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Rakesh Thakur
Mailing address: - 10 B.B.L.Public School Naher par, Dheeraj nagar Dist. Faridabad (H !" N # Pin $ode%& 1'100(

Phone- 9716727595

CARRIER OBJECTIVE:)or*ing in the organi+ation that o,,ers -e opportunit. ,or gro/th and to per,or- the duties assigned /ith per,ection and pro,essionalis- in order to achie0e the desired goals o, the organi+ation.

Academic Qualifica ion%&

10th pass

Jo! Profile: fresher

Curren "oca ion: At present in Faridabad (Haryana)

Aim Professionall#:-

To work in an organization where I can utilize

y skills and learn


$no%ledge of com&u er: "ood knowledge of basic co puter! (#s$%ord& '(cel etc!) Internet surfing! Tally()!*)& Tally(+!0)

' reng hs: ,edication Hardworking -eliable

Personal Informa ion:,ate of .irth Father4s na e 5e( #arital 5tatus 6ationality 7anguages 8nown / / / / / / 1010021++3 .ikau Thakur #ale 5ingle Indian Hindi

(eclara ion:I consider yself fa iliar with echanical tools! I a also confident of y ability to work in tea ! I here by declare that the abo9e infor ation is genuine to y knowledge!


)Ra*esh Tha*ur+

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