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Name Contact information We like awesome spaces. What kind of living space makes you feel most at home?

Whats an example of a place where youve felt like this? What elements could we build, create, or put in place together to make this house feel the most comfortable to you? We like reciprocity. What are you looking to learn or share from living in this space? We want our home to be hub of community for more than just those living in it What communities (local or global) are you most closely connected to, or wanting to be connected to? How might our space support those communities? We want to know who you are bringing with you Please note any partners or dependents who might spend time in the space, including who they are and how often they might be around We like supporting people who do good work. What are you up to these days? How might the space support you in these endeavours? We like getting to deeply know the people who stay here. What else should we know about you? We like being organized: What is your approximate Budget (including utilities) o Are there any non-financial contributions/gifts you would like to offer to the house What are your space requirements? (eg. furniture, storage, other, etc) How long would you like to stay and for when How did you hear about us? We like to have the opportunity for mutual exchange. Any final Qs for us that we can help answer? Did this application process feel purposeful?

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