro% so%e areas of Buc-#o0 city such as Ha2rat'a#j/ A%i#abad/ Cho0-/ Batouche Road/ Haider >a#j/ Rajajipura%/ >o%ti #a'ar a#d .#dira 8a'ar respective"y. Re'ardi#' to this study so%e of the objectives 0ere fra%ed to fi#d out the sa"es tre#d of @i#a#cia" Product a#d (ar-et share of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- i# co%pariso# 0ith differe#t other private sector ba#-s. @or fu"fi""%e#t of objectives so%e hypothesis have bee# desi'#ed. Hypothesi2es for this study are 'ive# be"o0C

H% ot#!$i$ o" Stud%

@or these objectives so%e of the hypothesi2es have bee# fra%ed 0hich are 'ive# be"o0C Hypothesis 1C H;D There is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products. H1D There is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products.

Hypothesis C H;D There is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t. H1D There is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t.

S', 2! D!$i&n- Ha2rat'a#j/ A%i#abad/ Cho0-/ Batouche Road/ Haider >a#j/ Rajajipura%/ >o%ti #a'ar a#d .#dira 8a'ar are so%e of the areas i# Buc-#o0 city 0hich are ta-e# for the study. O# the basis of pi"ot study a sa%p"e si2e of 1;; respo#de#ts have bee# ta-e#. D't' Co22!ction- $ata is both of pri%ary as 0e"" as seco#dary type. (a#y previous research papers/ jour#a"s/ busi#ess revie0s for%s the basis for seco#dary data. @or the purpose of pri%ary data co""ectio#/ a set of c"osed e#ded 1uestio#s is desi'#ed 0hereby i# depth i#tervie0s of the respo#de#ts are do#e.

N',! o" B'n3$ 7ota- (ahi#dra H$@C .C.C. Others

No o" R!$ ond!nt$ *; &* &; &*

Fin'nci'2 roduct$ Savi#' Curre#t @i6ed $eposits

No o" R!$ ond!nt$ )P * =

D't' roc!$$in& 'nd 'n'2%$i$- After data co""ectio# the data a#a"ysis is do#e by i%p"e%e#ti#' statistica" too" #a%ed Chi-s1uare test. Chi-s1uare test is used for the hypothesis testi#' 0hich 0ere fra%ed for fu"fi""%e#t of objectives of this research prob"e%. The "eve" of si'#ifica#ce is *< for hypothesis testi#'. $e'ree of freedo% varies re'ardi#' to the tab"e for%at i# other 0ords depe#ds o# #o of co"u%# a#d ro0s. Apart

fro% %a#ua" ca"cu"atio#/ statistica" soft0are #a%ed SPSS is a"so used for the ca"cu"atio# part. Li,it'tion$- So%e of the "i%itatio#s of this project are 'ive# be"o0C The research is "i%ited to 1*; peop"e i# so%e of the areas of Buc-#o0 city. .t is #ot accurate data because it is co""ected fro% o#"y fe0 peop"e fro% so%e of the areas of Buc-#o0 city. The peop"e o0e to there 0or- 0ere very busy a#d due to "ac- of ti%e they have #ot 'ive# a%p"e ti%e for this study. So%e of the% did #ot e#tertai# %e for this job. So%e peop"e sho0# #o#-cooperative behavior at the ti%e of data co""ectio# for this study. .#dia# !a#-i#' Syste% is the vast e6p"a#atio# So . fee" difficu"t to co""ect the data:s/ 0hich is re"ated to %y topics. Shorta'e of ti%e is yet a#other "i%itatio# of the study.

Data Analysis In!erence

N',! o" B'n3$ 7ota- (ahi#dra H$@C .C.C. Others

No o" R!$ ond!nt$ *; &* &; &*

H% ot#!$i$ T!$tin& Hypothesis testi#' is do#e by Chi-s1uare testC T U V- 3Oi - Ei4 i U1 Ei T U Chi-s1uare/ Oi U Observed @re1ue#cy/ Ei U E6pected @re1ue#cy/ - U #u%ber of cate'ories

$e'ree of freedo% U &/ Tabu"ated va"ue at *< "eve" of si'#ifica#ce U =.P1*

B'n3$ 7otaH$@C .C.C. Others

O($!r*!d JOE *; &* &; &*

EC !ct!d JEE &=.* &=.* &=.* &=.*

JO G EE 1 .* - .* -=.* - .*

JO G EEL 1*+. * +. * *+. * +. *

JO G EEL0E ).1= ;.1= 1.* ;.1=

Ca"cu"ated Chi-s1uare va"ue3 M> 4 U +.;1 In"!r!nc! The ca"cu"ated Chi-s1uare va"ue is +.;1 0hich is "ess tha# the tabu"ated va"ue =.P1* thus the ca"cu"ated va"ue ho"ds 'ood for #u"" hypothesis a#d there is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products. M'r3!t S#'r! @or ca"cu"ati#' %ar-et share of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- a%o#' other !a#-s #u%ber of respo#de#ts are co%pared 0ith the tota" sa%p"e si2e of 1*;.

23> 3%> :thers @ota+

1.1.1 20> <?;. 23>

In"!r!nc! The %ar-et share of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- is ?@K 0hich is hi'hest a%o#' other !a#-s.

Fin'nci'2 roduct$ Savi#' Curre#t @i6ed $eposits

No o" R!$ ond!nt$ =* )* &;

H% ot#!$i$ T!$tin& Hypothesis testi#' is do#e by Chi-s1uare testC T U V- 3Oi - Ei4 i U1 Ei T U Chi-s1uare/ Oi U Observed @re1ue#cy/ Ei U E6pected @re1ue#cy/ - U #u%ber of cate'ories $e'ree of freedo% U / Tabu"ated va"ue at *< "eve" of si'#ifica#ce U *.551

B'n3$ Fin'nci'2 Product$ Savi#' Curre#t @i6ed $eposits

O($!r*!d JOE

EC !ct!d JEE




=* )* &;


- * -* - ;

+ * * );;

1 .* ;.* P


Ca"cu"ated Chi-s1uare va"ue3 M> 4 U 1

In"!r!nc! The ca"cu"ated Chi-s1uare va"ue is 1 0hich is %ore tha# the tabu"ated va"ue =.P1* thus the #u"" hypothesis is rejected a#d there is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t.

M'r3!t S#'r! @or ca"cu"ati#' %ar-et share of 7ota- (ahi#dra !a#- a%o#' other !a#-s #u%ber of respo#de#ts are co%pared 0ith the tota" sa%p"e si2e of 1*;.


0> 50> 1 3 5



In"!r!nc! @ro% the Pie chart it very c"ear that out of the sa%p"e si2e of 1*; about *;< of the% have Savi#' Accou#t i# the !a#- .&;< have curre#t accou#t a#d the re%ai#i#' ;< have @i6ed deposit i# the ba#-s.

Fin'nci'2 Product$ S'*in& '0c

/ot'3 M'#indr' 1 *

ICICI * 1; P

HDFC ; 1= 5

Ot#!r$ 1P 1& P

Curr!nt '0c * FiC!d D! o$it$

S'*in& '0c
30 (C(C( 25 25 %&"C 20 20 Ot'ers 1& )ota* 12 10



In"!r!nc! @ro% the Histo'ra% it is very c"ear that out of the 1*; respo#de#t surveyed / 0he# it co%e to ope#i#' of Savi#' Accou#t %ore perso# prefer .C.C. !a#- i# co%pariso# to other !a#- bei#' ta-e# i# the survey.

Curr!nt '0c
1& %&"C 16 Ot'ers 13 1$



(C(C( 10


& )ota* 6 5

In"!r!nc! @ro% the Histo'ra% it is very c"ear that out of the 1*; respo#de#t surveyed / 0he# it co%e to ope#i#' of Curre#t accou#t %ore perso# prefer H$@C !a#- i# co%pariso# to other !a#- bei#' ta-e# i# the survey.

FiC!d D! o$it$
10 9 & $ 6 5 % 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 % 5 6 $ 5 @ota+ & 9 & 1.1.1

<?;. :thers

In"!r!nc! @ro% the Histo'ra% it is very c"ear that out of the 1*; respo#de#t surveyed / 0he# it co%e to @i6ed $eposits the prefere#ce of the custo%er for !a#- ta-e# i# the survey is %i6ed.

CHAPTER-K Inter"retation Findings

After data a#a"ysis a#d hypothesis testi#' it is eva"uated that #u"" hypothesis ho"ds 'ood. a#d there is si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# custo%er prefere#ce a#d ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products As/ the ca"cu"ated va"ue of T is "ess tha# the tabu"ated va"ue / #u"" hypothesis ho"ds 'ood .

After data a#a"ysis a#d hypothesis testi#' it is eva"uated that #u"" hypothesis does #ot ho"ds 'ood the #u"" hypothesis is rejected a#d there is #o si'#ifica#t re"atio# bet0ee# ba#-:s fi#a#cia" products a#d busi#ess deve"op%e#t. As/ the ca"cu"ated va"ue of T is %ore tha# the tabu"ated va"ue / #u"" hypothesis does #ot ho"ds 'ood. . As per the survey co#ducted/ it is to be #oticed a 'ood sector of the peop"e prefer to be custo%ers of #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s. This resu"t ca# be very 0e"" e6p"ai#ed by the fact that #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s are ac1uai#ted 0ith the >over#%e#t a#d that ups a#d do0#s i# busi#ess 0i"" #ot affect the e6iste#ce of the ba#-. A"so the R!. too has 'ood co#tro" over the 0or-i#' of these ba#-s a#d there for the custo%ers fee" a se#se of security i# i#vesti#' i# these ba#-s. Ho0ever it is a"so see# that a 'ood perce#ta'e of peop"e a"so opt for private ba#-s such as .C.C./ beari#' i# %i#d the a%ou#t of e6perie#ce they posses i# the fie"d of ba#-i#'. These private ba#-s/ eve# thou'h "ivi#' 0ith #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s/ 0hich have the "io#:s share/ appear to be hu'e %ar-et p"ayers a#d %ar-et tur#ers. As per the data a#a"ysis it 0as see# that 7(!B is prioriti2i#' the pre%iu% c"ass a#d %idd"e c"ass a#d #ot to the #eeds of "o0er c"ass peop"e the reaso# behi#d doi#' so is/ that by tar'eti#' the pre%iu% c"ass peop"e they ca# have a 'ood f"oat because by %ai#tai#i#' f"oat they ca# "e#d i# the ca"" %o#ey %ar-et or they ca# ut"i2e the %o#ey by -eepi#' i# the curre#cy chest. As 7(!B is #ot tar'eti#' the #eeds of "o0er e#d custo%ers it is because %ai#tai#i#' accou#t for "o0 ra#'e custo%ers 0i"" "ead to i#crease i# the operati#' cost of the ba#- a#d they do#:t have that type of i#co%e to 'o for this optio#. As ba#-s operatio# has rece#t"y started i# BHC78O? re'io# so they are i#itia""y tar'eti#' the hi'her e#d custo%ers. ?here as if 0e ta"- about .C.C./ H$@C ba#- the# they are tar'eti#' to both hi'her a#d "o0er e#d custo%ers because they do have 0ide accessibi"ity of AT(S a#d a"so they have %ore bra#ches the# 7ota- !a#-. As these t0o ba#-s has there operatio#s fro% a "o#' ti%e if co%pared to 7ota- !a#- that:s 0hy custo%ers or peop"e have a 'ood a0are#ess of these t0o ba#-s

The ra#'e of products of Hdfc /.C.C./ is %uch %ore tha# that of 7ota(a#-i#dra that:s 0hy peop"e 0a#ts to ope# there accou#t or have re"atio# 0ith these t0o ba#-s as they ca# fi#d a"" there fi#a#cia" #eeds u#der a si#'"e roof. Accordi#' to the survey co#ducted o# 0hich ba#-s are peop"e associated 0ith it 0as see# that #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s achieved the %ore or "ess sa%e a%ou#t of prefere#ce ratio as see# above. .# the sa%p"e si2e of 1*;/ a hu'e portio# of peop"e are associated 0ith #atio#a"i2ed ba#-s. This particu"ar survey a"so sho0s the sa%e resu"ts for the rest of the ba#-s/ i# the order Oprivate ba#-s/ i#ter#atio#a" ba#-s a#d co-operative ba#-sG respective"y.

O# a '"oba" sca"e tech#o"o'ica" i##ovatio#s have bee# the %ai# reaso#s for .#ter#atio#a" ba#-s to beco%e %ar-et drivers a#d "eaders/ but the sa%e ca##ot be said about .#dia. Here i%prove%e#t of tech#o"o'y has #ot yet p"ayed over the %i#ds of the peop"e. .t ca# be said that o#"y the hi'her society of the .#dia# popu"atio# 0ou"d co#sider tech#o"o'ica" i##ovatio#s to be very i%porta#t i# ter%s of decidi#' the i%porta#ce of the ba#-. The other parts of .#dia 0ou"d hard"y co#sider it to be reaso# i# se"ecti#' the ba#-.

7eepi#' i# %i#d the above a#a"ysis %ost of the peop"e surveyed i# this sa%p"e 0ere #ot eve# a0are of the differe#t services provided by the ba#-. (obi"e ba#-i#' a#d #et ba#-i#' 0ere >ree- a#d Bati# to the%. Such peop"e 0ou"d -eep tech#o"o'y i# %i#d to se"ect the ba#-. !ut o# the other ha#d the peop"e 0ho u#dersta#d the i%porta#ce of tech#o"o'y reco'#i2ed the various services that are provided a#d a"so %e#tio#ed that tech#o"o'y today i# .#dia has %ade ba#-i#' easier. Ho0ever a hu'e sector of the peop"e surveyed -#e0 the i%porta#ce of a# AT( or Credit cards/ but the usa'e of these faci"ities 0as #ot fou#d to be up to the %ar-.

As see# at the start of this particu"ar a#a"ysis the type of ba#- peop"e are associated 0ith stays the sa%e eve# 0he# 'ive# the choice of co#sideri#' a cha#'e of ba#-. Peop"e 0ho are associated 0ith their particu"ar ba#- do #ot 0ish to cha#'e as the reaso#s for their se"ectio# are satisfied by the ba#-. The fe0 peop"e 0ho 0ere #ot satisfied 0ith their particu"ar ba#-/ their reaso#s for #o# satisfactio# ra#'e fro% bad custo%er service to "ac- of tech#o"o'y to "i%ited sche%es provided to the%

@irst of a"" the cha#'es i# the attitude of the staff shou"d be arisi#' i# the ba#-s. Custo%er care service shou"d be i%p"e%e#ted i# the vo"u#tary %ethod. 8e0 tech#o"o'ies %ust be used i# every service a#d fu#ctio#s %ade by the ba#-. Co%puteri2atio# syste% shou"d be used i# every fu#ctio# o# the ba#-. There shou"d be tra#spare#cy i# a"" services offered by the ba#-s. The operatio#s of a"" the ba#-s shou"d be i# ) hrs. O#"i#e tra#sactio#s a#d i#for%atio# tech#o"o'ies %ust be i#troduced a#d %ade i# use i# every ba#-. They shou"d try to avoid the credits frauds. E-co%%erce a#d E-ba#-i#' %ust be i#troduced i# every ba#-

BIBLIOGRAPHY H!($it!$ +++7&oo&2!7co, +++7r(i7or& +++7('n3n!tindi'7co, +++7t#!#indu(u$in!$$2in!7co, +++73ot'3M'#indr'7co,

Li(r'ri!$ r!"!rr!d Co22!&! 2i(r'r% R!$!r*! B'n3 o" Indi' 2i(r'r% JDid not '22o+ u$ to r!"!rE Boo3$FAourn'2$FBu22!tin$ B'n3in& Fin'nc! RBI Bu22!tin Indi'n B'n3in& Co,,!rci'2 B'n3in& in Indi' Co5O !r'ti*! B'n3$ Econo,ic Ti,!$

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