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A Day in the Life of a Nuclear Engineer Dylan Davis

I've always wanted to be a Nuclear Engineer, and now I got the job. I got the job as a Nuclear Engineer at the GE Hitachi power plant. This is a power plant that produces nuclear products and energy. There are several things I do in this job, such as inventing, supervising, and overloo ing products. This is what !y daily li"e consist o". #ne o" the "irst responsibilities o" !y job is inventing products such as nuclear reactors, nuclear generators, and other stu"". This part o" !y job is usually in a o""ice. This involves a lot o" thin ing, !ath, and a lot o" concentration.This can be overwhel!ing but once I a! done with a device, it is very rela$ing. %nother one o" !y responsibilities is supervising. This part o" !y job is usually on !y "eet and in a power plant. I will stay on the catwal and loo at the process o" the !a ing o" the products and !a e sure that the sa"ety regulations are !et in the whole plant. I" I see a sa"ety ha&ard, !y job is to shut the plant down and solve the proble!. This is probably one o" the !ost i!portant aspects o" !y job because i" I don't do this right, I could jeopardi&e the sa"ety o" everyone in the plant. This is usually not a proble! but I a! always on the loo out "or a proble!. #ne o" the !ain parts o" !y job is co!!unication. %l!ost every day I will either tal to people I wor with, or other nuclear engineers. 'robably a "ourth o" !y job consist o" !eetings with wor ers(other nuclear engineers. This part o" !y job re)uires very good spea ing and listening s ills. *ithout these s ills, I would not get !uch done at all.

+o that is usually !y typical day. It is !ostly tiring wor , but at the end o" the day, it was worth it because it is what I love to do.

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