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Surviving Grande Terra Natasha T. I woke up next to Colton. I looked at the clock, 8:39. Colton!

I yelled in his ear, shaking him, Get up you lazy bum, were going to be late! What? he asked as he fluttered his green eyes at me. We really didnt look alike for siblings; he had dirty blond hair like our mother, with these green eyes that somehow changed color in the sunlight, while I had boring, dark, brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked really young for an 18 year old. Church, were going to be late its already 8:39, I jumped out of bed. I went searching for Ryker, as I got my church dress on. I went into Rykers room. Ryker! I yelled, no answer, Ryker, get ready! I practically shouted, while I walked over and lifted the quilt off of his bed. He wasnt there. Colton do you know where Ryker is? I asked while he put on his black trousers then his black shoes. Probably went for a walk he said, which Ryker did often ever since our parents died. We should go, don't want to be late, he said walking out of the room and then out the front door. I chased after him. What about Ryker, if he doesnt go to church he can be sent to one of the games or worse, go to prison! I worried. Hes probably already there Colton said, Hes a grown man. Ya I nodded but I was still worried. "Welcome...Hello...Please take a seat. the preacher welcomed the people at the door. He stopped us on the way in. Wheres your brother? he asked referring to Ryker. He isnt our real brother our

parents took him in when we were really little. But he looks a lot like me same hair, same nose, same ears but he has blue eyes that stand out when you look at him. He was 17 years old making him about a year older than me. Hell be here Colton answered with a warm smile. I hope I muttering under my breath looking around. I entered the church and we began to sing the national anthem. Grande Terra, our beautiful, peaceful home... we sang while Ryker snuck in, knotting his tie. Where were you? I yelled in a whisper. Out he said like it wasnt a big deal. Out?!? I said angry while people stopped and stared. Whats the big deal, Kenz I am here now, he said more quietly as people began to stop staring. My real name isnt Kenz it Kenzie. I don't like to be called Kenz but I didnt want to fight while we were in church. I tried to forget about it, but the thought kept coming back. The preacher finished and we started to say a prayer. Final we finished and we were allowed to go back to our homes. I looked down at my watch, 10:30. Hey, I am going to go over to Jessicas, I told Colton and Ryker. OK, but be home in time for dinner, Colton said and continued his conversation with Ryker about the new BMW car. But of course since we did not live in Novo, we couldnt afford the newer cars. Or any cars for that matter. Jess! I yelled across the courtyard. She smiles back, waving signaling me to come over. Hey she smiles. We walked over to her house and when inside. I worried about Ryker, I blurred out.

Why? she asked concerned. He was late to church, I said really worried. Thats it she laughed. It not funny, I whined, he is always disappearing for hours. Youre probably making a big deal out of nothing, she said while channel surfing. Since she was the preachers daughter she was the only got television in the town. Our state was called Pobre meaning poor since we were the poorest of all 30 states in Grande Terra. Only the Director, the preacher, and the Enforcers get the luxury of Novo, the capital of Grande Terra. The only time I got to watch television was when The Surviving was on in the Public Square. But I didnt like to watch it yet it was mandatory we had to watch. It was about deadly games that prisoners played if they wanted to live. The people in charge made us watch it so we wouldnt act out. You're right, I said hiding my true feelings. Hey that new Nathan Parker movie is on, she said not even looking up from the television. Who? I asked. She gave me a blank stare for a while then turned back to the TV and put on the movie. We watched the movie then talked for a while. I looked at the clock 5:39. I gotta go, I am late, I yelled. Why don't you stay, she said. I cant, but some other time, k? I said sprinting out of the house. Bye! she yelled out the window with a smile. I smiled back and ran all the way to the house. Sorry I am late, I said trying to catch my breath.

It ok, Colton said while pouring something into 3 bowls on the wooden table we used as a dining table. What are we eating? I asked as I sat down. Cabbage soup, he said. Yay, I said sarcastically wishing that I stayed at Jess, Wheres Ryker? Colton just shrugged his shoulders as the door opened. Sorry about that, I was out, Ryker said as he sat down at the dining table. Again? I asked Ya, he responded not even looking at me. He was hiding something. He was about to take the first bite. Stop we have to say we are thankful for this food, I stopped him. You want me to be thankful for cabbage soup, he raised his eyebrow. Yes I snared back. It was mandatory for us to say a prayer since we were Christians. Thank you god for this food that you have given us. Thank you for this wonderful home. Thank you for the clothes I have on. And I am especially thankful for my family...Amen, Colton said with his eye closed. After he was done, we began to eat dinner. Why do we even pray or go to church? asked Ryker. We just do, Colton snapped back. I mean I didnt choose to be Christian, so why do I have to it, he said back. We just do, the government says we have to. Whether you like it or not, I said angrily. Why does the government get to say what we do, he said with angry in his voice. Because they have the power to put you in jail! I shouted back. Where is this coming from? I thought to myself.

So what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow? Colton asked changing the subject. I really don't want to do anything. I shrugged. But you're turning 16 there must be something that you want to do, Ryker said as he chewed the cabbage. Not really- I was interrupted by a knock on the door, I got it. I went up and opened the door only to revel 3 men in black protected arm, Enforcers. Can I help you? I asked confused. We need to come in said the tall one. I don't think so, I said as I tried to close the door. Another one stopped it. That wasnt a question, the came into the house. Who was at th- Ryker began. Ryker Skyes? the short one said. Ya? Ryker replied sacred. You are under arrest for going past the wall barrier. the short one said as he cuffed Rykers arms together. What? Colton said confused. There must some kind of mistake, I said trying to stop then. No mistake, ma'am, the tall one said as he handed me pictures of Ryker climbing over the wall. They walked Ryker to the car and drove off. Let me see those, Colton said grabbing the picture from my hands, his eyes widened, Go to bed I need to make some phone calls. We need a lawyer. I went upstairs not able to sleep. All I could think of is Ryker. I guess I finally fell asleep because I woke up the next

morning alone. I went downstairs to find Colton on the phone. He had bags under his droopy eye, he was up all night. Umm...Ya...Yes...what time?...ok 5 oclock...Ya. Ill be there...Okay bye. Colton said as he hung up his phone. "Hi" I said going to the kitchen. "Hey did you sleep well last night?" he asked but he already knows the answer. No. "Not really," I answered. "Ya me either. Hey we have to go meet our lawyer to talk over Ryker's case at 5," he said picking up the papers that covered our dining table like a blanket. I look over at the clock that hung on the far wall, 9:43. "I am going to go take a shower." I said as I walking away. Not caring to eat anything. The water ran as I took of my clothes. I washed my hair and body then just stood there. I final got out and put a towel around myself and walked to Colton's and my room. Dropping the towel, I put on grey sweats that gripped me at the ankle and waist with a plain white shirt. I looked at the clock again, 10:16 it read. I decided to walk over to the bathroom and brush out my hair and teeth. I walked down the stairs at into the kitchen. Colton was sitting in the same spot where I left him. I lean against the wall. "Hey I am going to go for a walk," I said making Colton lift his head to look at me. "I don't think that's a-" Colton began. "I won't go past the wall," I said as he got an unsure look on his face. "I promise." "Ok but come back soon," he said. I began to walk towards the door, Kenz?" "Ya," I answered. I love you," he smiled.

"I love you too," I smiled back. I started to walk. I didnt know where I was going, I just started to walk. After a while, I found myself in front of a wall. The Wall. The wall that separated us from the outside world. It was big and made out of bricks colored white. I touched it as I walked alongside it. How in hell did he get over this wall? I thought to myself when I was interrupted. Hey Kenzie, a familiar voice said. I turned around to see a someone staring at me. Jess. Hey, I faked smiled. So how are you feeling? she asked with a sorry look in her eyes. So you know? I said staring at the floor. Ya, the Enforcers came to my house to talk to my dad last night, she said quietly, You need a hug? I nodded as tears came out of my eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I cried into her shoulder. She soon let go and took a tiny box out of her back pocket handing it to me. Whats this? I asked as I whipped my tears. Happy Birthday, she smiled, open it. I undid the ribbon and took the top of the box, revealing 3 tiny heart charms, a tiny heart that read BFF, a sea shell, and a leaf. What this? I asked smiling. Well me and Ryker coordinated our gift, he was supposed to give you a charm bracelet and I was supposed to give you the charms. See a shell because you like the beach so much, a leaf because you love fall, and the BFF heart because were best friends. she smiled showing my charms. Thank you, I love it, I smiled. I put the charms back in the box, I have to go, but thanks again. I hugged and we said our goodbyes. I decided to take the long way home. I smiled

to myself as I looked into the tiny box. I am home! I yelled as I opened the door. I am in the living room! Colton yelled back. I walked towards the living room. Hey get ready, he said not even looking up. He was dress in his church cloths, black trousers with a white button up shirt. Why? I asked, It only 1:03. Were going into town to meet our lawyer. Colton said as he searched through papers on the coffee table. Why? I asked. Just do it, he snapped. Whatever, I mumbled under my breath. I ran upstairs into my room. I search through my closet. I took down a white dress with pink floral patterns. I slipped on white flats. I walked into down the stairs. Colton was on the phone talking. Ya.......Thank you so much....ok...thanks again...well be there. he hung up the phone Change of plans. We going to Novo. he said. Why!?! I asked. The Government has sent for us to go to Novo, to talk about Rykers trail. he said as he put the papers in a neat stack and shoved them in briefcase. We both walked upstairs and packed clothing for the next 10 days. I walked into Rykers room and grabbed his favorite black hoody. How are we gonna get there? I asked breaking the silence. Theyre sending Enforcers to give us the tickets for the afternoon train. I sighed okay. I packed the tiny box that Jess gave me in my suitcase. The doorbell rang and Colton ran downstairs. I stood at the top of the staircase where I could see the front door. I looked at the two Enforcers at the door. They made

me sick walking around like they were untouchable. But they were untouchable they can do anything they want and get rewarded from it. The door finally closed and Colton had an envelope in his hands. We better get going if were going to make the train. said looking at the tickets. He put the tickets back and he changed into some jeans but left his shirt on. I decided to leave my clothes on. He grabbed the bags and we began to walk into town. It was a 3 hour walk, but we were used to it. We made small talk all the way there but it was mostly silent. We finally got into town and hopped into a cab. Where to? the cab driver asked. Central Train Station, said Colton in response. We finally got to the station. Colton handed the driver some money from the envelope and we walked into the building. I had never outside the district let alone the city. You scared? Colton asked with a smile on her face. He went to Meio many times with my father and Ryker when they when they were little while I stayed home with my mother. Kinda, I said embarrassedly. Dont worry, I use to get scared too, he took my hand in his and we walked over to the station, handing the lady our tickets, and boarding the train. We sat down at on the train, when my stomach started growling, I remembered I didnt eat anything this morning. I looked at Colton to see if he heard it, but he just stared at the ground in deep thought. We sat there in silence. OH, he said pulling out something from the bag, Happy Birthday. He gave the box to me. Open it, he grinned. I opened it to see a charm locket. It was gold oval shaped locket with the letters KS. I opened the locket to see a picture of my mom and dad on one side and

Ryker, Colton, and me on the other. Its beautiful, I said looking at the picture. I heard Ryker is giving you a charm bracelet so I thought you could put it on the bracelet. Thank you, I said admiring it. I put my head on his shoulder and my eyes soon became heavy. Wake up, I felt someone shaking me. My eyes soon adjusted to the light. Were here, Colton said looking out the window. We got up from our seats and headed towards the exit. The streets of Novo were filled with people. The people were dressed in in bright colors. Others were wearing rags. Slaves. The slaves were pulled by a chain around their necks. Mr. and Miss Sykes, a man said walking towards us. Hi, you must be Tiger, said Colton holding out his hand. Tiger takes it in his and shakes it. Tiger? Like the extinct animal? I asked. Ya Tiger Russ, he laughed. So I am some news, he changed the subject as he got a serious look on his face. Good or back? Colton asked worried. Bad...Ryker will not be going to trial, he answered, He broke the most important rule, so theyre not giving him a fair trial. Sorry. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. I just kept waiting till I woke up from this nightmare. But it wasnt a nightmare, it was real. I will take you to see him. Tiger said and we jumped into his car. We arrived at a big grey building. As we walked inside I saw Enforcers everywhere. I held Coltons hand as as a


single tear drop escaped my eyes. I quickly wiped it away. Its alright, he whispered into my ear. Okay I will be right back, said Tiger as he walked into an office. 5 minutes later he came out. Ok they will let you see him but only one at a time. You can go first, Colton releases my hand. I followed one of the Enforced to a small room closing it behind me. I wait for about a minute until the door opened up again. You have two minutes, an Enforcer yelled. I turned to see Ryker. He had a black e ye and bruises on his wrist. Hi, he smiles. Hey, I tried to hold back the tear, but I failed miserably. Hey it ok, he said pulling me into a hug. No touching! Enforcer yelled. Ryker let go of me. I am not going to give me a trial, he whispered. But they are going to let we decide if I want to go to the games or prison. Which one did you choose? I asked. I am going to the games, he whispered looking at the floor. My heart sank. But I want to stay strong for him, Happy Birthday, he smiled. Some birthday huh, I smiled back making him chuckle a little. The thought of this being the last time hearing him laugh sent chills down my back. Ya, some birthday. I wanted to get you a charm bracelet, but- he began. I know, I said interrupting him. How? he asked raising an eyebrow. Jess told me, I said smiling at him.


Wrap it up! the Enforcer screamed through the glass. I am escaping. he whispered into my ear as he hugs me. Ok you time is up, said the Enforcers as he should me out. Colton then followed the Enforcer back into the room as I sat down on the chair. How is he going to escape? When? Where? How? These thought filled my head. Hey, I said as Colton appeared back in the room. He had a worried look on his face. Ryker told him too. Did he tell you? I mouthed to him. He nodded. Well talk about this later, he mouthed back. Tiger, Colton, and I climbed back into the car. The drive to the hotel was dead silent. Here we are, said Tiger breaking the silence as we pulled up to a big building surrounded by palm trees. The doors opened as we walked up to it. Wow, I whispered to myself. I know right, Tiger said standing next to me, Ill check you guys in. He walked up to a desk on the far right corner. Do you think he is actually going to do it? I asked not caring to say Rykers name. I dont know, but Tiger told me we can speak to him again together before he has to go to the games, he said not taking his eyes off of Tiger, shhh he coming. Here is your guys room key, Tiger smiled handing us both plastic cards. But these are card? I said confused. Tiger laughed. The bellhop will show you guys to your room. I will be back at 7 oclock sharp to take you guys your goodbyes to Ryker, he said, then walked out of the automatic doors. The man took our bags and took us in this moving, metal box. We got out at the fourth floor and


started walking down the big hall. 416...417...418, here we are. Can I have the key card please? The man asked as I handed him mine. Ok to open the door just slide the key card in here, and wait till the light turns green to open the door. He said as he opened the door. I hope you this room fits your needs. Yes, Thank you, Colton thanked as he took the bags of the man. The room had two beds with a little night stand in the middle. There was a television facing the bed. Wow this must cost a fortune, I said admiring the soft conifer. Hey come and see this! Colton yelled from the door next the television. I walked over to see what the fuss was about. I walked through the opened door. It had a shine toilet on the far left wall. Next to the toilet was a shower and a sink. There was soaps and shampoo on the counter of the sink. WOW! I said looking at the soaps. My stomach growled again. Was that you? he asked referring to the growling. Ya I didnt have anything to eat all day, I said rubbing my stomach. Ill go into town and get some food, he said walking out of the door. I decided to take a shower while he was gone. I pulled off my white dress and grabbed the tiny soaps. The shampoo smelled like flowers as I ran it through my hair. I breathed in the sent. I felt the warm water trickled down my back as I thought about today. I stepped out of the shower wrapping myself in the soft towels. I walked over to my suitcase grabbing a pair of sweats and a black T-shirt. I pulled out pulled out Rykers black hood. God you screwed up Ryker. I said out loud to myself looking at the jacket. I put on the jacket. It smelled like Ryker. I smiled to myself as I smelled it. Hey, I am back, Colton said opening the door.


Good I am starving, I said as he pulled out food from the paper bag that said Rickys on the front. I bought you a hamburger, he said pulling out a circled sandwich looking thing. Whats that? I asked. It kinda like a sandwich but it has this patty thing instead of sliced turkey, he said pulling out one for himself. I don't care what it is I am hunger, I said taking a bit of the hamburger, It's so good it must have cost a fortune. Not really I only cost $3.40 each, he smiled taking another bit of his hamburger. We sat there on the corner of the bed eating not talking the rest of the meal. I am full, I said rubbing my stomach, I am going to bed. Me too, Colton said getting into his own bed. I crawled into my bed and hugged myself as I fell asleep. Wake up Kenzie, were going to be late, Colton said as he shook me awake. What time is it? I mumbled my words. 6:42, get up, he said as he walked into the bathroom. I got up and dressed myself in a pair of jeans with a black tank top and a white cardigan. I walked over to the bathroom; I brushed my hair and teeth. Are you ready? asked he looked at his watch. I nodded. We walked down the hall to the moving metal boxes. What are these called? I asked looking at the walls and ceiling of the box. Elevators, I think, Colton answered, Tiger said to meet him at the front of the building. We walked outside and wait 5 minutes till Tiger pulled up in his fancy car. We drove


there making small talk but not once bring up Ryker. I got you guys 10 minutes to say goodbye to Ryker then he will be playing the games at 8 tonight. he said. I broke into tears. The Enforcer showed us to the little room. Ryker was sitting in a chair next to the small table in the middle of the room. I kept cry. Ryker stood up and hugged me. We stood there for a while. As I finally picked my head off his shoulder, I stood back to see both Ryker and Colton was crying. They gave each other a man hug. It going to be alright, Ryker said finally breaking the silence. What are your games? Colton said trying to not cry more. Russian Roulette, then Human Bowling Pin, Shark Tank, and Volcano. he said looking at the floor. My heart sank. The lump in my throat came back. Tears came rushing out of my eye. I put my hand over my eyes not wanting to let Ryker see me like this. Hey, I love you, he said pulling me closer to him. I love you too, I removed my hand from my face to look at Ryker. It time to go, said an Enforcer said as he put on Rykers handcuffs back on. No we still have 5 minutes! I yelled running towards the door blocking the Enforcer. I just doing what I am told maam, he said moving me out of his way. Caster McGuiness Park! Ryker shouted from the hallway. I looked at Colton confused he just shrugged his shoulders still crying. We walked out of the tiny room up to Tiger who was taking to the General Enforcer. Tiger walked over to us. I sorry you guys. I cant do much about this, he said quietly. Its not your fault, Colton said. If theres anything else I can do just let me not, he said shaking Coltons hand. Thanks for all of your help, Colton smiled trying to hide his pain. We watched as he


left through the door. I looked at the clock, 7:39. This is going to be a long day. We decided to walk back to the hotel. ***11 HOURS LATER*** I laid on the bed while Colton sat on the edge. Welcome you're watching The Grande Terre Games. I am your host, Rosetta Parker, said the lady on the television. And I am Kayden Watson, said the man next to her. I zoned out thinking about Ryker. The first game will be Russian Roulette, said the woman smiling too big, one gun, one bullied, 6 players. She made me sick. She smiled while talking about cruel games. It wasnt her fault, but she still made me sick. Rykers picture appeared on the screen. This is our final player, Ryker Sykes. His is 17 years old making him the youngest player of the month, Kayden said with a smile. Sickening. The video when to live feed showing the 6 prisoners sitting down. A short man was first. He pointed the gun at his head closing his eye he pulled the trigger. A empty bullied. Next was Ryker, I held my breath. Ryker took the gun in his hand, pointing it to his head. He showed no fear, without flinching he look and the camera and pulled the trigger. Nothing. I wiped the tears from my face. I smiled at Colton with relief. The next man was tall and well built. He pointed the gun to his self. A gunshot went off, he was dead. The camera went back to the host. Well be back in 10 minutes with the next game, Human Bowling Pin, lady smiled, The players must stand still while a 100 ton bowl hurtles towards them. The ball is 6 feet tall, and 6 feet wide. I started to cry again; Colton came over to give me a hug. As I cried into his shirt for a couple of minutes until the General came on the screen. This is General Payne. One of the prisoners has escaped. His name, Ryker Sykes. If you


see him call authorities, he is considered dangerous. I gave Colton a blank stare as he did the same. Howwhere is he going? he asked, his eyes glued to the TV. Caster McGuiness Park, I said as my eyes widen. We looked at each other for a minute. We both ran to the elevators, pushing the elevator button a million times finally it opened and we ran in. We ran outside and hopped into the back of a cab. Where to? the cab driver asked. Caster McGuiness Park, Colton said. The man nodded. We drove in the car for about 15 minutes before coming to a stop at a big park. I jumped out of the car running to park. Colton ran behind me. RykerIt KenzieRyker! I yelled stopping in between words to hear if he responded. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around screaming. Shhh, Ryker said as he put his finger to his lips. I stared into his eye before engulfing him in a hug crying. Soon we let go and he handed me a small box. I opened it to see a charm bracelet inside. I smiled at him as I began to cry even more. Colton come quick! I shout. Colton came running. He stopped when he saw Ryker. Ryker let go of me and went over to Colton. Shortly after Enforcers came running. We heard a scream one of the Enforcer stopped when he saw Ryker. Both of the enforcers eyes widened. RUN! Ryker screamed. Colton, and Ryker ran behind me. I ran as fast as I could. My legs began to wobble. I came to a stop at the wall barrier for Novo. Climb! Colton shouted. I started to climb as Ryker and Colton helped me. I got over then Colton then Ryker. We all began to run but more Enforcer chased after us. Ryker stopped


and turned around. What are you doing!?! I yelled. Just go! he ordered me. Come on! Colton yelled taking my hand. I began to run. Two gunshots went off. I turned around to see laying there, dead, was Ryker.


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