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Greetings from Cebu City in the Philippines where the Mangoes may be the best in the world.

March was a busy month and April will be hectic, especially with some changes that will take place here. Easter Sonrise Service Once again we will have our Easter service at the beach at Sonrise combined with a baptism followed by fun and games and water sports. We anticipate about 100 that we will be busing to the beach at 3:30 am. Mila Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow We are losing two of our best ever workers this month. Mila who did her internship here and then stayed as a college student is returning to Dumaguete to a school near her family whom she misses so much. She has been a blessing. Grace, our current intern is graduating from Bible College and her internship is over so she will return to her father's church to Mila continue God's work. We will miss her. Grace




This year has been a struggle for Sheilani and I as we have been seeking the Lord for what our future holds. Also I have been sick and hospitalized twice including 2 weeks ago. It seems now I need heart surgery and my kidneys are weakening. In July of 1999 I answered a call from the Lord to move to the Philippines as a missionary with a 1 year commitment. After the first year I committed for 2 more years and then 2 more and on and on. I have now been here 3 months shy of 15 years. After much prayer and sitting at the Lord's feet we believe He has shown us that our time here is up and it is time to return to the states. The church is strong enough which has been demonstrated on my recent medical furloughs and they have run as if I were here, without me. We have a good plan in place for the church after I leave. We plan to be in the states around May 1st. To make everything work in this move for us and for the church we need your prayers and your help. When we return we need a place to stay rent free for 6-9 months minimum, help with food, a car to drive, etc. If you can help contact the missions department at Calvary Chapel of Downey. Eventually, when I am able I would like to work in ministry again either full or part time. I would personally ask that our supporters follow the lead of CC Downey who will continue to financially support the church here. Prayerfully consider continuing to financially support the church by sending your support to CC Downey support for Cebu. If you feel your support was only because I was in Cebu and you decide not to support the church, prayerfully consider supporting Sheilani and I for a few months as we settle in the states with minimal income by sending a check to CC Downey support for Tom and Sheilani. And if possible, consider a onetime donation for medical needs for Tom Maxwell by sending a check to CC Downey, Medical needs for Tom Maxwell a my probable heart surgery will require a co-pay. Remember the work in Cebu is God's work and He wants to continue growing the church. Thank You All of this being said I wish to express my thanks to all who have supported me, some for the entire 15 years and to all of our prayer warriors who have marched with us through many battles. Thanks to all who have visited us on teams and helped to build the people and the church. I wish I could name you all one by one but I would leave someone out and offend someone plus the thousands of names of supporters and prayer warriors would consume too many pages. So

All Things Must Come to an End

Sponsored Students The church plans, with your support to continue helping students get an education. You can help by sponsoring an elementary student for $35 per year, a High School student
for $130 per year and a college student for $130 per year (partial). We usually sponsor 50-75 students per year.



CalvaryChapelofDowney,12808WoodruffAvenue,Downey,CA90242 ATTN:MissionsSupportforTomMaxwell IfyourdonationisforaspecificpurposeinCebu,pleasedesignatethe purpose,ie:sponsorshipforHS/Elementary,Reliefaid,etc. Alldonationsaretaxdeductible Contactusatshepherds_heart04@yahoo.comlookatourwebsite@ CallusfromtheUSA@01163322686280or textus@+639164233620. (MagicJacknumber:+15623984936) Pleasereturnthiscouponwithyourdonationand thanksforbeingourpartnerin fulfillingGodspurposeinCebu. (Pleasesendsupporttoreach CCDowneybythe10thofthemonth.) Thankyou ONLINESUPPORT Youcannowsupportmissionariesonline atCCDowney. Followthislinkorcontact Zullyat5628035631withanyquestions.

Prayer Requests
Prayfor: Wisdomanddiscernmentinallthings. Forfinances ControlledgrowthastheLordleads Healthforthechurchandthefamily Spiritualgrowth ThattheLordwouldfilleveryseatevery Sunday Childrensministries Salvationforthelost MypersonaltimewiththeLord Continuedhealingformylegwounds SalvationforAustin(myGrandson) SalvationforKrysta(mydaughter) Additionalsupporters Godsprovision Ourtransfertothestates Productivelastfewweekshere Newleadershipofthechurch PastorBrian(Cebuanopastor)


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