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Myranda Micha!d )10 233 4an!

ary 56% 5372

Applying Multiple Intelligence activities to a lesson plan

MI Logical/Mathematical Activity Blooms Taxonomy After learning how to interpret the labels on Applying (new) or food products, students will practice application (old) calculating percentage of fat, sodium, cholesterol, etc. in terms of daily intake. t!dents will compare and contrast the Analysis (old and la"els on di##erent #ood prod!cts while new) wor$ing in gro!ps% moving to the di##erent &#ood stations set !p aro!nd the classroom' A#ter visiting the &#ood stations with their )val!ation (old) gro!ps% the st!dents will participate in a )val!ating (new) class disc!ssion% eval!ating their #indings' In addition to ma$ing a poster% st!dents will ynthesis (old) or write a song or poem to incl!de with their ,reating (-ew) advertisements' t!dents will record the di##erent types o# Knowledge (old) or advertisements while doing independent +emem"ering (new) research on the internet' A#ter completing the #ood la"el% daily ynthesis (old) or inta$e% and research activities% st!dents will ,reating (-ew) design a poster advertisement to ed!cate others on health and n!trition' A#ter completing their independent research% ,omprehension (old) st!dents will do a Thin$*.air* hare activity/ or 0nderstanding wor$ing with a partner% the st!dents will (new) disc!ss and compare their #indings' t!dents will create a poster or write a one ynthesis (old) or to two page essay on the di##erences ,reating (-ew) "etween nat!ral (organic) #oods and processed #oods a#ter researching on the internet'


(er"al/Ling!istic M!sical*+hythmic Intrapersonal (is!al* patial



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