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Sexual Assault Survey

1. Age a. 18-24 b. 25-31 c. 32 or older 2. Are you currently involved in an intimate relationship? a. Yes b. No 3. Have you ever been sexually assaulted? a. Yes b. No c. Im not sure 4. If yes, were you in an intimate relationship with the person who assaulted you? a. Yes b. No 5. How often do you drink? a. Never b. Less than once a week c. 2-3 times per week d. More than 4 times per week 6. How often do you use recreational drugs? a. Never b. Occasionally c. Very often 7. If you have been sexually assaulted was there alcohol or drugs involved? a. Yes b. No c. I have never been sexually assaulted 8. Do you drink on the first date? a. Yes b. No 9. If you were in a threatening situation, do you feel as though you have the knowledge to protect yourself from harm? a. Yes b. No

10. Do you carry pepper spray or another protective device? a. Yes b. No 11. Would you feel comfortable filing a police report following involvement in a sexual assault? a. Yes b. No 12. If you were sexually assaulted, do you think you would know where to find available resources for recovery? a. Yes b. No 13. Do you put yourself in situations that could become potentially dangerous often? (i.e., being alone at a bar, walking without a friend, being in an isolated place after dark, etc...) a. Sometimes b. Never c. Quite often 14. Are you aware that two-thirds of sexual assault victims know their attacker? a. Yes b. No 15. In your opinion, if a girl dresses skanky, is she at all to blame for the sexual assault? a. Absolutely Not b. Yes. 16. Do you often make it a point to keep your hands free of items while walking alone (books, backpacks, etc.)? a. Always b. Sometimes c. Im almost always carrying something 17. Do you try to change your daily routine often? a. Very often b. Sometimes c. My routine is almost always the same as the day before

18. How likely are you to go home with someone you very recently met? a. Not at all likely b. Sometimes c. Pretty likely 19. Which of these would you consider sexual assault? Circle all that apply. a. Nonconsensual attempted rape b. Nonconsensual vaginal penetration c. Nonconsensual oral penetration d. Nonconsensual, inappropriate touching e. Attempted rape f. Nonconsensual, inappropriate verbal comments 20. In your opinion, what factor is most likely to lead you to become a target for sexual assault? a. Dressing skanky b. Drinking alcohol c. Wearing your hair in a ponytail d. Not having pepper spray or a gun

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