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Medieval Britain Gillingham and Griffiths (pp.


Definition of MAGNATE a person of rank, power, influence, or distinction often in a specified area Origin of MAGNATE mid-15c., "great man, noble, man of wealth," from Late Latin magnates, plural of magnas "great person, nobleman," from Latin magnus "great, large, big" (of size), "abundant" (of uantit!), "great, considerable" (of "alue), "strong, powerful" (of force)# of persons, "elder, aged"

____________________________________________ Magnates: barons vis o!nts earls mar"!esses d!#es (in as ending order of stat!s) $ %heir territor& 'as r! ial to pea e of the realm and s! ess of ro&al government. $ %he& be ame a stri tl& defined and hereditar& so ial gro!p. ((&n 'ith parliamentar& peerage in )o*) $ +,-G . po'er to reate peers or elevate e/isting ones. (+ing0s patronage essential to maintain 'ealth 1 infl!en e) $ 2e' in n!mber (at most 34 families)5 b!t 6,%7*: -independent lordships in the 8elsh Mar h and -orth - so ial 1 politi al ontrol of 9nglish :rovin es (more effe tive than ro&al ivil servi e) $ ,dentit& of interest: G9-%;< (3444 to 9444 gentlemen5 es"!ires and #nights) M7G-7%9 . fees5 land5 offi es = advi e5 s!pport5 militar& aid > G9-%;<

B7(%7;? 29@?7*,(M )o!se of *ords )o!se of Aommons

$ Magnates0 o-operation 'as 6,%7* to !s!rping d&nasties of 1Bth Aent!r&. *7-A7(%;,7-( Cohn of Ga!nt (ri hest magnate) )enr& ,6 )9-;< 6, )e inherited the estates5 territorial infl! e and patronage of *an aster5 <or#5 -eville5 Bea!fort5 and other. )e established the firmest ontrol of all over the 9nglish Magnates and gentr&. <D;+,(%( 9arl of Mar h (less endo'ed)

Cohn of Ga!nt: The third surviving son of England's King Edward III, John of Gaunt was English King Richard II's Regent and had a net worth equal to $110 illion in toda!'s dollars ecause of ver! generous land grants"
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