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MARCH 29, 2014

Congregation Stands

Congregation Kneels


Please turn off your cell phones upon entering the sanctuary.



Song Service: Pr. Perry Jr. & Elke Opening Hymn Scripture Reading Opening Prayer Welcome Mission Report Program
Adult ClassMain SanctuaryIrwin Dixon Youth Class (15-18)BalconyRaquel Bodden Junior Class VestryAudrey Jovel
Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Primary and Earliteen Classes available in the little church



o Todays Revived by His Word reading is Isaiah 33. o Please keep reverence in Gods house. Please reserve balcony for overflow seating and mothers with young children. o 2014 Morning Watch Devotional Books available for purchase at the Adventist Book store. o Regular Pathfinder Club meeting this evening from 5:00pm 7:00pm. o Pathfinder Induction Service has been postponed until Sabbath April 12th, beginning at 5:00pm in the school auditorium. o The book EDUCATION, by Ellen G. White, available at the Conference for just Lps. 20.00 (every member should get one). o Womens Ministries Prayer Breakfast at sis. Bettys home this Sunday at 7:00am
SPIRIT OF PROPHECY GEM"The church was presented before
me in vision. Said the angel to the church, Jesus speaks to thee, Be zealous and repent. This work I saw should be taken hold of in earnest. There is something to repent of. Worldly-mindedness, selfishness and covetousness, have been eating out the spirituality and life of Gods people. The danger of Gods people for a few years past, has been the love of this world. Out of this have sprung the sins of selfishness and covetousness. The more they get of this world the more they set their affections on it, and still they reach out for more. Said the angel, It is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Yet many who profess to believe that we are having the last note of warning to the world, are striving with all their energies to place themselves in a position where it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, than for them to enter the kingdom. These earthly treasures are blessings when a right use is made of them. Those who have them, should realize that they are lent them of God, and should cheerfully spend their means to advance his cause. They will not lose their reward here. The angels of God will kindly regard them, and they will also lay up a treasure in Heaven. Spiritual Gifts volume 4B pg. 26, 27

The Cheerful Givers Plan: Tithe (10% of all income) Used to support the worldwide mission of the church Marked Offering (love offering of any amount) is used in the following ways: o Unspecified: 60% Local church Budget 20% Local conference development 20% World Missions o You may also specify your offering to fund specific departments such as: church budget, education, radio, poor fund, etc. Loose offering: Local church budget PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO MISION ADVENTISTA


Convocation Participants Enter Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow Invocation Pr. Perry Jr. Opening Hymn The Church has one Foundation #348 Scripture Reading Revelation 3: 14-16 Emmer Ebanks Pastoral Prayer Junior Barrett Welcome Irwin Dixon Worship in Giving Emmer Ebanks Childrens Story To be announced Special in Song To be announced Sermon Hot, Cold, or Spewed? Pr. Perry Jr. Closing Hymn Live out Thy Life Within Me #304 Benediction Pr. Perry Jr.

We Are Praying For (Updated weekly) (777) Revival & Reformation; Youth studying abroad; Lillybeth Greenwood; Pr. Jerry Campbell; Haylees grandmother and great-grandmother; Lizzies family (biological and adoptive); Kandy (Elkes cousin); Jorge Pineda; Fred Sr.; Madeline Ucls; Joan Dixon; Duvant Hyde; Kristel (has malaria); Jannette (from West End); Stephanie Nicole; Dawn Hyde; Carey; Raquel Bodden; Nora Pineda; Gretel Hynds; Delano Meja; Pathfinder Club; Laura McNab; The Samaitan Center; Mega-Building project.
OFFICERS SERVING YOU Pastor: Perry Elwin, Jr. Head Elder: Emmer Ebanks Treasurer: Delano Mejia Church Clerk: Norma Francis SS Superintendant: Valjean Dixon Pathfinder Club Director: Dessery Barrett Bulletin Editor: Jenna Hyde 9792-0022 9479-1057 9632-4301 9921-5955 9990-4937 9735-3261 9747-6298

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