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Character Facebook Page

Imagine you are one of the characters in the novel that you are reading. Using Edmodo, you will create a Facebook page as if you were that character. When writing status updates, think about the things that your character might post. Dont take quotes from the book, but make inferences as to what they might say. For each due date, you will write one original post and one comment on another characters post. Remember, you are writing from the characters point of view and not yours. Character ____________________________________________________ Edmodo Username ________________ Edmodo Password ________________

Objectives: 1. Analyze character qualities and motives. 2. Summarize and make generalizations from the content. 3. Make connections to the reading. 4. Evaluate relationships among characters. 5. Explore, evaluate, and make predictions about character development through assuming the persona of a literary character.

Whats worth posting?

When I learn something new about my character When my character does something unusual When something really important happens

Whats not worth posting?

Writing down the first thought that comes to mind Nothing exciting is happening Repeating something I have already posted

Edmodo Character Rubric

First post: Completion of status as assigned character displaying knowledge of the character, the characters role in the novel, and his or her reaction to the novels events _____/2 Appropriate grammar and vocabulary _____/2 Posted before class on due date _____/1 Total _____/5 Second post: Comments left on each characters original posting as assigned character displaying knowledge of the character and the characters relationships with other characters in the novel ____/2 Appropriate grammar and vocabulary _____/2 Posted by class on due date _____/1 Total _____/5

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