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Human Water Uses Lesson 1 Date: March 25, 2014 Class time: 40 min Teacher: Maggie Dietrich GENERAL

L OUTCOMES Examine human impacts on aquatic systems and identify the ro es of science and techno o!y in addressin! re ated questions" pro# ems and issues S$EC%&%C OUTCOMES Examine human 'ater uses %dentify current practices and techno o!ies that impro(e 'ater qua ity $ROCESS OUTCOMES )or*in! 'ith others Math s*i s Ref ectin! participation %NSTRUCT%ONAL %NTELL%GENCES E #o' partners Thin*" pair" share $ ace mat MULT%$LE %NTELL%GENCES+LEARN%NG ST,LES Auditory earner -isua earner MATER%ALS )or*sheets )ater Lar!e paper TEAC0ER ACT%-%T%ES Anticipatory Set .hoo*/ E #o' partners 2sho' students 3L of 'ater and as* them to !uess the amount it is4 MAN%$ULAT%-ES Computer .,ouTu#e (ideo/

STU1ENT ACT%-%TES Students discuss in e #o' partners ho' much 'ater they

As* them 'hat app iance they thin* 'ou d use 3x that amount of 'ater4 .'rite app iances on #oard/4

thin* it is4 Raise hand 'hen they find the ans'er4

Re'ard for !uessin! ri!ht amount4 Sho' ,ouTu#e (ideo http5++'''4youtu#e4com+'atch6(7On8)Rr&0-9, : ; min<

$ractice+1e(e opment )or*sheet handed out 'ith dai y 'ater usa!e of househo d items and app iances .thum#s up 'hen done/4 As* 'ho used more than the a(era!e Canadian4 Thin*" pair" share .'ater usa!e ref ection/ a#out 'ater 'astin! .i4e4 ea*s" ea(in! 'ater runnin!/4 $ ace mat2 ha(e students 'or* in !roups of 3 and 'rite do'n 'ays ho' to minimi=e 'ater 'aste .thum#s up 'hen done/4 0a(e each !roup share 'ith the c ass > 'ays they can minimi=e 'ater 'aste4 Students 'i comp ete this 'or*sheet durin! c ass" raise thum# 'hen done4 Raise hand to ans'er question4 Students thin*" pair" share 'ith e #o' partners4 )or* in ta# e !roups to comp ete p ace mat raise thum#s 'hen done4 Share > 'ays out oud to the rest of the c ass4

: >? min< Chec* for Understandin! Chec* o(er sheets+p acemat Listen for discussions happenin! Loo* for students puttin! up thum#s (s not puttin! them up

C osure+Ref ection 0a(e students share in e #o' partners ? thin!s they earned+found interestin!4 &ind out 'hich peop e are usin! the most 'ater" ess 'ater" etc4 in the c ass" ha(e them ine up in a ine to see 'ho used most and 'ho used east4 : 8 min< 1iscuss 'ith e #o' partners4 Ans'er question and raise hand to ans'er4 &orm ine from east to !reatest 'ater use4

MO1%&%CAT%ONS and E@TENS%ONS %f there is sti time in c ass ha(e a discussion of the ,ouTu#e (ideo and ref ect on it4 %f students do not !et thou!ht a of the 'or*" turn this esson into t'o essons4 %f runnin! out of time donAt ha(e students ine up to see 'ho used most and east 'ater in the c ass4 E-ALUAT%ON and ASSESSMENT Chec* o(er 'or* sheet+p acemat Ru#ric NOTES AN1 RE-%S%ONS This esson cou d (ery 'e #e turned into t'o esson dependin! ho' on! discussions ast and ho' on! students need to 'or* on the 'or*sheet and p acemat4 0andout a papers needed for this esson at the #e!innin! of c ass4 Ma*e sure to !i(e c ear instructions 'hen enp anin! thin*" pair" share4

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